Chapter 8 : Back to Home

"Then why are you nervous? Why are your cheeks turning red like you're blushing?" Shao Feng said in a defiant tone.

Even though it was dark, and the sounds of frogs and birds in the night were deafening, this conversation was exciting for Shao Feng. She didn't seem to want to stop making An Yifan choke on her words.

Of course she had a goal. Her goal was to get An Yifan away from her. She didn't want to get involved with An Yifan, especially regarding Yuanshai Valley. If An Yifan found out about her cultivation and reincarnation, then everything would be chaotic.

"Why are you silent, Mr. An?"

An Yifan had been trapped by Shao Feng's words. His heart was pumping faster now, he didn't know what to say. He was speechless!

He couldn't even confirm the feelings in his heart towards Shao Feng.

The most powerful answer for An Yifan right now was...

"Stop talking bullshit, let's go home! Can't you see how dark the sky is?"

"Now you're the one changing the topic." Said Shao Feng.

Just as Shao Feng's head was lowered to look at her shoes, An Yifan suddenly grabbed her hand and her feet automatically followed An Yifan who pulled her by force.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?!" Shao Feng shouted frantically.

And An Yifan's expression was very flat. Even so, he couldn't help but smile in amusement when he heard Shao Feng's scream that sounded so soft and feminine in his ears.

This trick really works for changing the topic!

An Yifan took Shao Feng to Blenau Village. Next to the house of one of the residents, his black car was parked neatly and luxuriously there. His intentions were not bad, he wanted to bring Shao Feng home. Also to know Shao Feng's house.

"I can get to the station and catch the train, no need to drive me home." Shao Feng said when An Yifan offered her to get in the car.

But An Yifan refused and said, "No. You are an immature teenage girl, it is very dangerous for you to ride the train alone."

Hearing An Yifan's words of refusal made Shao Feng couldn't help but exhale roughly. In Shao Feng's mind, it was An Yifan who was the boy. Because Shao Feng's true soul was hundreds of years old.

"Alright, I'm coming with you."

Shao Feng finally relented and got into the car. She sat beside the driver's seat, while An Yifan ... he immediately entered the car and started the car's engine.


The engine starts and makes a sound. Without wasting much time, An Yifan immediately drove at a normal speed.

The journey is accompanied by the silence of the night. Neither of them spoke. Shao Feng was too lazy to speak, and also An Yifan was confused about what to talk about.

Several tens of minutes had passed and both of them were focused on their thoughts.

Until finally, An Yifan decided to open a chat.

"Where is your house?" An Yifan said without taking his eyes off the road in front of him.

Hearing the classic question from An Yifan, Shao Feng was silent for a while. The girl dug up information and memories from her mind about her home address.

A moment later, Shao Feng turned her head to the side and looked at An Yifan as she said with an air of calm,

"Block M Orchid Street."

An Yifan nodded, then drove the car at such high speed that the sound of the engine sounded very clear to the ears.

It's late at night, and a girl hasn't come home yet. An Yifan was worried that Shao Feng's mother would worry about her daughter and become restless.

The journey began to take a short time because of the speed of An Yifan's car. The black car now stopped right in front of a small house that looked shabby and simple.

When he got out of the car and saw the condition of Shao Feng's house, An Yifan was quite surprised and had no idea that a girl as beautiful and wonderful as Shao Feng actually lived in such a simple place.

"Mr. An, now you can back to your home." Shao Feng said flatly.

Meanwhile, An Yifan was still staring at Shao Feng's house. As soon as he heard Shao Feng's words, his daydream was instantly shattered.

"Oh, yes. You are right. I must go home. Alright, see you later!"

Shao Feng replied with a friendly smile. A moment later, she saw An Yifan get into the car and start the engine.

The next second, An Yifan's car drove away. Now Shao Feng could breathe a sigh of relief.

Shao Feng turned around and stepped into the house. As soon as the door opened, she was startled by the sight in front of her.

"Mother? Why have not you fallen asleep yet? It is late." Shao Feng said when she saw her mother sitting pensively with a worried expression on her face.

"Oh my Fengfeng! Where have you been? Did you know Mom was worried about you? Why come home so late?"

Yu Ran immediately stood up and ran over to Shao Feng. She hugged Shao Feng's body and held her so tightly. Shao Feng could feel the worry of a mother who was now hugging her.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I was too busy at a friend's house to forget that it was night." Said Shao Feng lying.

A moment later Shao Feng continued,

"Mom, you must go to sleep. It's already very late."

Hearing her daughter's advice, Yu Ran immediately let go of her claws. She looked at Shao Feng and smiled sadly,

"Thank goodness you're okay, Fengfeng. I was very worried. You're all I have in this world, if you leave … I don't even know if I can survive or not."

"Mother, don't say things like that. I will always be there for you."

Shao Feng's words were like a sedative to Yu Ran. The middle-aged woman then gently patted her daughter's shoulder as she said,

"Alright, I will sleep in peace this time. You sleep too. Tomorrow you have school, but if you feel unfit, then you can rest at home."

Shao Feng shook her head, "No, ma'am. I'm going to school tomorrow."

"Okay if that's what you want."

Next, Yu Ran rushed to lock the door and turned off the light after sending her daughter back to the room.

However, just as she was about to step into the room, a question suddenly appeared in Shao Feng's mind.

Shao Feng immediately turned to look at her mother who was closing the door and asked,

"Mom, where's Father?"

True, since her reincarnation she had never once seen her father's figure.

But for Yu Ran, Shao Feng's question was heart-wrenching.

"Your father must be gambling and drinking at the nightclub. Forget it and don't think about it! You must rest." Yu Ran said with a serious facial expression.
