Chapter 17 : The Phoenix Furnace

Now Shao Feng was in front of the scattered tree's twigs.

She then gathered the twigs in one place, then swung her arms in the air, and her hands moved towards the twigs.

A burst of fire suddenly appeared and hit right at the pile of twigs. It sets the twigs on fire.

"Good! No more scattered tree twigs." Shao Feng muttered as she brushed the dust and dirt off her palms by clapping her hands.

[Notice: You have acquired the five basic elements in magic and reached Qi Gathering cultivation level 7 on day two of your reincarnation. The system will automatically appreciate it. Therefore, you get a reward of appreciation.]

Shao Feng's activity of observing Yuanshai Valley was suddenly stopped when the robotic voice of the system resonated in her mind again.

Does she get another gift? Wow, what a lucky day!

Shao Feng smiled and was enthusiastic. She unhesitatingly immediately said,


After saying that, a white light suddenly appeared in front of her, just like what happened in her bedroom this morning.

After the white light began to dissipate, Shao Feng immediately take up an object that had just appeared in front of her.

Her eyes widened in astonishment with an O-shaped mouth. What was in her hand at this moment literally left her speechless in amazement.

In her hand was a golden stove with exquisite carvings of birds. The golden glow of the furnace was able to dazzle the eyes.

Shao Feng never imagined that she would get such a precious reward as this from the system.

"Th-this … this is the Phoenix Furnace!"

The Phoenix Furnace was an extremely rare item among all ages in the realm. Even cultivators with the Immortal God level who ruled over Earth didn't necessarily have a Phoenix Furnace.

"System, please tell me! Are you really seriously giving me this gift?"

Shao Feng still couldn't believe what had happened. It was like a dream.

Such a beautiful dream … is Shao Feng now living in a dream?

Even Shao Feng's heart skipped a beat when the Phoenix Furnace was in her grasp.

[The system never gives bad gifts. After all, not everyone can be bestowed the System when reincarnated or born into the world. You are one of the lucky ones to have been awarded the system. Even so, you still shouldn't be arrogant, because it will be a double-edged sword for you.]

Shao Feng nodded in agreement.

She looked back at the Phoenix Furnace in her grip. She stared at her Phoenix Furnace for a long time until a robotic sound from the system interrupted her thoughts again.

[Do you already know how to use the Phoenix Furnace?]

Shao Feng was silent for a while.

In her past life, she had never seen the Phoenix Furnace directly. She had only heard legendary stories from the villagers and had an idea of ​​the Phoenix Furnace's appearance.

It was said that the Phoenix Furnace only belonged by descendants of the emperor and the best cultivators.

When she was forty years old, she once stole the ecstasy pills produced by the emperor's Phoenix Furnace. The pill gave her a very long life old, even immortal if not killed by an strange youth.

However, Shao Feng did not know how the Phoenix Furnace worked.

"I don't know." Shao Feng said honestly.

[The system will teach you.]

Hearing the System's statement, Shao Feng suddenly became excited and couldn't believe it.

"Is that true? Are you serious?" Shao Feng asked enthusiastically.

[Of course.]

Shao Feng was very happy. She raised her head and looked up. She saw the clouds, it was still not dark. That meant she still had time before going home.

"Teach me now!"

[Not now. You can practice at your home. Look what time it is, your Mother must be worried about you.]

Hearing the System's answer made Shao Feng let out a sigh of surrender.

System's words were true, she had to go home so her mother wouldn't worry.

A few moments later, Shao Feng opened her school bag and took out a Storage Bag. She opened the Storage Bag, then stuffed the Phoenix Furnace inside.

When Shao Feng closed her Storage Bag, the size of the huge Phoenix Furnace miraculously matched the size of the Storage Bag.

It made the Storage Bag look empty, even though the inside was a large and precious Phoenix Furnace.

Next, Shao Feng put her Storage Bag back into the school bag.

"Everything is done. Time to go home."

Shao Feng closed her eyes, then cast a spell to teleport to her home. A moment later, when she opened her eyes, she was in her room.

[Shao Feng, you must be careful in teleporting. It would be very dangerous if there has someone realized your self was at somewhere sudden.]