11 | We never learn, we've been here before

Staying at the Academy made Elyse's life change. From the moment her parents were attacked by an unknown person, she was saved by Maria — the 4th District Leader.

In order to save her family, she needed the Master's power but the Empire was in turmoil when they found out that the Master went missing. And then another new Master arose to the throne and had complete power to overrule everyone.

The Leaders don't think about making their Master go back for the Empire. They all know that the Master went missing because of the Empire itself. But is it really just about the Empire? Everyone was furious and confused to see their Master one day went missing as if she's running away.

Everyone wanted to know the truth — why did the old Master of Empire go missing? And so, Elyse's mission starts. She was given the mission to find their Master in disguise by attending the Academy and reaching the ranks of the Student Council to have more access. And with also, moving without the new Master's eyes watching them.

But her adjective was added when she saw a picture of the old Master hanging around the Library with a Diary in it. Elyse found out she was Aniya's Descendant through the necklace when she saw her portrait. And when she finally attended the Academy, everyone hated her.

She was treated unwell and everyone stayed away from her.

And then she met the twins; Arrow and Arbor, Artemis's Descendants. They also have the memories everyone's been talking about since the Legend.

"The Memory" is a shard of its certain ancestor. Every Descendant is born with its Ancestor's blood but only a certain person will inherit the Ancestor's memory and awaken their powers. This phenomenon happened when a certain young boy has awoken his powers and inherited the memories of his Ancestor, King Samuel.

Each certain Descendant has one and Arrow and Arbor is one of them.

As the night falls in the Academy, alone in her room. Elyse went to the Balcony to have some fresh air. It's already been a week since she arrived here. For those days, she practiced Archery very well and ace her scores and grades. But whenever she does that, she would always get the comment of "Well, of course, you're Aniya's Descendant anyway" with their mocking smile and voice.

It was unfair for Elyse but she chose to ignore those things. To her, the only goal in her mind is to revive her Family, and find Lucia and if the Goddesses of Threads wanted, Elyse also wants to know her Ancestor.

Elyse gazes at the bright full moon with her head leaning against the wall. Her hair fluttered in the wind while holding gently the necklace to her neck.

"I also want to know..." Elyse whispered looking at the full moon.

"I..." suddenly a gust of wind came inside the room making all pieces of paper fly up into the air. Elyse stood up, fixed the table, and got the messy papers from the floor. While doing so, she saw the Diary again on her desk.

"Ah... I didn't return it?" She asks herself.

"That's weird... I thought I returned it." She mumbles and picked up the diary from the table. She went back to the balcony, sitting on the cold floor reading under the bright light of the full moon.

The Diary is about Lucia's life when she entered the Academy. As she read the words piece by piece, she touched the words engraved on the paper and suddenly quick flashbacks entered her head.


[Past, Centuries Earlier]

"Wow! So, this is Olympia!" Said the young and bright Lucia gazing up to the beautiful and gorgeous golden gates of The Palace of Olympia.

"Brother! Look!" Lucia said to her brother who walked by her side as she pointed to the huge golden gates. Her brother nodded his head.

"Yes. So slow down please." He said and Lucia didn't hear him as her eyes sparkles in awe.

"It's so beautiful!" She commented and suddenly servants open the gates and guides the both of them to enter the Palace. They were both welcomed by the Crown Prince's parents, The Emperor and Empress as well as the young and handsome crown Prince — Samuel.

Lucia couldn't say anything as she was trucked by his undeniable beauty as if the Gods did think deeply about his features. With his shiny blond hair and ocean blue eyes, he looks like he just came out of a beautiful painting.

The Crown Prince then kissed her hands as a greeting towards Lucia. After he kissed her hands, blushing she quickly hide behind her brother's back.

After the quick introductions and praises, Lucia became a part of the Alphas and became close to the other members.

Lucia was a beautiful woman. She was born half-blood. With her beautiful purple night sky eyes and black raven hair, she was undeniably gorgeous as she portrays the cold moon with her fair white snow skin and red cherry lips.

With just her lovely bright smile and bright eyes looking at you, she can make any person love her. Born from a Moon Goddess and a Vampire, she was a sheltered child. She knows nothing about the world and was treated preciously like she was a person who was fragile.

Although she was treated only as the precious inside of her family and not outside. As Lucia tried to step outside after she became one of the Alphas and as everyone announced her presence to the entire world, others rejoiced for the new young Moon while others envied her.

Those who envied and mistreated her while the others who rejoiced tried to use her. Since she has both Yin and Yang in her body, she was a powerful person which caused her normal body to suffer. But fragile-looking she is, she remains strong and bright.

Because she believes them.

She believed in the members of the Alphas.

Suddenly, the vision of Lucia's past life stopped and an image of the back of the lady turning her head towards Elyse made her startled.

Her eyes were crying in blood red, her black hair turned white, and also the color of her eyes. There was also a form of a full moon on her forehead, with blood in her hands and body full of red blood, she asked Elyse.

"Why did you do it?" She said with an ominous tone which made Elyse woke up.

[End of Flashback, Present Day Centuries Later]


Elyse quickly opens her eyes, catching her breath to find herself that she fell asleep on the cold floor of the balcony. She also noticed that there was already a blanket covering her body from the cold wind.

She looks at her hand to see that the Diary is still there. She flipped the pages once again to find some clues but strange enough, the Diary's context was gone. Every page is blank and there are no words or letters to find.

"What...?" She whispered under her breath as she keeps flipping the pages more but there were still no words or letters appearing inside of Diary.

'What is happening?'


"No... Don't... Wait..." Elyse kept mumbling from her sleep and from far away a lady wearing a black coat, covering her face with a hood glanced down at Elyse from the highest tree with her red eyes glowing.

"Foolish child." The mysterious lady mumbled and snaps her finger to give Elyse a blanket.

Minutes after, Elyse woke up catching her breath. The mysterious lady turns her back away from Elyse and disappears into the thin air.