38 | Eccedentesiast

[Louisette's POV]

The news spread of Lewis, Sylvia, and the first and last Emperor of Aracnia Empire — Hiro being the missing Alphas of the past in just a span of a week. They officially announced that they are also a member of the Alphas. Although I already know they are part of the Alphas, there are still people out there who don't have a clue who were Lewis, Sylvia, and Hiro from the past.

All they know is that there's a Lord of Hildegarde, Lewis. The noble lady, Sylvia died in an 'accident', and Hiro the first and last Emperor of Aracnia Empire.

As the news spread like a wildfire, I grit my teeth feeling annoyed by how people change so much. I thought that Hezelle is helping me to my revenge for Elyse — but look who's this bitch doing, pretending to be my ally and helping Elyse in the shadows?

I also heard from my men that Hezelle and Elyse met secretly outside the Academy without the eyes of the Student Council and The District leaders. I couldn't hear what they say but my men said they were discussing something important.

What important is it then?

Are they trying to rebel? What tricks are they pulling in?

Also, I hate it. I hate it when they spread the news that confirming Lewis is one of the Alphas too. I couldn't help but feel strange frustration swelling in my heart when I heard the news.

Hah, am I being influenced right now? Damn this.

As I walked into the hallways of The Academy, I noticed Elyse far away getting her stuff from her locker while also putting the things she's been carrying since then. I paused and watched her lock her locker. A smile is carved on my lips when I think of something 'entertaining'. I quickly use my 'eye' to get a closer look at the password.


As I watch Elyse walking away from her locker, I started to approach her locker and turned my head to my left and right — thinking if the students are looking at me.

I camouflaged beside her locker and waited for the students to leave the hallway. No one seems to notice my camouflage because everyone is busy with their own little worlds chatting and laughing around.

The Academy is the most prestigious school in the Empire — its school is even more popular than any other grand schools like us from Rahania and the Academy in Iona too. In the past, I could feel the dreary atmosphere around the school which made me feel sick, and I decided to go in another school. Everyone is serious about their task which is suffocating.

But when Elyse came, I heard she volunteers to help other students and even become one of the top students here. It made me feel enraged more. She's been bullied and looked down on because she's Aniya's Descendant — so why is she loved by everyone? Is it because she's now part of the Student Council? Or maybe because she's simply also Lucia's Descendant?

It's frustrating. In the past, in Rahania everyone doesn't welcome me. I know that and they keep on bullying me, so to survive I make myself sociable and create friends be it fake or real. I quickly become popular but because of race differences, I was still being harassed.

Aniya is no different from Lewis, he also didn't protect Tina. And so are me and Elyse. We're not that too much of a difference.

"So, you're admitting you're on the mistake too?" A frightening voice echoed in my mind as I felt a chill running down my spine when strange yet cold pale hands try to touch my face coming from behind the darkness.

"So... you're admitting you hurt Tina too?" I gasp and I quickly went back to my present sense. What was that? It was frightening, I could still feel its cold touch on my face.

I realized my camouflage disappeared and thankfully there are no students around here anymore. I went outside from my hiding spot and went to Elyse's locker and opens it using her password. I smiled as I put entertaining things in her locker. After that, I closed her locker and make it what it was like earlier.

I went back to my room humming a tune. I couldn't feel anymore happier than before.


[Elyse's POV]

"Class dismissed." The professor said and I was quickly pack my things when someone pat my shoulder. I instantly turn my head to look at it when I realized it was just Eli.

She looked surprised to see me in such a state. I guess my face looked like I am going to murder someone. I sigh and quickly change my expression as I carved a smile on my lips.

"Yes?" I see Eli flinch and hug herself using her arm while avoiding my eyes.

"I-I was wondering if you can have lunch with me. It's been a while since we have lunch together —"

"No." I quickly answer. She flinched and looked flustered too — she looked so surprised.

"Elyse. It's been weeks since then. Are you feeling, okay? Did you get an injury? I am Lovelia's Descendant so I can heal you up! I-if I can't then there's Chad too although he uses medicine still —"

"I am busy today, Eli. Sorry, let's have lunch next time." I spoke with a smile in my face. She didn't say anything further and just nodded her head.

"R-right... Sorry." Eli said and went to Arrow and Arbor as I went outside the classroom walking in a daze in the hallway.

The conversation between me and Hezelle is still fresh in my mind as I tighten my grip on my books.


"Lady Hezelle wants to meet you in person, Elyse," Maria told me using the communication device that Lu made for me.

The master... Of the Empire wants to see me? Suddenly, someone's voice came into my mind.

"There are three beings who can defy the laws of The World. The Beginning, The Light, and The End." Said the voice in my head. It's strange when I quickly thought of Hezelle when it says 'Light'.

Is the voice telling me that Hezelle can help me revive my family back to life? Then, there's no way to find the old master if Hezelle agreed to revive my family!

"I'll go." I said with determination in my voice.

Days later, Hezelle fetched me using her private carriage as we went outside the Academy to a famous restaurant in the Capital City. The atmosphere looks so expensive as they all use elegant red curtains and carpets with elegant patterns within it which makes it more stunning, tables that have cold lines on the sides of the silk shining when the light reflects in it. A chandelier above us and table wares was made of glass.

"Do you want to eat something, Elyse?" Hezelle asked but I didn't answer her. No, this is not the time to be mesmerized by the place.

"My Lady, why did you call me here?" She looked at me with her eyes widened in shock and suddenly chuckles.

"My, you remind me of Aniya. She's also straightforward like you." She said and I tightened the grip of my fork. She asks me if I wanted to eat anything but there was already food in front of me. Does she know what I wanted to eat?

I sigh. "My Lady if you're going to do it like this, then I guess I should leave," I said and I stood up. Her eyes glares at me as she said, "Sit." At the same time.

As if I was being manipulated by gravity, I quickly sat down in my chair. I tried to resist her but I couldn't.

"I told you." The voice came back to my mind again as I flinch. Why I can't use magic on her?

"You can't use magic here. I already manipulated the place, Miss Elyse." She said and I grit my teeth. Right, she's the cruel master of the Empire.

"Then if so, I would like to be rude to you, My Lady," I spoke.

"Help me revive my family." She looked at me and then bursts into laughter.

"What's so funny?" She stopped laughing while wiping off the tears in her eyes.

"Sorry. I thought it was something important but —"

"I don't know your story, but it is indeed important for me My Lady. I want my family back. This is the reason why I entered the Academy that's why to help me." She scoffed.

"You don't want to avenge your family?" I flinched from her words.

"I assume you already know who's behind your family's death... Right?" She says as her eyes glow in bloody red.

"It's the master of the Empire... Right?" I said with my eyes glaring.

"Hah. Now don't look at me like that, Elyse. You know full well who's the one at fault here. It is the name of the woman that's Mara." She spoke.

"But you decided to believe it's the old master of the empire's fault — right? Haha. I knew it." She said confirming her suspicions as I glared at her.

"Or... should I say, Lady Tina your Ancestor?" I grit my teeth as my eyes glow in deep gold and are ready to attack her.

"Haha. I see. You don't have to glare at me like that, Elyse. You can't even move an inch from your seat. See, you know it very well from the beginning." She spoke.

Yes. I know it from the very beginning. Ever since I have found the missing puzzle I was searching for when I was talking with Raymond. Tina was the Old Master of the Empire which made me lead to believe that she was a benevolent and wise Master not until I found out she was the reason for my Family's death.

And knowing full well that Tina loath Aniya so much, it makes no sense why she wanted to kill my family. Because she's the same as them — believing that I would be like her when I don't even want to be like her.

I hate being judged because I am her Descendant. It makes me feel sick to the point it makes me want to disappear. But I endured it. Because I want my family to come back and after all this, I will go home. Home. My real home.

"I will not be reviving your family, Elyse." She spoke.

"I heard everything so there's no need for negotiation. I will not revive your family." She continues.

"You're being called the almighty Master of Empire but now you're just being a coward not wanting to save someone else's family," I said sarcastically.

"Is it fun killing someone else just because they were its descendants? Yes! Their Ancestor did all the mistakes they've done. BUT IS THAT EVEN A JUSTIFIED REASON TO KILL INNOCENT LIVES JUST BECAUSE OF ONE PERSON'S MISTAKE?" I shouted; I couldn't contain my anger anymore.

"IS IT FUN? MY BROTHER GOT KILLED IN FRONT OF ME! MY MOTHER! MY FATHER! EVERYONE! THEY WERE KILLED BECAUSE OF YOUR DAMN HATRED FOR HER! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER; I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER UNTIL I WAS SAVED BY MARIA!" I screamed while the images from the past when my family was killed right in front of me keep coming back to my mind.

I think highly of the Master of Empire. But that was in the past.


"Calm down, Elyse."


I can't trust anyone. It's as if my other self is telling me I shouldn't trust anyone else anymore.

"I'm sorry, Elyse."

"Does sorry make death bring back to life?" I talked back to her.

"Then does reviving them back satisfy you?"

"YES! —"

"That's where you are wrong, Elyse." She sips her tea and looks at me.

"I may have the ability to defy the world's rules but I will never revive a dead person. Unless you will accept my condition."

"Hah. I don't want to hear it anymore." I said and tries to get off my seat and surprisingly I can get off. I stood up and before I could finally walk away from the restaurant Hezelle told me one last word.

"At the flower festival, find the King of Souls." She said and I scoffed and walked away.

I would do it even if you're not going to say it.

I will make him accept the revival of my family and then we would be finally free. We are going back to what it was like before.

[End of Flashback]


As I went into my locker, I open it and was surprised to see a pile of blood dropping off from the locker. There's also written on the locker's door and it says I would be the next.

Obviously, this is Louisette's prank.

I sigh and clean my locker using my own magic. I can't believe I am using magic to clean my locker just because of this old and childish prank. Annoyed, I went to the training grounds.

I could notice the stare of the students but I didn't care.

"I just want to get out of here soon."