24 | The cause of Loyalty

"What?!" Maria stood up as her eyes widen in shock to hear such news coming from Yohan's mouth. She couldn't believe what he just said, even Wayne and Lucas were also surprised to hear such news from her.

"You bastard! Why you didn't tell us?!" Wayne said, annoyed by Yohan's calm composure as he exposes their old Master's plans.

"It is just like what I said, this is our great old Master's plan," Yohan admitted to Lucas who was the one that coincidentally found out about the plan Yohan has been keeping. Although he already expected it. After all, Yohan is the closest and most trusted subordinate to the old Master.

"So, are you saying you were the one who killed Elyse's family?" Everyone fell into silence when Yohan didn't answer.

So that was the day. The day when Elyse's family died one day. It wasn't something to be shocked off when Aniya's Descendants are always killed, murdered, or died of such called illness because that has been karma for centuries come. It was a curse laid upon them by Lucia.

But Elyse's family wasn't supposed to die in that way. Her family didn't live that long and they should've led a life full of happiness first, then karma will take them. This is the curse she laid upon them. A cruel one like how The Alphas did to Lucia.

Maria's questions have been finally answered. Why did Wayne and Lucas suddenly call her, and the orders that Yohan told to Wayne and Lucas to save Elyse?

And the necklace that was originally from Yohan that he handed out to Elyse so she could wear it when she enters the Academy. Maria didn't believe the necklace came from her mother but it was already suspicious enough why suddenly Elyse's mother gave the necklace to her on the day she died. What's more, Maria gave it to her.

But Elyse didn't suspect anything because she was still suffering, her mind still in blank to think such a thing. Maybe because she misses her family that Elyse let herself drown in the hallucination that her family is still there. Or others may think so.

The necklace was made by Lucia, the one who killed the devil in the past and sealed its soul to never reincarnate again. To make sure it won't reincarnate, she broke a piece of shard in its orb and made it into a necklace and is said that Lucia gave it to their old master to protect the necklace.

But the old master decided to give it to Elyse to awaken the sealed Devil and wreak havoc once more. How would the devil be awakened? It was simple. The hunting contest was a hidden plan of Yohan to support the old master's plan. And inside that old dimension of the ancient Alphas is an orb of the devil.

No one knows when will the devil be reincarnated again. For now, Maria is more determined to bring their old master back and ask her how to seal the devil again.

But Maria had another feeling it'll be too late. She shook her head off, disagreeing with her negative thoughts.

"Master will be back, for sure." She mumbles but Yohan heard it.

"The old master won't be coming back, Maria." He said glaring at her as he points his little dagger toward her neck.

"My master is my one and only. For those who dare to stop her plans deserve to die." Maria gulped. She forgot how Yohan is obsessed with the old Master.

"Goodness Yohan, calm down. If you won't let go of your obsession. I am sure the devil will awaken inside you. Since we all both have the same blood, as well as our old master," She then glances up to Yohan, glaring at him.

Smirking she continues, "there's even a possibility that our old master will be the new devil!"

Yohan's eyes glowed bright red as he tightens his grip on the dagger, ready to stab her when Lucas quickly blocked them.

"Stop!" He screamed and everything stopped.

"Let's stop fighting and let's search for a way to make our old master go back, Maria." He pleaded.

"It's too late —"

"No, it will never be too late." Lucas interrupted Yohan's words. Both of them glare at each other, not even thinking of looking away as both of their eyes glow in bloody bright red.

"Even if the master won't be coming back. We hold her accountable for what happened to Elyse's family. We should find a way to save her family before she finds out the truth." Lucas suggests and everyone fell into silence once more.

Wayne couldn't utter a word and only walked away leaving Yohan, Maria, and Lucas inside the room. For Wayne, he couldn't understand why the old master favors Yohan more than him. Wayne was there like how Yohan was there at the times she wanted someone the most. But she never even takes a glance at Wayne's path but only at Yohan.

Wayne couldn't understand the unfair treatment. What's more, Wayne feels jealous to see how the old master trusts Yohan the most when Wayne could also be there too.

Wayne loved the old master the most, but she favors Yohan more.

What could be more painful than having the betrayal of your friend?


"Why am I here?" Elyse asks Arbor while they both play a game of "glaring game" inside of the student council's room on the table where both of them sat.

"I told you many times to ask Chad because he knows why you're here," Arbor answered.

"You're a member of the student council though, why do I need to ask him when you're here in front of me?" Arbor froze and couldn't help but look away while his ears blushed red.

"T-that's not my problem!" He shouted.

"HAHA! YA LOSE BROTHER!" Arrow suddenly appeared from behind which made both Elyse and Arbor jump in shock.

'I feel like I died there for a second.' Elyse said to herself holding her chest.

"Arrow! Could you please stop scaring our little Elyse here? She's just new here and yet here you are, doing nothing but scaring the newbie." Eli said grumpily.

"Tch." She said jealous of Eli.

"Must be lucky to be hugged by 'Lovelia'." Arrow grumpily mumbles looking away from her.

Later on, Raymond arrived alongside Luna with a lot of papers in their hands.

"Everyone," Raymond said and everyone's attention went to the both of them.

"Woah! The two love birds are here!" Arrow exclaimed.

"Hello, Elyse. How are you feeling?" Ray asks and she nods her head.

"I'm feeling fine now. But I couldn't help but be curious about one thing Mr. Raymond." Ray smiled.

"Just Ray will do." She nods her head, "Right so... What am I doing here?" She asks Raymond.

"Well, you're going to be joining the Student Council now, Elyse." He said while smiling brightly.

"Huh? Me?" She points herself and Ray nods his head.

"Yes." He answered.

"But I was supposed to enter the top 10 students, right? Why am I suddenly —"

Raymond sat on the student council president's seat with grace as he leans his back and crosses his hands, putting his hands on his stomach.

"Because of the recent incident, Elyse. We need you on the Student Council. Everyone saw your awakening as Lucia's Descendant although you are known as Aniya's Descendant." He stated.

"I don't know what exactly in the 4th leader's mind but she wanted you to join the Student Council too which is sudden for me."

Elyse paused. 'Maria did?'

"Everyone is confused and interested in your identity, Elyse. Even we in the Council are interested in your blood. We all know that Luna is Sylvia's Descendant but in eyes of the other students, she is Lucia's Descendant and the position left is Aniya. But we all know inside this room, only two Descendants left. Aniya and Lucia's real Descendant."

"You are Aniya's Descendant. That won't erase that very fact. But why are you also Lucia's Descendant?" He asks now leaning on the table with his hands covering in his mouth looking at Elyse with his intimidating gaze.

Elyse avoided his gaze. "I'm sorry, even myself is confused too." She said with all of her heart.

"To be honest, before I entered the Academy, I found a diary of Lucia in the 4th District Leader's room. I saw a small picture of all the Alphas in one photo and they looked like they were on a beach. But I didn't see anything like Hiro or Sylvia in the photo. After that, I keep seeing things in my head. Like Lucia appearing in my head like a memory but there was no single memory flashback of Aniya. I even touched the diary that I thought I put back in a place in the library but I found it on my table." Elyse explained.

"So, where is the diary?"

"That's the problem, I couldn't find it anywhere." Raymond stares at her intently.

'Looks like she's not lying' he thought to himself.

"Recently too, I entered a memory shard of Lucia and there I saw her past. And then another memory shard enter my mind and it looked like it was neither Lucia nor Aniya's memories. It felt like it was narrating their story into my head. Then there's this lady and she said something." Elyse explained furthermore and Ray's eyebrow furrowed.

"The lady said something to you?" Elyse nodded.

"She had this —" Elyse paused looking in a daze staring at Raymond.

She shudders, her hands trembling. She looks down and tries to recall what the lady looks like.

"W-why can't I..." Elyse whispered and Raymond heard.

"Huh? What is she saying?" Arrow asks. But everyone fell into silence. As if someone is also stopping them to say something. Raymond suddenly feels a very ominous presence behind him.

"Don't." The voice said and Elyse starts to shed tears.

"I couldn't remember what she looks like but she said something to me!" Elyse frantically told Raymond. She stood up, slamming the table right in his face.

Elyse tried to recall what the lady said.

'But what did she say?'

She froze. Elyse is even more confused about what is going on and Raymond sigh.

"Don't worry, Elyse, you can tell us next time." She looked at Raymond.

"No! Please believe —"

"I believe in you." She pauses.

"There's a right time to say anything." He said to Elyse and she looked down.

"I'm sorry." Elyse felt useless to these kinds of things and Raymond only pats her head.

"It's fine. Don't mind it." Elyse nodded her head while Raymond couldn't shake that very ominous presence from his behind earlier. It's as if 'Lucia' just visited him.

'What exactly is happening?'