Chapter 16 : The Five Basic Elements in Magic

Shao Feng was standing on a ground that had flat land.

The forest in the Yuanshai Valley is very wonderful and cool. It gave Shao Feng's body a natural freshness.


Shao Feng closed her eyes, then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

She was trying to absorb the realm energy of the Yuanshai Valley. It really clearly the difference between ordinary places like towns, villages, and schools with this mystical valley.

As time passed, the realm energy seemed to be sensitive to Shao Feng's presence.

A gust of wind blew, ruffling the girl's blonde hair. The sound of birds echoed around Shao Feng as well.

The big trees that towered around Shao Feng seemed to move left and right following the wind.

Shao Feng spread her arms out, her mind focused on the

realm energy.

With her eyes closed, Shao Feng did not realize what was happening around her.

She didn't realize that the tornado was right in front of her, water bubbles float in the air, and also giant stones seemed to appear from the ground foolhardly.

Gradually, Shao Feng's body seemed to be electrocuted so that her body shook for a while.

Shao Feng more closed her eyes and continued to focus on her thoughts. The wrinkles seemed very obvious on her eyes and cheeks because she trying hard to close her eyes.

She endured the pain in her body for a while until finally the strong wind suddenly began to dissipate.

Shao Feng's blonde hair which was swaying in the wind was now slowly starting to return to its original place.

Feeling no more sound and gusts of wind, Shao Feng now started to open her eyes slowly.

The state of the Yuanshai Valley suddenly turned very messy. The leaves fell scattered, tree branches fell scattered on the ground, air pollution due to the brunt of the tornado, and also the surface of the ground looked wet due to the sudden fall of water bubbles.

Seeing all those sights made Shao Feng smile happily.

"Good! The five basic elements have entered into my new body." Shao Feng muttered excitedly.

In the magic world, five system elements form the basis of magic. The five elements are earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

The pain has just she feels suffered was from an elemental particle who trying to enter Shao Feng's body.

Shao Feng lowered her head and looked down. Near her feet was a small puddle of dirt. She wanted to do a little practice.

With an aura full of grace, Shao Feng crouched down and swung her arms in the air towards the puddle.

Instantly the water bubbles in the puddle going up and following the direction of Shao Feng's hand swinging.

The water bubbles float in the air.

"Good! The Water element works! I'm really going back to being a Shame now." Said Shao Feng with an enthusiastic face.

She never imagined to her that she could return to being a magician in her second life.

[You should put your magic to good use and well-doing. Don't do anything bad or you will know the consequences.]

Hearing the reminder from the system, Shao Feng smiled gently in response to the reminder.

"Of course! Do you think I am a wicked person?"

[Yes, in your past life.]

Shao Feng was stunned when the robotic voice said that in her mind. How could the System know about her past life?

"Woah, looks like you also know about my past life. I was indeed a wicked person in a past life. But there is a reason behind my evil nature. It's because of my ancestor's grudge against the empire, I have to avenge it!"

Shao Feng said with a strong emphasis on each sentence. Her fists clenched tightly as she remembered the lecherous things the imperial family had done to her family and ancestors.

[You don't need revenge if you are a good person.]

When the system said it, the sharp glare from Shao Feng's eyes suddenly disappeared in an instant. Her clenched fists began to weaken.

She remembered her grudge against the imperial family, but now … she couldn't avenge her because she had been in a different world.

"In fact, I can't revenge them with own myself until I die."

Shao Feng pondered in silence. The cause of her death is still a mystery to this day.

The figure of the strange youth who killed her was truly mysterious, even though she didn't know why reason she was killed.

And one more thing that made Shao Feng very curious.

Her magic power in the past...

Why couldn't her magic power destroy the youth?

"System, do you know anything about the youth who killed me in a past life?"

[I don't know.]

Shao Feng fell silent hearing the answer from the system. She was convinced that the system was lying. But behind the lie, Shao Feng was sure that the System must have a strong reason for lying.

"Humph, fine. I'll not remember the bad incident of my past life again. I will focus on being a good person at this age."

Shao Feng trotted over to the tree branches that were scattered by the whirlwind that had occurred earlier.

Now she has the five basic elements of magic, she can control the elements of earth, water, air, fire, and spirit.

The Earth element, is an element that is deeply connected to the elements of land and soil. The Earth Element is used to generate and manipulate land.

With the power of this magical element, Shao Feng could magic perform out the following.

•Earthquake : earthquake shaking.

•Boulder : erased a stone giant from the ground land to be used as a stone giant ball.

•Meteor : blow away a stone and ground, then drop it downwards in the form of a meteor.

•Earth wall : form a wall of stone and ground.

•Path master : form a road or bridge from the ground.

•Stone ball : painful stone blast.

Water Element, is an element that often appears in the form of controlling ice and water. The Water Element is the most friendly and useful element.

With the power of this magical element, Shao Feng could magic perform out the following.

•Mass freeze : frozen objects or enemies.

•Ice shards : erased pointed ice needles from the ground.

•Ice blast : blast that sometimes hurts, the rest freezes.

•Twister : creates a whirlpool in the water.

•Ice block : create ice blocks for purposes such as holding down enemies.

•Douse : spend water to fill a puddle or extinguish a fire.

•Rain : control the rain.

The Air element, is the easiest element to learn because it is all around us. Although it looks weak, but the air has very strong potential.

With the power of this magical element, Shao Feng could magic perform out the following.

•Cyclone : ​​cyclone that can be controlled.

•Wind arrow : arrows made of air but can still cause blood.

•Wind force : air blast form.

•Tornado : storm as anger.

•Air force: air pressure that can lift objects.

•Blow : blowing wind to hit room or enemy.

Fire Element, is the most popular realm element. However, this was also a temperamental element as it could injure Shao Feng herself if she was not careful with its use.

With the power of this magical element, Shao Feng could magic perform out the following.

•Fire blast : a blast of fire that functions to light a torch or burn an opponent.

•Flames : ignites fire from the ground and cause a fire.

•Fire saw : a move similar to a saw blade that runs straight on the ground towards the target.

•Incineration : adjust the temperature to heat the room.

•Supernova : as the name implies, this move can produce a powerful fire explosion.

•Flamethrower : a burst of fire that can burn.

•Fire dance : the name of the fire martial art.

•Fire blades : a difficult move, because it condenses fire to form it into a sword.

Spirit Element, is a basic element that is useful for summoning spirits, cooperating with spirits, and increasing the power of using spirits.

The spirit Element is strongly related to the shamanic world. In various shaman rituals, the spirit element is the most frequently used.