Chapter 450 I Admire You More and More

Seeing that both Jinna and Hanks were in despair, as the core members of the team, Leon naturally couldn't share a negative attitude like them.

Hearing Leon's words, both Jinna and Hanks were cheered up.

Because based on their understanding of Leon, Leon was very reliable in both speaking and doing things. It could be said that he would do what he said.

"Just tell me what it is. Don't keep me in suspense."

Whether it was Jinna or Hanks, they were all very curious about what Leon said.

These two men were both elites, but they had no choice but to be tired of fame. They couldn't practice martial arts as freely as Leon did, or spent most of their time on what they liked every day.

Looking at the eager eyes of the two, Leon said, "The most important part of this matter is the free exploration."

The open space of the southern star region was not as simple as the mission that the Empire warship students were currently carrying out.