12 | Tina

"So, if we do this, then we will have to —" The Professor said while discussing their lesson.

Elyse stares outside from the window with her mind absent from the lesson. She still couldn't find any other reason why she suddenly had a flashback of the Master's past memory. What's more, the new Master will visit the Academy with the Princess of The Underworld. It is also known as The Kingdom of Souls.

"Miss Elyse?" The teacher calls her name in which she turned her head to look at the board.

"Yes, sir." She answered and stood up.

"How will you explain the difference between a Mana and its core?" The teacher said while Elyse fiddled her fingers secretly behind her bank. Eli noticed her fingers since she was sitting behind her, Eli smiled.

'If you were really Aniya, she wouldn't do that.' She thought looking at Elyse's fingers.

"Mana and Core are both relative to each other. Mana is like energy for the Core to process. A core of a person is similar to a heart while Mana is all about energy. A core cannot process without its own core, the same goes for the core. As for the difference, Mana produces power and ability giving it to the core where in other words, a core can be of storage." Elyse said with confidence in herself. Eli started clapping and everyone followed her.

Elyse blinked, she didn't notice that she said that with confidence and impressed her teacher and classmates.

"Well, a good explanation, Miss Elyse. Let me ask you another one —" The teacher said and glares at her.

"How will you use mana when you're fighting with a core-bearer?" The teacher then raises his hands, "as you can also know. Mana and core are two different things that have been inside the human body. A normal person would know that Mana and core are two different things basically. But what happens if there is a core-bearer who never needed mana to have powers?" Elyse was stunned.

'Is there... such a monstrous person can hold that much?' Elyse thought.

For her, there would be no other person who can handle such a thing. Without a core, that said person wouldn't also have mana to perform magic or have ability and powers.

"I... don't think I understand Sir," Elyse admitted. She has never heard such a thing in her entire life studying magic.

The teacher laughs at her answer. "Well, what a disappointment. Since you are Aniya's Descendant, I thought you would know such top classic secret." The teacher said. Elyse suddenly felt shivers down to her spine and a vision entered her mind, "what a disappointment." That is what the woman in her memory said.

Her head starts to ache. She doesn't want to faint in the classroom so she pinches herself to come back to her senses, Eli noticed Elyse's strange complexion. Eli then understands that she is not feeling well.

"Teacher —"

"I meant I don't quite understand sir," Elyse cuts off Eli's words by staring at the teacher's eyes with confidence in her eyes.

"I do have not heard such a person can be a core-bearer without mana since it is indeed impossible for us. Well, for us normal humans. But what happens if we are not normal? There would be a hundred percent for such a person to have it. Since only 'divine creatures' will have it." Said Elyse with her eyes glowing gold.

"Huh? Where did I get such information? Why... I can't move my hands? And why is my mind and body processing on its own?" Elyse thought while giving her explanation to the teacher who tried to insult her. The teacher was left speechless and in awe of her confidence.

Eli on the other side smirked. 'It looks like the villain is back.'

"Impressive, Miss Elyse. You may sit down." Said the Teacher and her glowing eyes fade away making Elyse control her body once again. She quietly sat down in her seat and waits for the bell to ring.


"You were amazing back there!" Eli said cheering Elyse when the bell rang indicating its Lunch Time. This time, both Eli and Elyse sat in their chairs as they ate their lunch inside the classroom.

"You really burned the teacher back there! He was trying to humiliate you but there you go! You humiliate him first! Haha! That was quite a show~" Eli said opening the windows in the classroom while Elyse chewed on her sandwich.

"Yeah... I actually burned him. Haha, I might get expelled because of what I did..." Elyse said mumbling while eating her lunch. Eli heard that so she turns her head and look at Elyse.

"Say, Elyse. Where did you get that kind of information?" Eli asked. "Your answer was a top-secret. Or should I say, only your Ancestor, Aniya should know it." Eli confronted her.

Elyse gulped her sandwich and sigh, "I also don't get it. I was humiliated. He suddenly said I was a disappointment and then a vision suddenly entered my mind. There was also a woman, it was blurry so I can't see it clearly,"

"She said, I am a disappointment. I don't know what has gotten into me. Everything just went blank and all I know is that I answered the teacher like that. As if someone just controlled me out of nowhere." Elyse continued.

"You know, that information was only known for the first Alphas. In other words, our Ancestors." Eli spoke and sat down beside her.

"That's right, how did you also know it?" Elyse asked her.

"Well, as you know I am Lovelia's Descendant so I too inherited her memories. So, I know." She shrugged.

"Then, is it really true that only divine creatures can have such a thing?" Eli nodded her head.

"Well, we all know someone who has that."

"Who is it?"

Eli sighed, "It's Tina's Descendant." Elyse's eyes were wide open to hear such a familiar name.


"Tina? Who is she?" Eli turns her head to Elyse.

"She's..." Eli paused, checking Elyse first before saying something else.

"...." Eli couldn't say anything else and decided to avoid Elyse's question.

"Hey since you're Aniya's Descendant, have you awakened your memories?" She asks, trying to dodge Elyse's question.

'She's avoiding it...' Elyse thought.

"Memory? You mean like what happened to you?" Eli nodded her head.

"Yeah! Since you're —"

"ELYSE!" Arrow suddenly burst open the door, shouting making Eli choke on her food, also Elyse.

"Arrow... you shouldn't do that next time...". Elyse said while coughing.

"Huh? I thought you wouldn't hear me so I shouted your name throughout the school." Elyse's face turned pale. What the hell are you saying?!

"Sorry, my sister's wild right now." Arbor enters the scene from Arrow's behind.

Eli and Arbor's gazes met and they both stare at each other.



They said in unison.

"Oh! Eli is also here! Good timing ya Descendant of Snake! Haha!" Eli glares at Arrow.

"I am Lovelia's Descendant. Her name is not a Snake you arrow freak." Arrow just laughs.

"What did you say you snake?"

"You..." Eli said clenching her fists. While the two of them were insulting each other, Arbor on the other side was left in the corner watching them.

Elyse was speechless to see the chaotic classroom after the mess that Arrow did. She actually broke the door earlier.

"You two, know each other?" Elyse asks making Eli and Arrow's fight stop and both look at her. Smiling.

"Yes! We're both a member of the Student Council." It made Elyse's face turn pale even more.

"What —"

"Oh? We didn't tell you?" Arbor asks, approaching Elyse who's about to faint.

"You two never say something to me from Day One!" Elyse said getting mad at these sudden surprises.

"Oh? Really? Haha, sorry!" Said Arrow shrugging.

"I'm sorry Elyse, I forgot to tell you," Eli said apologizing.

"That's right, what were you two doing here? The club will start after lunch though." Elyse said, changing the topic since she knows her blood pressure will rise.

"Oh! That's right! Hunting Contest!" Arrow said with her eyes shining with excitement.

A hunting contest?