28 | Only One

[Elyse's Point of View]

Louisette Hildegarde.

She was the great-granddaughter of the great renowned Duke Zues who was Lucia or her real name is Tina's father. I don't really know the details but it says in the information files that her father remarried after Tina was kidnapped. Although it was only an arranged marriage, Lewis and Hethan grew up without Tina by their side and they weren't favored that much by Duke Zues. Both Lewis and Hethan don't even know they have an older sister and that is Chrystiana 'Tina' De Zues.

Hethan was a popular Alpha who inherited the memories of Alpha of Death and Lewis was just a side character in the sideline silently watching everyone talking and mumbling. Both brothers don't like to socialize but because of the Family business, one must do socialism.

Hethan was popular in everyone's eyes while Lewis was just a bug in their perfect luxurious friendship. Lewis didn't bother himself to join them, and neither Hethan have the thought of inviting his brother to join them.

According to the files, they don't have that much brotherly love. Their relationship was cold and messy. They don't really fight — they just ignore each other like one of them doesn't exist.

There's one thing that bugs me though, why did Hethan inherit the Alpha of Death's memories instead of Alpha of Endless War? If he is Duke Zues's son, why must he have another family's memories and not their Ancestor?

Duke Zues Family is the Alpha of Endless War. In the past, Duke Zues is not powerful, unlike in the present that he has. He was weak and disregarded by his family. But when Saintess Rafaela entered his life and Tina too, he decides to become strong for them.

Now that he has power enough to overthrow anyone, both are now gone from his life.

And the family of Alpha of Death doesn't have that much history. Their family history is a mystery just like the Alpha itself. Mysterious and distant.

"So why?" I mumbled and looked through the pages of the files more but there was nothing to see here.

I sigh. Anyway, Louisette is the great-granddaughter of Duke Zues, probably her great grandfather is Lewis who knows. Centuries have already passed for the Alphas. I took a seat and sigh once more.

I heard that Lewis and Tina had a history when she came back as an adoptive daughter. They said that when Lewis first saw Tina, he saw right away that she was his missing older sister of his. But for some reason, he was scared of being close to her so he chose to only protect and watch her from far away. The pretty stupid reason I can say.

Why must these Alphas be so dramatic? Isn't it too obvious to just treat her well and not cause trouble? If only he did that maybe Tina wouldn't become insane after the betrayal.

Because of that stupid reason too, he regretted it right after when he found out the plan that Aniya made. It was late. Tina is already wreaking havoc at that time and Lewis found the truth late. He was always late at that time.

He found the plan that Aniya made late and he found out the truth late too because he was already killed in her hands and she wouldn't listen to them anymore.

It's understandable why she wouldn't listen to them, they lied to her many times. They broke her trust many times — how could she ever forgive them?

Trust is like a fragile glass that once you break them, they cannot be fixed anymore.

Her beloved friends died, her ex-lover cheated on her, and her friends lied and used her. Her brothers betrayed her too.

The world she entered was too cruel for her that she cannot trust anyone else easily like in the past. Maybe that could be the reason why she became a villain in the first place.

I sigh again. Now that it's clear Louisette hates me, what should I do tomorrow when they visit the Academy? I'm a member of the Student Council, and I shouldn't slack off or else we will be judged by the head officers of this school.

Time flew by very fast and it was the big day for tomorrow. The school held a festival because of the sudden visit from the other school. To make the other students not feel pressured we held a festival and a ball for them.

Although the ball would be held after a month now since there's a lot to prepare. For a while, they will observe the school and maybe make some trouble for us.

Also, I feel a little scared and pressured by Louisette. I still haven't seen her but I know she's big trouble. Or are these only my instincts as Aniya's Descendant too? I shivered.

"What are you doing here?" I jumped right off my seat when I heard Chad's voice coming from behind as he peeked through the files on the table, leaning onto me and whispering in my ears.

Who wouldn't be surprised?

"You! Can't you please stop doing that? Seriously, I'm going to develop heart disease because of you!" I exclaimed but Chad ignored my words and only looked at the files I was looking at.

"W-what?" I quickly took the files and put them in their respective sections. Just now, I notice his gloomy and dark expression when I encircled the newspaper about Hethan and Lewis.

"So, you're curious about Louisette?" He appeared behind me again and I heave a heavy sigh.

"Yes. You caught me, okay? Now go back and don't bother me." I said and he scoffed.

"Come on, don't just shoo me away. I can help you with some information." I scoffed too.

"Oh yeah? Then where's the info?" He suddenly took a lean on me and presses his lips in my ears and quietly whispered, "I know what Louie likes." I blushed and quickly backs away from him.

My heart started to race faster when I just heard his deep and husky voice whispering in my ear. Oh no, it won't get out of my mind AHH!

"Y-you! That was sexual harassment young man!" I shouted while pointing my fingers at him.

He mischievously smiled and puts his hands into the air, "That wasn't sexual harassment though. I just whispered into you." He reasoned.

"N-no! I swear I just felt —"

"Oh?" He starts to walk in front of me again and trapped me in the wall behind me. Shit, what should I do? What's going on? Isn't this too fast? Hey, author do something!

(Author: I'm actually loving this at 4am ehe)

I froze as I felt something weird happening in my stomach when he leaned closer to me. His seductive red ruby eyes glowing — staring at me intently and his mischievous — no, a dangerous smile that he is giving me.

My heart starts to race even more as the silence in the secret library inside the Student Council room reign between us.

"What the heck are you doing? I can actually sue you for this!" I said but he suddenly touched my cheeks and the eyes he was having earlier changed into something gentle and caring.

For some reason, I remembered his Ancestor. The Alpha of News, a messenger for the Alphas. A memory came into my mind like a flashback of someone's love story. They were both looking at each other with loving eyes and would make love each night, embracing the warmth both had for each other.

For them, that's how they express their love to each other. Another flashback came into my mind when a little boy reached out his hands toward the little girl when he saw her sitting on the ground helpless.

Both of us remained silent and we only stared at each other's eyes. Something strange I feel in my heart.

'Was that Chad and Aniya?'

"Hey, Elyse." The door suddenly bursts open and Arbor arrived. I quickly pushed Chad when I looked at Arbor and our eyes met.

"Ah! Arbor you came!" I said with a bright smile and starts approaching Arbor after I pushed Chad away from me. Thank goodness he came to my rescue, if anything happened I don't know what to do.

But strange, why did I suddenly feel bad about it?

"What are you two doing?" Arbor asked out of curiosity and I just smiled. "Oh, nothing Chad was only helping me out." I reasoned and he nodded his head with a smile carving on his lips.

"Yup! I'm helping her. Now that we're finished, Elyse. I shall get going." Chad said with a smile on his face. But strange, his smile feels strange. Is he faking his smile?

"I see. Keep safe," I said and when our arms bumped into each other, a sudden thought entered my mind.

"I have loved you for thousands of years, I promise I will love you forever." A voice echoed in my mind and I quickly shifted my gaze towards Chad but he was nowhere to be found.

What was that? Who was that voice? It feels familiar and distant.