29 | Students of Rahania Empire

[Elyse's POV]

The gushing of wind came into me when I swiftly swung and dodge all of Arbor's attacks on me. With my long-tied hair swaying grace with my body, I swung and dodge all of his attacks.

I pant, catching my breath as my sweat keeps dripping from my face and neck down to my body and arms.

Arbor's attack is too fast that I question myself is Artemis's Descendant? He's more of Lewis's Descendant because he's great at using swords. Not only does he can use the bow as a weapon but swords and daggers too.

As my mind went everywhere, I accidentally slipped my toe into the rock which made me slip and lay down on the ground. Arbor found an opening and I manage to dodge it before he could kill me.

Since we're using real swords.

"Hey! Don't kill me!" I said but he just glares at me with his eyes glowing. I tremble. Scary Arbor is hot but also scary.

"In war, we don't do that, Elyse." He said and starts to attack me more. I couldn't help but continuously dodge his attacks.

He became way faster than earlier. Shit, I can't find an opening. Suddenly, he disappeared when he jumped right above me. The surrounding became quiet. I freeze, trying to trace him using my powers but my mind is still wandering on who knows where its Lord went!

Today is the day for the students of Rahania to visit our Academy. Rahania was once an Ancient Empire from the world of Olympia. It is an Empire filled with dancers, politicians, and military power. Both Rahania Empire and Olympia Empire were on the opposite sides. The relationship between them is kind of complicated because of their equal power.

When the world was destroyed and the old Master ruled the world that Hiro created, she splits the Empire into three. One of them is an Empire that we're friends on and the other is the Empire that we're in conflict with. The Empire where Lousiette Hildegarde entered.

If the Empire I live in is known to be home for Alphas and great District Leaders name "The Aracnia". The Second Empire where Louisette went is "Rahania", the Empire was known to be home for "Beta" and the third Empire we're friends with is called "Iona", is known as the home for "Omegas".

In ancient civilizations, each person is determined by ranks. The highest rank is Alpha, the second highest in Beta and the lowest is Omega. Omegas are the commoners in the Ancient Civilization, Betas are the aristocrats and middle aristocrats like Count and Baron. The Alpha is the Royal Family, holding the most powerful authority in the world because they believed they were chosen by the Gods and Goddesses.

Until now the ranks are still alive, but you as a person determining where ranks are are no longer alive. Because of this in the past, Omegas were mistreated and were often sold as sex slaves for the aristocrats and Royal Family. Everything was inhumane in the past.

So, the old Master banned the law and divided the Empire into three so that everyone will be treated equally and so she succeeded.

But there are still conflicts between our Empire and Rahania Empire.

That's what I don't know.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound coming from the wind. I quickly open my eyes as I could feel it coming straight right into me. Luckily, I blocked Arbor's attack and swung my sword into him. He jumped and he smirked, "not bad." He commented.

"Come on! We're practicing, not killing each other!" I scream out of frustration.

He chuckled, "Well you should focus on fighting Elyse. Until now you still suck." He says and I can't help but clench my fists.

"Shut up, you're just talented," I said and he chuckled.

"What? No, you just suck." He teases. I sigh, "Come on. Can't you just be friendly to me? You and Chad always like to tease me." I froze as the image flashbacked in my head on what happened yesterday.

"Ah." I blushed as soon as I remember it and quickly avoided Arbor's piercing gaze like asking me what happened yesterday.

I heard him heave a sigh and he pats my head. I gazes up at him and I saw him smile, "Practice, Elyse. You need to practice. Since you're already talented in Magic, you should also learn to use weapons without magic." I sigh.

After long hours of sparring with Arbor, he finally decided to stop and rest for a while. I sat down on the rock beside me and heave a sigh. Finally, Rest!

"Today is the day..." I said as I gazes up at the beautiful blue sky and hot weather for today and drank the water Arbor handed to me.

I also keep using my hands to I fanned myself so it would give me a little bit of wind to reduce the heat.

"Why is it so hot?!" Arrow's voice entered the arena while fanning herself to keep her body cold. Eli smiled cheerfully and gazes up at the beautiful blue clear sky.

"Ah! It's summer!" Eli said with her bright smile like a little kid, she approached me.

It's already summer when it felt cold yesterday. To be honest the temperature I felt in the dimension we entered in the Hunting Contest still lingered on me. As if there's eternal snow clinging to my body. And that ruined castle also keeps on appearing on my head whenever I space out.

Am I being influenced by Lucia's memories?

Is this how everyone suffered just like I do? Every day that comes, Lucia's emotions would also come into me. Sometimes I would find myself crying in sleep or waking up in the middle of the night. I couldn't help but pick up the remaining works I should finish so I could fall back asleep.

Sometimes, I would find myself missing someone I don't even know. Or sometimes, feeling the pain in my chest randomly whenever I space out.

Eli said everyone inherits their Ancestor's memories and powers. It should be possible that I would also inherit her emotions too, right? But that kind of question feels strange. It feels like "inherit" isn't the right word to describe the feeling I am having right now.

"Summer but later on, The Rahania students will be visiting us," Arrow said with her sassy voice.

"Also, that Louie. Hmph! I am going to teach her a lesson she wouldn't forget!" Arbor sighed after hearing what his twin sister just said.

"Sis please stop embarrassing yourself. For the record, you keep on losing to Louie. No matter how hard you keep on winning against yourself, there's no hope. She's the war's Descendant while you are just a huntress." He spoke.

"What?! Are you underestimating your sister's capabilities because you're a man? Hah! Shame on you!" She spoke.

"No. I just meant there is no chance because you keep on falling for her tricks and anything!" He argues and it made Arrow quickly avoid her gaze.

I turn to look at Eli that's sitting beside me. "Eli, do Arrow and Louisette have a history?" I ask.

She shrugged and sigh, "I don't know but I heard once that Arrow and Miss Louie fought in the past. I don't know what happened but both of them don't get along." I stare at her; something piques my interest.

Eli seems to not know Louisette more. Why is that? She's a member of the Alphas too. Even though she went to Rahania she's still undeniably an Alpha.

"I know what's going on in your mind, Elyse. But something happened in the past that is better not to say." I froze. Right. Eli is right, I should not interfere with them. Everyone knew them for their whole life while I was living in the countryside running away from the people's hatred gaze.

"Mister President called us." Dain suddenly approached us which made me startled.

His gloomy aura and tired eyes. He still looks attractive because of his mysterious black eyes and black disheveled hair. It looks like he just woke up from his sleep. I stare at him while everyone is getting ready to go to the Council Room. He notices my stare and glances at me back.

I couldn't avoid my eyes and we both only stare at each other.

He was only silent and didn't say a word and walked away.

"Be careful on your way back, the students of Rahania are already here." He said and disappeared.

Huh?! Disappeared?! Is that one of the skills of his Ancestor?

Oh yeah, his Ancestor is the Alpha of Death so it's natural for him to look like a ghost or a zombie. But disappearing just like that feels scary. It felt like it was already Halloween.

We all both went to the Student Council Room and my surprise as we were all both on the way, I notice Chad leaning against the wall of the Student Council room. He was looking down in a daze and everyone starts to come in.

"Elyse, let's go!" Eli called me and Chad quickly gazes up and looks at me. He stood up with one hand in his pocket and the other only hanging.

"You can go first," I said and Eli just nodded and went inside the room. I start to approach Chad but he was silent. The two of us were silent. Until now, I still couldn't understand what was happening.

I suddenly heard a voice that isn't a woman but a man. And it felt like it came from Chad. Did I suddenly awaken another power? Which power is this? Lucia? Did she have mind-reading powers? But I heard that the one who has natural born mind-reading powers is coming from Alpha of Wisdom, Aniya.

"Are you free tonight?" He asks which startled me.

I gaze up at him with a puzzled eye.


For the first time, he smiled at me with his awkward face.

"If you don't like it, it's fine. We can hang out next time —"

"Is it just the two of us?" He froze, taken aback by my sudden question.

"H-huh? Oh... uh... sure." He said, stuttering.

I smiled, "then I am free later at night." I said and I went inside the room.

Yeah, maybe what happened yesterday was just a coincidence. There's no way, he would have such feelings for me. Everything seems to be running way too fast that I couldn't catch up.


[Lousiette Hildegarde's POV]

I am Lousiette Hildegarde. Daughter of Duke Zues, great-granddaughter of Lewis, and also the great granddaughter of Caeden III De Zues, the famous father of Chrystiana 'Tina' De Zues.

I am the proud soon Alpha of Battlefield and was expected to overthrow the villainess of the story — Aniya's Descendant, Elyse.

For the first time that I saw her, I immediately felt the hatred, my Ancestor, Lewis has for Aniya. Elyse undeniably looks like Aniya but she looks way more innocent than her. Although she looks like Aniya, her powers and memories came from Lucia.

That's why I hate her more. It felt like she snatched away the remaining memories of Lucia my dear distant relative. Elyse doesn't deserve such memories of the great hero, not of the likes of her.

"Ah, here we are," Direk said and I gaze up towards the Academy's gates opening for us. We were welcomed by the Student Council President and the Vice President.

"Welcome to our Academy, Ladies, and Gentlemen," Raymond said with grace as if he is the leader. I scoffed.

"You're just a mere President, Raymond but you're acting as if you own the place," I spoke. I also hate him. If only Lucia didn't suffer because of his Ancestor then she wouldn't have suffered so much.

I hate him. I hate everyone, especially Elyse. I hate their guts — their shameless face that they are happy and all.

"Miss Hildegarde. I am the President here and I have any right to act like I do own the place. I have everyone's permission so there is no need for your permission since you came from a different school." He said trying to finish me in one but I won't back out.

"Right, I am indeed not part of the school. But don't forget I am still a member of the Alphas. And as a member, I am free to speak my own opinion. You defend too early, Lord Raymond." I scoffed.

He sighs, "I don't have the time to argue with you, Miss Hildegarde. Please, follow us." He insisted and I don't have a choice but to follow him.

"Wow, the school looks really beautiful isn't it, Louie?" Direk said with an evil smirk plastered on his face. I chuckled.

"Indeed, it is." Oh, how would it look like if this school is burnt to ashes too? Since the school is filled with filthy Alphas.

As soon as we enter the school, everyone's attention diverted to us.

"Wow, they are students from Rahania." That is all they could say as they keep praising our looks and authority to us. As Luna and Raymond guides us to the Student Council room, I caught a glimpse of Thaddeus looking at us with his deadly glare. I smirked and looked away.

I notice him gnashing his teeth and tightening the grip he has but I didn't look back. As soon as I entered the Student Council room, I finally saw Elyse personally.

Both of our eyes met and I do hate to admit she looks beautiful.

She has the aura of Lucia and Aniya since she looks too innocent with her hazel brown eyes that look like Aniya and ordinary flowy brown hair. It would've been nice too if her hair is silver and her skin is tan. She would undeniably look like Aniya.

And everyone will hate her more.

I faked my smile and outreached my hand towards her, "Nice to finally meet you, Elyse. I am Lousiette Hildegarde, Alpha of Battlefield."