23 | The Shard of Ancient Orb

It was summer when they both sat under a vast grass in their own illusion garden Aniya and Tina made for each other. The beautiful blue sky and the bright sun shining above them make Tina's heart calm. But she couldn't help but feel her chest tightening hugging herself as she shed her tears — crying.

"Hey Rina," Tina spoke breaking the silence between them. Aniya's real name was Rina. But because of the Imperial Family, her name was changed and it made her feel saddened to change name. Because there was a hidden reason why she doesn't like her name to be changed.

But what does it matter anyway when her mother would never listen to her plea? Aniya has no other choice but to obey her mother's orders.

"Yes?" Aniya turn to look at Tina and saw her smiling at her.

"Are you going to leave me?" Aniya froze — she stares at her without moving an inch in her spot. She couldn't speak her mind to Tina. To tell the truth, Aniya doesn't want to leave Tina alone. For her, Tina is her light. She gave her courage and freedom that she couldn't attain in the past.

She remembers that day when Tina defended her from her cruel Mother. She was trembling in fear but Tina's eyes were very fearless that they left quite an impression on her mother.

Aniya never wanted to betray her. Maybe at first when she hasn't met Tina yet. Maybe at first when she still blames someone because of her misfortune. But she realized how childish she was to think that way when Tina is now helping her guide the path she was scared to walk on.

But no matter what Aniya truly desire it will never happen. Because her mother is in her control. Her happiness is what her mother wants.

Tina chuckles and sighs, "You don't have to answer me right now, Rina." She said with her bright and cheery smile.

"Here! Let's just do this." Tina grabs Rina's hands and both made their pinky finger intertwined, "Here! Let's do a pinky promise. If you're going to break our promise, I'll break your finger." She said still smiling. Aniya couldn't help but laugh with tears falling from her eyes.

'You're torturing me, Tina...' She thought to herself.

"Eh? Why are you laughing? It's scary when you break your finger though!" She said with her grumpy face and Aniya stopped laughing and pats her head.

"Fine fine, if I break my promise, you better break my pinky finger." Aniya comforts Tina and she giggles.

"Don't leave me alone in this dark world, Rina." She whispered with her sad eyes looking at Rina. This world may look luxurious and glorious but for Tina, this world is a living hell for her. Because of her family constantly abandoning her and the other people trying to use her.

There is no one that Tina could ever trust, only Hiro. But Aniya killed him. And Sylvia was killed by her mother.

Aniya couldn't help but hug Tina tightly still shedding tears on her face.

"Tina... Do you believe in reincarnation?" She whispers and Tina looks at her.

"If reincarnation does exist, I want you to be happy. It doesn't matter what the price should I pay, Tina. I want you to be happy, genuinely happy." She hugs Tina even more and for the first time, Tina heard her cries.

"A-are you okay, Rina? Should we go to Chad to check on you? O-or Lovelia —" Tina tries to let go of her tight grip but she didn't. She buried her face in Tina's arms while crying.

"Please? Promise me that too, Tina." Aniya whispered and Tina couldn't help but to nod and pats Aniya's head too.

"Sure. I promise."


Under the bright sky of the illusion both made for them to escape the cruel world, they swore an oath to never leave each other's side. Tina believed she won't ever break a promise because she has always been a woman of her words. But she was wrong.

Thunders roared and the ruined castle was turned to dust and the world became dark and rain became blood. As if the Goddesses and Gods are crying for the Alpha's Deaths.

Tina already killed everyone including Hezelle. And there's one last person she hasn't killed yet. Aniya.

Aniya knelt down on her throne while Tina sat down looking at her with her cold eyes.

She stood up and slowly approached Aniya until she was finally in front of her. Tina points out the sword she used to kill the Alphas into Aniya's throat.

Tina's mind went blank and her eyes turned red and purple indicating her rage and pain. There were words that Aniya told Tina but Elyse couldn't hear them anymore as it became static.

Suddenly, Aniya smiled and tears streamed down her eyes.

"It was nice meeting you friend. If ever reincarnation does exist, can we become friends once again?" Aniya's last words made Tina shed tears still her eyes emotionless. She doesn't know what to feel nor what to think but it made her tears fall from her face.

"I'm sorry, for breaking our promise..." Aniya whispered and then Tina cuts her throat.

After the death of Aniya, the last remaining Alpha that she believes is the last survivor abandoned the world and it became a world full of everlasting snow and ice. But she came back after two months, she rebuilt a part of the ruined Castle. The huge hallway when you enter the castle, the garden where everyone was sitting and drinking whenever they have free time, and lastly, the room filled with old and important paintings and other things.

After she rebuilt the most important part of the ruined Castle, she went to the Devil who caused all of her pain and killed him.

Elyse witnessed the graceful fall of Tina holding a holy sword in her hands and huge white beautiful wings on her back after she killed the Devil and transformed into an orb. Tina stood up after the fall and broke a piece of the orb to never awaken him anymore.

Tina realized then that it wasn't the Alpha's fault nor the Imperial Family but because of the Devil who caused these misfortunes for her. Full of regrets in her heart, The Alpha's death haunted her dreams and since then she went insane.

To stop herself from being insane, she decides to enter the world she abandoned once and defeat the Devil that caused her enormous pain. Elyse saw how Tina picked up a small shard of the orb in her hands and made a necklace out of her powers. The necklace suddenly floats with words that Tina said, "May this be guarded by the most important person who can —" Tina's words became static again and unclear for her to hear.

Elyse feels a trembling pain in her chest and mind and screams to ease the pain as tears keep falling from her eyes — she cannot bear the pain she feels in her heart. On the verge of breaking, Elyse felt a warm and comfortable warmth of a person hugging her from behind.

"Don't cry." She whispered sweetly in her ear. She saw a strand of silver hair and a pair of beautiful golden eyes smiling at her.

"We're going to meet again, Elyse." She said and starts to float away from her. Elyse tries to reach her but she couldn't. Catching her breath, Elyse finds herself laying on the bed — sweating.

"We're going to meet again." These are the words that kept ringing in her mind. Elyse breathes in and out, trying to relax her heart and mind from the dream she just saw. The reason must be because of the orb she tried to touch and the conversation she had with Tina back there.

Who would've thought that she would meet Tina this easily? Also, she met another lady who feels familiar with her. Especially her beautiful golden eyes staring at her with such warmth. It's as if she saw it somewhere but she couldn't remember where.

That woman said they will meet again. Elyse clenches her fist, "But when?" She whispered underneath her breath and heave a heavy sigh.

The 'Tina' back there looked so cold and distant while the 'Tina' she saw in another person's memory seemed so innocent and kind.

Pain really changes people's hearts and the way they live in.

Elyse stood up and washes her face down in the sink only to realize late that she was inside their dormitory. But the dormitory feels a little bit different compared to the room Eli and Elyse share back then.

It seems more spacious and there's only one queen's bed.

Elyse glanced at the door when she heard someone knock.

"Elyse? Are you awake?" She heard Chad's voice coming from behind the door.

"Yes..." She stuttered while answering.

"Then, I'm heading inside, okay?" Chad asked with permission and he entered the room holding towel and clothes she'll wear.

"Hey," He waved his hand and Elyse nodded her head.

"Clothes... those look different." She commented and Chad glances at the clothes he was holding and he scoffed.

"Oh yeah, you just woke up. Anyways after you fainted and got the orb we went outside the realm and because of the accident the Hunting Contest will be stopped for 2 years because they believed Artemis must've been angry, we used Hunting to exterminate the demons. I mean, it's still the same but I heard Artemis is kind of conservative. Anyways if you need me, just call —"

"H-hold up, I can't keep up." Elyse stops Chad from talking and he stopped.

"Oh, sure." He nodded his head.

"O-okay. So Uhm. What happened again?" He opens his mouth but he paused.

"I forgot." He said with his blank face.

'Is he a robot disguising as a human?'

Elyse laughed. "I see." Chad smiled and slowly approached Elyse to pat her head. She froze and glances up at him, meeting his red ruby eyes.

"I'm glad you woke up though." He said noticing a hint of relief in his voice. Elyse smiled, "did you think I died?" She asks.

"If you did die, I don't know what to do ...." He stops and stares at Elyse.

"...." Chad went into silence and his face slowly blushes to realize the way he spoke to Elyse.

"A-anyway! I'm just glad you're fine and here! Goodness! Ya know if I don't say that Ray will kill me for leaving you alone at that place!" He said almost screaming at the top of his lungs.

She chuckled.

"I see, thank you for worrying about me, Chad." She said with a smile she puts on her face. Chad felt something weird in his chest and so in his stomach. He looked away, avoiding Elyse's gaze while his ears blushed red and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, now that you mention it. I just notice that your necklace seems to look different than the last one." Chad changed the topic by pointing to the necklace that Maria gave her.

She quickly looked at the necklace and it is indeed a little bit different from the one she wore before. The shape of the jewel is still the same but the color is different. It has now turned dark purple and glows gold when it puts in the sunlight.

Strangely enough, Elyse felt that what the woman said earlier in her dream will become true in the future.