Chapter 15 : Magic Power From the Past

After school, Shao Feng didn't

go home. She chose to go to Yuanshai Valley to increase her cultivation skills.

Shao Feng stepped with a fast rhythm. She quickly walks to the station so as not to miss the train.

When she arrived at the station, Shao Feng decided to rest on a bench.

She sat on the bench. A few minutes later, Shao Feng reach into her shirt pocket to take out the money and counted it.

But when her hand get into her pocket, she didn't feel anything.

There was nothing in her pocket.

"Has my money run out?" Shao Feng muttered then lowered her head to look into her shirt pocket.

Apparently right, the money ran out.

Realizing that made Shao Feng snort in annoyance. Now, she had to walk a long distance.

Shao Feng immediately stood up and walked away from the station. She walked very fast with big footsteps.

Beads of sweat dripped down from her forehead and school uniform. Yet her breathing remained steady with a steady heartbeat as well.

After walking for a long distance, Shao Feng felt tired. Her calf muscles began to form due to walking so far.

'System, I'm so tired. Can you make me teleport to Yuanshai Valley?' Shao Feng thought.

[Why not use your magic power? Weren't you a shaman in the past?]

The system's words suddenly made Shao Feng stop in her tracks. Shao Feng froze in place for a moment. Her brow furrowed, revealing the confusion in her mind.

Her brain was trying to digest what the system said.

Magic power?

Does that still work now?

Haven't I been reincarnated?

Shao Feng thought so hard that her brows almost knit together.

People passing by on the street were even surprised to see Shao Feng who looked stunned and confused in the middle of the road.

Suddenly an old geezer greeted Shao Feng even though they didn't know each other.

"Hey Kid, what's wrong with you?"

The old man's voice suddenly broke Shao Feng's thoughts. Shao Feng turned around and replied to the old man's words.

"It's nothing, Sir."

After saying that, the old man then smiled and walked away.

Shao Feng's eyes now looked around. This area is very crowded and congested. People passed and walked.

Shao Feng walked over to one of the public toilets beside the road. She got inside and closed the toilet door tightly.

"I will try to teleport using my magic power." Shao Feng muttered.

Now, inside the small public toilet, Shao Feng closed her eyes and cast a spell to do teleportation magic.

As the time on casting spells, Shao Feng's mind was wandering. Will that magic power be able to work even after she was reincarnated?

Shao Feng had no idea. Since her first day of reincarnation, she never tested her magic power.

If her magic power proved no worked, then Shao Feng would accept it gracefully.

However, this is just a test run.

Shao Feng would have not high expectations. She tried it only because the system said.

As the time casting the spell, Shao Feng could feel her body weight slowly starting to decrease.

The longer it went on, she felt more effects of her casting spell.

Now Shao Feng's body felt like floating in outer space. She felt that her body had no weight.

With her eyes closed, Shao Feng didn't stop chanting in her mind. Until a few moments later, she felt the air temperature was different.

In the past, Shao Feng knew that the trait of successful teleportation magic was the air temperature felt different because it mean that the magician had arrived at her destination.

Slowly, Shao Feng opened her eyelids.

The first thing that came into her view was a huge, towering tree.

Shao Feng was amazed by what her eyes had just seen. Shao Feng's head quickly turned left and right, looking at the surroundings.

It's not in a public toilet but in the forest.

Her teleportation magic really worked!

"Good grief! Why did I just realize this now? It turns out that my magic power is still working even after reincarnating!" Said Shao Feng excitedly.

[Magic is the knowledge that can be learned by anyone regardless of age. It doesn't matter whether you are reincarnated or not, sorcery has been embedded in your past memories, and it can be applied to your new life.]

The information from the system made Shao Feng understand now.

Now, apart from having to increase her cultivation level, Shao Feng also had to re-honed her magic power.

"Okay, thanks for the information you provided. But I'm curious, where can I practice my martial cultivation ability? In modern times like this it is very rare to find cultivators. It might even be impossible to find a cultivator in this modern age." Shao Feng said.

Now she was in Yuanshai Valley. No telepathy is needed to interact with the system. She could speak normally in this lonely place.

[You can join the martial community in your city.]

"Okay. I will do it."

After saying that, Shao Feng walked over and climbed up a large rock that had once served as a place for meditation.

After meditating yesterday, Shao Feng's Qi cultivation was at the

Qi Gathering level 3.

The Qi Gathering Stage was the most basic level in the cultivation world.

While her body's cultivation was still at Mortal Flesh level 1, which was the most basic level and level in the cultivation world.

Now, Shao Feng sitting cross-legged on the rock, she wants to do Qi circulation.

Qi circulation is the act of controlling the Qi flowing from the dantian through the meridians, and back to the dantian in one cycle.

Its purpose is to help replenish stamina, purify Qi, or strengthen meridians.

If her meridians were strong, then her Qi cultivation level would increase greatly.

Shao Feng inhaled for ten seconds, then held it for ten seconds, then exhaled for ten seconds as well.

This activity she did repeatedly until she can feel the Qi energy flowing in her body.

After several hours of Qi Circulation, Shao Feng decided to rest.

"I have to practice my magic skills! This is a good time to do the most basic thing in the wizarding world." Shao Feng muttered with a look on her face.

The forest is the best place to practice magic. There are many types of plants that can be used as ingredients for making potions and ritual activities.

For a legendary shaman like Shao Feng, she didn't need a magic book or anything else to memorize spells.

She memorized more than a thousand spells for various purposes. And now just need to sharpen it.