37 | The Binding Fate of Hezelle

Hezelle's Point of View

I could still remember the feeling when the thunders roared outside the huge window of the throne room as I knelt down in front of The Master of Empire. Her eyes glowing in mixed red and purple indicating she's hurt and mad towards me.

Her tears streaming on her face which made me feel her pain through her expression. She's tired. She's tired of all these games that Cain gave to us for years and years that will come.

"Why did you do it?" She asked me once while the tip of my sword that she was holding pointed at my neck.

I could feel her hands trembling in rage just like how she glares at me back. I didn't show any emotion towards her because I could feel that she would be more enraged to see me hurt or cry in front of her.

I avoided her gaze and looked down, "Because it was necessary." I answered and she chuckles.

"Necessary? Necessary for what?" I didn't answer her question again while the sword is still pointed toward me. She lifted the sword making my gaze meet hers.

"Do you have last words?" Her expression changed while asking me a question.

I smiled, "Forgive me..." I said and mumbles the nickname everyone uses for her and after that, my neck was sliced swiftly and droplets of blood scattered on the window glass, wall, and floor.

I woke up from my nightmare gasping for air, calming my mind and body as I tremble in fear. When I calmed down, I looked for the water beside my bed and drank it. I heave a heavy sigh and stood up — glances outside the window.

It's still 2 am in the morning and as usual, I always wake up at this kind of time every day after I was revived back from the dead with the help of Seth.

I clench my fists and closed my eyes as I sat down in the chair beside the window. The rain starts pouring as well as my memory of the innocent 'her' of the past.

Noble blood grew up from a humble background, she was an orphan that Duke Zues took into his huge and magnificent, and powerful family. She became Lady Chrystiana De Zues. Her name came from the lost daughter Duke Zues and Tina didn't say a word when she found out where her name came from.

Her family abandoned her in the cold and huge luxurious walls of their mansion. She survives by smiling and socializing with people by pretending, and because of that everyone adored her. Not because of her attitude or appearance, because no one wants to enrage Duke Zues her father. Hethan knows he's their long-lost older sister but because of jealousy and rage, he loathes her.

Lewis ignored her. Scared of what people will say about their lineage and are also jealous of their older sister.

She has everything outside. She became a member of the Alphas, awaken her magnificent power, and became the Queen and Wife of King Samuel. But because of the mistake we did, everything fell into pieces.

Broken glasses scattered around her when she found out the truth. As if there's a knife pierced in her heart, waking her from her own fantasy. Although she knows that everyone has been using her, she still tried her best to be loved by everyone.

Using paper and pen, she would pass the time writing imaginative stories about her life. Like how she was loved by everyone, how she was lovely not because she has a very powerful background but because she's 'her' and she was not abandoned. I could see her from afar crying while writing something in her book not knowing she was escaping from her tragic reality.

I became her friend a month later after Sylvia's death. All I did was comfort her and on the spur of the moment, we became friends. Tina was truly kind and gentle towards us. When I was busy on my own paper works and also avoiding Aniya, Tina would deliberately come to find me everywhere she will have a clue.

She would keep me company over a small tea party just for the two of us. And sometimes, Thaddeus would join us. And little by little, everyone starts to join and we would have tea parties every once a week in the garden filled with beautiful flowers and grass. Under the huge tree where we can hide from the sun, we would smile and laugh at each other.

That was the best moment of my entire life.

Aniya's betrayal was something unexpected for me. Thaddeus and the others already found out about her plans but she purposely hides it away from Tina and me. Maybe she thought I would say it to Tina if I have the chance which is, I would.

In just a span of moments, we became friends. She was kind and gentle to me and I don't want to take advantage of that. There's something, or someone telling me to protect her. Protect her before it's too late.

And I tried my best to defend her. But that was only wishful thinking of mine. I have never protected her. From the moment she stepped into the Olympia Palace's gates, from the moment when she was adopted by Zues Family I should've known that it was the starting line of everything.

"What the fvck are you doing?!" I screamed at Aniya one day when it was only the two of us, the same day when I found out the truth of her betrayal.

"Tina has been kind to us all! Why did you do it?!" I keep asking her the same question as we both went into a duel but she never answered. My mind went blank at that time and everything was blurry. All I could remember is that we fought and before I could finally finish her, she smiled at me and whispered with her eyes filled with pain.

"I don't have a choice."

I had a realization. If only Tina wasn't born of the same blood as we all Alphas have, will she have the everyday life that we seek for? Ah. I thought I protected her, but I was a fool to believe that. I failed.

I cried each night after I found out the truth. I cried in silence — away from Tina's worried eyes.

And when she found out the truth after the great battle between her and Seth, my heart broke into pieces just like how hers broke. I could see the pain and shock in her eyes saying it was unbelievable. Why? Why must it be me? I can read her mind just by looking at her expression and it was obvious.

I wanted to apologize, but it was too late. She's already enraged by hatred towards us and tried to kill us one by one. She tracked us down just by using her powers and cursed us for eternity. But she wasn't satisfied and have our necks slain by her.

I wanted to explain to her that it wasn't just our fault. There's a mastermind behind us, I wanted to admit all the mistakes we had but I was already killed. But Seth revived me back from the dead and I became Hezelle again. When I woke up from my deep slumber after he stirred me back to life, I found out that Tina has become known as Lucia and is now ruling an Empire that Hiro built for her in the past.

I was shameless to think at that time I wanted to see Tina with my own eyes. And when I finally did — in the midst of a crowded place when a parade for the Flower Festival began, our eyes met and all I could do is to gaze at her from afar. She's now at the highest seat of all and I become a commoner who has no decent clothes nor money for her gazing at me with such cold eyes as if she already expected that I would come back to life.

Tina has grown so much to the point that I couldn't see her old innocent self anymore. And I believe it was my shortcomings as her friend. It was my mistake that Tina changed. If only I had found out sooner and spoken about it with Tina. Will you still look at me with such cold eyes?

I regretted it so much. But I decided to live my life normal and out of her glorious path of life. Tina is now the Master of Aracnia Empire, the most powerful and glorious Empire of all.

And then one night, I heard she disappeared. Rumors start to spread that the Master of Empire disappeared and will not come back. I froze and asks myself, "Why?"

Why did she leave? It's not safe out there. What will happen if she got cold? Tina has such a weak body in the past although she's powerful now, who knows what will happen in her body?

And so, I went to the Palace to find some clues. But it was not a clue that I found but an old enemy of the past.

"Oh? You're here!" Mara said with a smile plastered on her face while holding the head of a soldier.

"My, my! What a surprise to see the damned Alpha who returned back to life. To what do I owe the honor of having you here, Hezelle?" She said and then I realized something. The rumors that start to spread that Tina disappeared are true but who caused her disappearance?

At that time, I believed it was Mara who caused her disappearance and so I tried to kill her but failed. She flew away swiftly even before I could finish her.

On that same night, I decided to become the new Master of Empire and make my image cruel. I will take the blame for my mistake and find Tina along the way. I don't need the trust of her vassals of Tina, all I need is myself to find her. And after I found her and put her in her right seat, then I will leave and will never come back.

I pledge my loyalty to the Everlasting Snow Moon again.

And as expected, I became the ruthless leader in the eyes of everyone. I became Tina and at the same time, I became me. It was hard and suffocating but I needed to endure it so I could find her. But that was again, my wishful thinking.

Tina purposely vanished that night. But why? Why must you leave?

I don't want you to die, Tina. There are still a lot of stories that I wanted to tell you. Do you like my stories right, Tina? So please, don't leave me here. I will leave after this, just please come back.

I beg every night, praying for her to come back.

But Tina never came back.


"Master." Wayne entered the office the next morning and I glanced at him. I could see the disgust in his eyes while looking at me. Of course, since he knows very well that I am Hezelle, The Alpha of Protection.

"You don't need to hide that face, Wayne," I said and he followed what I said.

"Fine." He said with his improper tone and I sigh.

"How is Luna?"

"Lady Luna is fine but the public is now blaming her because she is not Lucia's Descendant, their reason is that we deliberately tricked them. Others are blaming Elyse for what happened. And most of the public views are now confused as to who really is Lucia's Descendant." Wayne reported and I nodded my head.

"Wayne. I want you to publish a book or an article regarding the missing member of Alphas. It will include Lewis, Hiro, and Sylvia." I spoke.

"But doing so will make the people confuse more. Everyone knows the very fact that there's no Sylvia or Lewis in the history books and Hiro is portrayed as the 1st and last Emperor of the Aracnia Empire." Wayne answered.

"How... did Tina manage to do these all?" He flinched. I guess he was taken aback by my question. Tina was a good writer and entrepreneur. Of course, since she was trained as the future Queen and heir for Zues Family.

I was completely different. I don't give such thoughts about these kinds of things as it makes me feel uncomfortable and not suitable for me.

"Very well, I will do so," Wayne spoke and I was taken aback to hear his response.

"I'm sorry?"

"Miss Hezelle. I know why you're here. You're here for our old master but you're disguising yourself as cruel and pretending to be on the other side of the coin, siding with the Anti-Imperialists. Why are you doing this?" Wayne couldn't help but ask me anymore. Maybe this has been in his mind ever since I became the new master.

I chuckled, "I... have a debt that I owe to her." I answered and he didn't say a word again.

"Is there anything else to report?" Wayne nodded and told him about how Elyse found out about the death of her family.

I clench my fist as I gnash my teeth trying to restrain myself from hurting another person. It's that damn woman's doing again. When will they stop all of these?!

"I see. You may go now," I spoke and Wayne walked out of the room. I tried to calm my senses first before I decided to stand up and take put my coat into my shoulders.

Today, I will visit Elyse.