30 | Under our starry night sky, like centuries ago.

The sound of clacking from the shoes stomping into the wooden floor made everyone look in Louisette Hildegarde's way, amazed to see her beautiful long silky dark red hair and black eyes, tainted with beautiful jeweled red color. Everyone whispered to each other when they see Louisette walking toward them, paving a way for the President of The Student Council of Rahania Academy. An intimidating and confident aura surrounds Louisette, smiling toward everyone whenever she makes eye contact with others.

Pretending to have a genuine smile, she waves her hand like a pageant queen toward her fans. The girls couldn't help but squeal and the boys couldn't help but stare at her with lustful eyes.

She scoffed, "They're still a bunch of amateurs." She commented and a man came from her behind and approaches her.

"Yup! You're right! Everyone seems to be an idiot." He said, Louisette chuckled.

"My, you should not say that in here Mister Vice President, Vox. This is not our school, so you must pay respect to them." Louisette said with a smirk plastered on her face.

Of course, she lied. She doesn't respect this Academy — not even once. When Louisette entered the Academy for the first time in a while, she felt a sense of Deja vu and also hatred towards the students and the Academy itself.

For her, everyone in this Academy is an idiot and liar. Maybe because she's Lewis's great-granddaughter and is also the Alpha of Battlefield.

Hating the academy is one thing — but what she hates the most is the Student Council itself. Especially Aniya's Descendant — Elyse.

As she walks with confidence toward the Student Council's room of the Academy, Raymond opens the door and Luna followed her and everyone else after Louisette.

She paused. She felt another sense of Deja vu. The interior and exterior design of the Academy looks the same as the Olympia Imperial Palace of the past according to Lewis's memories.

Even the Student Council room's design looked like the lounge of the Alphas in the past. It made Louisette feel enraged even more. But she tried to control her anger before she could do something that shouldn't be done on the first day, and she enters the Academy.

Of course, since it's been a while since she entered the Academy.

"I will call the other members, Ray," Luna said and she calls them using Lu's special device. The other members of the student council of Rahania sat down on the couch, acting disrespectfully in front of Raymond.

As for Raymond, he is also trying to control his anger. Since he doesn't want to make a scene, Louisette wants.

Louisette didn't say a word. She doesn't want to say a word to Raymond. As both of them silently wait for the other members and while the members of Rahania are being noisy screaming and chatting here and there, finally at last the remaining members of The Student Council of Aracnia Academy are here.

Louisette smirked and turn to look at them with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

"My, it has been a long time ever since I came back here." She said and glares at her members.

"You, quiet." They obey her orders and become silent. She smiled back again looking at Arrow and Arbor.

"It's been a while, Artemis's Descendants." She said, reaching her hands to shake but they didn't accept. She sighs, "My what a cold shoulder you are giving. Oh, Elizabeth! How are you doing?" She turns to Eli but Arrow quickly blocked her away from her.

"She's a little bit tired, maybe later," Arrow said, and Louisette only chuckles.

"I see. My, that's too bad —" She paused when she notices Elyse walking inside the room.

The image of Aniya mocking Lewis entered her mind like a flashback of the past. She gnashes her teeth and clenches her fist to see Elyse walking toward her. Elyse looked exactly like Aniya although she has this gentle and kind nature surrounding her aura. Her looks, not to mention the shape of her eyes and face look exactly like her.

Although Elyse doesn't have silver hair and tan skin. Her eyes speak it all and the shapes too.

'Finally, she's here.' She mumbles.

Louisette noticed that she was looking her way and Elyse froze when their eyes met. She then outreaches her hand to give Elyse a handshake with a bright smile plastered on her face. Elyse felt flustered by her sudden sweet gesture and stare at her.

Elyse felt something strange towards Louisette. It was only yesterday when she shows her ill intentions towards Elyse but now, she's showing a kind expression towards her.

Is it a trap to make others think that I am spoiled? Or maybe I am just overthinking things? Elyse told herself.

"It is my honor to finally meet you, Aniya's Descendant — Elyse." She said, feeling flustered Elyse still reached her hands to accept her handshake but she suddenly slapped her hand.

Elyse froze and gazes up at her. She saw a glimpse of hatred in her eyes while it was glowing scarlet. Arbor quickly went in between them and shield Elyse.

"What do you think you are doing, Louie?" Louisette scoffed.

"The quiet boy suddenly interrupted my conversation with her. How dare you." She whispered towards Arbor which made Elyse feel puzzled to see them glaring at each other.

"My, I am very sorry about that Elyse! I just remembered my hands are dirty so I was too scared for you to touch me. You know, you shouldn't touch people that's dirty." She said with a smile on her face.

Elyse feels insulted but she had no other choice but to bear it. No matter what, Louisette is a member of the Alphas — even though she joined Rahania Academy she's still a member.

Elyse only smiled and shake her head, gesturing that she was fine.

"No! I should be sorry. I didn't know I shouldn't be touching dirty people. Thanks for reminding me!" She replied and it made everyone silent from her response. Even Louisette felt pissed to hear that kind of reply.

It is as if, "If I am dirty, and so are you." A translation of what she said towards Elyse. And Elyse only talked back to her in the same manner.

Louisette chuckled, "Oh don't worry, Elyse. I will make sure you will know it." She glares at her and Elyse did the same.

"Oh really? What a pleasure, My Lady." Elyse responds.

While Arbor who was in the middle between them quietly observed them.

"You all are too noisy. Hey, you war-freak. Stop doing some shit and get out of here. Before I could break your bones." Dain suddenly interfere and everyone's gaze looked at him.

Louisette chuckled, "Maybe you mean, I should rest in my room now, right? Hmm... My room is still the same isn't it, Chad?" She looked at Chad with a disgusting expression and he grit his teeth.

"No, I don't know. I don't remember. Maybe your room is not even here." He replied.

"Thaddeus!" Raymond exclaimed but he didn't listen and walked out.

Everyone fell silent again.

"Huh? What's happening here?" Odelle entered with a bunch of paper in her arms. Elyse quickly went to Odelle to help her get the papers which made Louisette feel even more pissed.

She walked out and went to her room in the Academy. Of course, she remembered where her room is because she studied here for a month and quickly went to ranks because of her family background. She just wants to have some "chat" with Thaddeus but she failed to do so.


[Elyse's POV]

I sigh as I gaze up at the beautiful starry night sky with stars twinkling like diamonds and a full moon with clouds surrounding it. The scenery was magnificent, with the wind gently brushing her body and gently swaying her brown hair. She puts a strand of her hair behind her ear to fix her appearance.

My room was filled with messy papers flying all over the room while the veranda is open and the wind gushing inside the room swaying the curtains softly.

Hazel eyes sparkled beautifully still gazing up to the beautiful starry night sky — I decided not to do some tasks for tonight. I feel too tired because of the confrontation that I made with Louisette. After what happened, I can confirm that she hates me — no, loath is the perfect word for her feelings towards me.

Lewis is her great grandfather and Duke Zues is also her great-great-grandfather. She came from a very respectable family because Tina was part of the family where Louisette is born. Although she was abandoned, for some reason I could feel that Louisette looks upon Tina and not as "Lucia".

So, what's going on with a person who has a very respectable background hating a normal countryside village girl, me?

They say I am a traitor because I am Aniya's Descendant so why does she want to pick a fight with me? Is it because both have the same titles?

Aniya's alternative title is an Alpha of War like Lewis, Alpha of Battlefield. Although both have the same meaning. I also don't know why there are two different titles but with the same meaning. Did someone who made the titles go to the point where he couldn't think of another titles and messed it up?

I heave a sigh again.

But Aniya is much known to be the Alpha of Wisdom. And Lewis, The Alpha of Battlefield. Lewis's role is to fight in the first line of the battlefield while Aniya's role is to help Lewis win the war. She's like a strategist — a mastermind on a battlefield where she treats everything like a game of chess to play.

Aniya uses brains while Lewis uses physical to fight. They say, both Aniya and Lewis would always win every war if both are paired with each other.

So that brings me back to the question again. Sure, Aniya is a traitor but what's the connection between it? Jealousy? Nah, she has a very respectable background now. Hatred? I am not even sure if am I really Aniya or Lucia's Descendant.

Intelligence? Military skills?

I close my eyes and heave another sigh again.

Ugh. This is killing me, actually.

"What's with a long sigh?" A sudden voice echoed in the little silent garden below my room as I open my eyes to see Chad gazing up at me from below wearing only a simple white t-shirt and brown pants.

His seductive red ruby eyes staring at me with my hazel eyes made my heart skip a beat as the wind softly sways his hair making it even messier than earlier.

He smiled, "Did I smitten you, My Lady?" He asked and I blushed.

"W-what!? Ugh, I'm going to bed!" I exclaimed and it made Chad feel nervous.

"W-wait I'm just kidding! Uhm. Here, jump." He outreaches his hand, gesturing that he would catch me.

"Are you kidding me? My room is on the 3rd floor. Do you want me to die early?" I said annoyed.

"Don't worry, I will catch you." He reassures.

"Like I would trust you."

"Then trust me." He said with his soft, gentle eyes looking at me. My heart beat starts to race even more just by looking at his beautiful red ruby eyes.

Silence reign between us as I keep staring at him frozen to my spot.

"M-my hands are feeling numb now, Elyse." He said and I softly giggled.

"Should I stay here more?"

"Please don't." He immediately replied.

I smiled and went to stand on the rails. He outreaches his arms even more as I close my eyes and start jumping hoping for him to catch me.

A soft and strong arm welcomed me after I jumped in. I slowly open my eyes and our gazes met in a daze. My eyes went wide open — mesmerized to see his perfectly beautiful shape of face closely. His handsome messy black hair and thick eyebrows, his seductive red ruby eyes looking straight at me.

For a moment it felt like the world stopped when I stare at him. I clench my fist, tightening my grip on his shirt as both of us were only silent and stare at each other.

"Am I handsome?" He asks, breaking the silence between us and I immediately look at him with disgust on my face.

"You look ugly." I said and he laughed.

I quickly hide my face in his shirt because I could feel my ears and face blushing red. To be honest he isn't ugly but he looks so handsome. So handsome that I keep asking if the Gods accidentally created this guy as a perfect being or have intentions to really make him handsome and perfect.

"Should we walk like this then, Elyse?" He asked when I didn't answer what he just asked that I didn't hear.

"N-no! I can walk by myself." I said and quickly stood up. I heard him chuckle but I ignored it.

Great! Now my heart won't stop beating fast.

Both of us went on a night stroll in the Academy. No one could really scold us because we're the Academy's Student Councils so we were free to walk whenever we wanted to.

"Chad, I remember you ask me if I am free tonight, right?" He nodded his head as he walked beside me.

"Then, are we really just going on a night stroll? Or... there's something you wanted to tell me?" He paused and he looked flustered.


[Thaddeus's POV]

"Chad, I remember you ask me if I am free tonight, right?" I nodded my head as I silently walked beside her.

"Then, are we really just going on a night stroll? Or... there's something you wanted to tell me?" I paused for a moment and looked at the Academy's garden.

"Did you know that this Academy was designed based on the old Olympia Empire?" I started and she looked a bit puzzled. I gave her my bitter smile. I guess she wouldn't know. Maybe Lucia erased that in her memory.

"Now, where do I begin?" I said and silent reign to us again.

I actually don't know where to begin. When I was 5 years old, I was talented in music and arts. At the age of 5, I became popular in music because of my compositions. My parents were of course proud of me and would always say, "As expected of Alpha's Messenger, Thaddeus!"

At that time, I don't know what they were talking about. But it felt different when I heard that name.

My name is Thaddeus and yes, my parents named me after the great Messenger of Alphas. Thaddeus was Aniya's lover in the past and I was his Descendant. Or perhaps, the reincarnation of him? At the age of 12, I started to get interested in classic arts and so I decided to join art classes.

The first art that I made was an image of the woman in my dreams. Ever since that certain day, she would always appear in my dreams — like a little memory of my past life flashback in my head.

Her beautiful face looks shaped carefully, her plump rosy lips, and tan skin. Her beautiful golden eyes would always shine like the frightful sun and her hair silver like the silver moon at night. She was beautiful — like a Goddess. And I admire her.

I don't know her but my heart would always skip a beat. And sometimes my heart would ache to see her eyes staring at me.

And then my memories as "Thaddeus" of the past appeared in my head. For the first time, I cried. I don't know why I should remember this late. But maybe because I felt the woman in my dream's presence when I decided to visit a little town in the countryside.

I met a pretty lady down there. She has beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair. She looks ordinary to anyone but to me, she looked so beautiful. Just like the woman in my dream.

After I recalled my memories, I realized the woman in my dreams was Aniya the villainess in the past. And I was Thaddeus or Chad who fell in love with her and supported her in many ways. But because of the devil, Aniya was killed by Tina's hands and I ran away. I ran away because that's what Aniya wanted from me before she died.

I became the true last survivor. And I died alone, waiting and hoping for Aniya to visit me even though I know she was already dead.

And when Elyse entered the Academy. I realized she was the pretty lady I saw back in the countryside I visited once. For a moment I realized she was Aniya's Descendant. I tried to approach her out of curiosity.

And I only found out that she's just a normal girl who was bullied because of Aniya. Because she was her Descendant. I wanted to protect her because of these annoying feelings. It annoys me to repeat the same mistake I was making back then. The mistake of falling in love with someone you know that won't love you back.

As I keep trying to distance myself from Elyse, I still find myself teasing and annoying her. I still find myself admiring her beautiful smile and laughter as if I was looking forward to it for centuries — or maybe could it forever.

"Are we really destined?" I asked her that once but I think she didn't hear me. It's fine. That was an embarrassing question.

Back to the present, I told Elyse that this Academy's design was based on the old Olympia. Helping her to get the clue she was looking for.

"Oh, I see..." She said as she froze. Did she realize something?

Out of control, I reached my hand out to touch her cheeks and she looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes sparkling under the starry night sky.

For years I have been waiting for you. But, do you also feel the same way? Maybe not. I don't want to have hope for the both of us anymore. I have waited more - more than you can think.

I wanted to tell you Elyse what I feel about you. But these pasts keep haunting me — afraid to be rejected by you once again. Even though I have promised to love and find you again in this timeline I'm too scared to take the risk anymore.

"If someone told you they like you, Elyse what would you do?" I asked her out of nowhere and it looked like it made her taken aback by what I just said.

She avoided my gaze and I froze, "Uhm. I don't know. It's too early for that and… everyone hates me here. So that's impossible." I laughed at myself as I realized one thing.

Right, even in this life you still won't choose me.

I faked my smile as I looked at her, "I see! Sigh, it's getting late now. I shall take you to your room, my Lady." I said changing the topic and I took her back to her room.

Both of us chat along the way as if I have already forgotten my question earlier. And when we finally arrived at her door, she entered and thanked me for the night. Finally, she closes the door and I slumped there looking down at the ground.

"I… can't," I whispered to myself and went back to my room to rest. Trying to forget what happened tonight. Although I was trying to forget, I know that the next day Elyse's image will still be stuck in my mind and in my heart forever.c