Chapter 9 : System Came For Shao Feng

Inside her room, Shao Feng sat on the edge of the bed after locking the bedroom door. She looked around. With a wardrobe made of wood, a simple study table with a bench that is also made of wood, also with this wooden bed ... all really like rooms for people with a poor economy.

This room was in stark contrast to the hospital VIP room she was in yesterday. Like water and fire.

"Hufftttttttt ...."

Taking a deep breath, Shao Feng lay down on the bed on her back. Her eyes stared at the ceiling, her mind full of future plans in her mind.

Cultivation, adaptation, school, and family.

Now, her life is really like a teenage girl in the modern age.

Shao Feng's mind drifted deep into her past. She remembered an old, worn-out hut that had been her first residence in practicing her magic abilities.

Years passed and the old hut turned into a magnificent palace that was famous as the Lian Sheng Witch Palace.

In her heyday, the emperor and members of the royal family even felt disdain for her. No one dared to make trouble with her.

The extraordinary magic that Shao Feng possessed in the past was able to kill people in seconds, without even touching them!

She was the ruler of her age!

"I will return to being the ruler of this modern age!" Shao Feng thought.

Whether or not Shao Feng was serious about what she said, the sighs that escaped her nose were truly a sign of despair.

With a teenage body, what can Shao Feng do?

"Huffttt …." Again, a sigh escaped her nose and mouth.

Shao Feng closed her eyes, trying to sleep and start a new day after sunrise.


"Shao Feng!"

The sound of calling on her behalf made Shao Feng's eyes suddenly open. When she looked around, Shao Feng was very surprised.

This place wasn't her room, Shao Feng was now in the middle of nowhere. This place was exactly like the dimension before Shao Feng was reincarnated.

"Shao Feng!"

Shao Feng looked back, to the right, to the left, and in all directions to look for the figure calling her name, but she found nothing.

In this white dimension, everything is white. And nothing object there. Being in this dimension for so long made Shao Feng's head spin.

"Shao Feng!"

Unable to bear the repeated calls to her, Shao Feng shouted loudly,

"Who are you? Show yourself!"

One second, three seconds, five seconds, time passed but there was silence.

The voice of the call her name no longer appeared, but Shao Feng was stuck in confusion. Shao Feng's brows furrowed, and she wondered why the voice had disappeared.

A few moments later, the voice returned.

"I am the system that came for you. There's some basic information you need to know."

Hearing those words, Shao Feng now began to understand. She remembered the words of someone in the same place before she was reincarnated.

This must have been the system already mentioned, the system that was said to bring good luck to her life.

Realizing that, Shao Feng was no longer confused. The look on her face returned to calm as if she knew everything.

Shao Feng took a deep breath. Even though the system's form had never been seen by her senses, Shao Feng still dared to ask calmly.

"Alright, what basic information do I need to know?"

"The first thing you need to know is, that the system wasn't created for your luck. Lucky or unlucky, it depends on your attitude. When you do good, the system will reward you. When you commit a crime, the system will punish you."

Shao Feng was pensive at that sentence. Maybe this is nature's way to make her soul better than before.

In the past, she was a powerful shaman who had a high ego and arrogance. She is often ruthless and does whatever she likes without regard for others.

Now, she lives in a different era, different age, different old years, and with a different system.

This system can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the way it behaves.

Perhaps this is nature's way of giving her consequences for her past actions and behavior.

And also the strange youth who killed her ... it's possible that it was part of the universe's plan.

"Okay, I see what you mean. Then, what kind of benefits will I get from the system?" Said Shao Feng calmly, even though her mind was filled with thousands of questions.

This was her first time interacting with the system, there were many things she didn't understand. She must ask to clarify her rights and obligations.

In the middle of the white dimension, Shao Feng looked up and looked up, as if the system was a God who could see it from up there.

Shao Feng's eyes even throbbed in pain from being in the white dimension for too long. It hurt so much, but she tried to hold it in.

"The benefits will vary depending on how big and valuable the good you do is. You can earn a billion yuan in the blink of an eye."

Wow! That is a very generous offer!

"But you cannot do good because of profit, you must do it out of a pure desire in your heart."

The words from the system now made Shao Feng frown. This will be a problem if she can't control her brain and heart to be a good and sincere person.

Thinking in silence, Shao Feng lowered her head with raised eyebrows. The look on her face showed that she was deep in thought.

There was one thing that stuck in her mind.

"This is a strange place, why do I continue to be here?" Shao Feng asked after a long thought.

"The white dimension is part of your subconscious. You will continue to be here because of the call of the universe."

Universe call?

If it's part of the subconscious, doesn't that mean it's just a dream?

Shao Feng wondered because she was curious about what was going on in her life, but she chose to hide her curiosity. There were still more important things to ask.

About the system, cultivation, and reincarnation. It would all have an enormous impact on the soul of a hundred-year-old shaman.

Shao Feng remained silent again to think about her next question, but when she remained silent for too long … suddenly something changed in her surroundings.

Shao Feng could feel that way.

Crack crack crack...

The sound of cracks sounded in Shao Feng's ears. The floor suddenly shook and made Shao Feng almost fall.

The crack became more and more violent, like an earthquake of great strength about to strike the white dimension.

And unfortunately, only Shao Feng was in the white dimension. Somehow where the system went, but there's been no sound from the system since this cracking sound.

Shao Feng was adrift in the white dimension, she didn't even have a pole to hold on to.

"What is this?!" Shao Feng asked frantically.

Her tone even rose three times higher. There was no reply from the system to Shao Feng's question.

Dig... dig... dig...

Instead, a large figure appeared in front of her.


Shao Feng saw the figure very clearly, the sound of the countdown sounded very clear. Her brow furrowed and her face looked confused.



"I don't know what will happen, I'll just give up!" Shao Feng muttered as she closed her eyes.

