43 | The Invitation for Rahania Empire

(Elyse's Point of View)

The cold air gushed inside the room as the curtains gracefully swayed along the wind. The smell of something delicious in my nose as I open my eyes to be welcomed by the old ceiling from my home outside the Aracnia.

As I began to recognize the place, I quickly stood up and ran into the nearest mirror. I began to examine myself and I looked younger than I used to be.

What's going on? Why am I here?

The moonlight embraced my body as I glance up and stares at the beautiful crescent moon. I looked at the outside and my eyes widen in shock to see the same beautiful garden that my father always tends to before he heads to work early in the morning. Although dark, it is still indeed beautiful with small lantern lights surrounding our small garden.

I recalled my family and felt an adrenaline rush inside my body as I went outside of my room, running into the kitchen.

"Mother! Father!" I called them when I arrived in the kitchen but no one was there. The sound of the door creaking open as I turn to look behind me and saw Lucas rubbing his eyes.

"Sister? It's so late... what are you doing here?" He asked and my tears fell down from my eyes and I immediately hugged him. Tightly.

"Lucas…? LUCAS!" I screamed and cried on his shoulders. The lights of the room beside me lit up and the door opened and I saw Mother and Father looking at us confused.

"Elyse? Why are you screaming?" Mother quickly went into us, checking myself.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" She said with her worried voice as I cry more. I miss her. I miss her so much. I miss her voice, her face, and her smile.

"Mama, I miss you. So... so much." I whispered as I began to cry again in her arms. She gently pats my back trying to calm me down.

"What are you talking about silly? We just met yesterday. Did you have a nightmare?" I paused. Yes. That's right. It must've been a nightmare. Everything must've been a nightmare.

I quickly nodded my head and Mother smiled sweetly.

"Hush now, there's no need to worry anymore. I am here, Lyse." Mother said and my tears won't stop falling from my eyes. Father joined us and Lucas too who was still sleepy but he hugged us anyway.

That night, I went to sleep with my family in a small bed.

"Hey guys, give me some space," Father said and Mother glared at him.

"Ha?" She said and father hugged us. "No, I said I love you guys." He answered getting scared from Mother's glare as both of us giggles at his reaction. Ah, how I long to make this happen again.

The next day came and another came for us. My life returned back to normal. I couldn't remember how I went home from the Academy but Mother said I am now one of the top magicians in the Empire and directly served the Master of Empire. She was confused at first because she said I was the one who told her that, but I was also the one who questioned her the next day about it.

But of course, this world is only a dream. A place for my desire. How did I know? It's because I looked younger than I should be, and I didn't get the position I wanted in the Palace. I didn't become a Magician or an official position. But I am just a student of The Academy.

"I'm glad that you know," A familiar voice echoed in my head as I turned around to see a man who was wearing a black coat covering his whole body.

"... If you didn't then you're going to be stuck in this dream forever." The man said.

"Then, shouldn't be it best to not admit that I am dreaming?" I asked and the man laughed.

"How greedy, Miss Elyse. But that is also one of your charms. Not in a bad way." He spoke.

"But I must say, we should end the dream here, Miss Elyse." He continued as he carefully approached me. He then pointed his finger towards my forehead and for a moment — when he gently smiled at me, he reminded me of Dain.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you, Elyse." He whispered before I woke up from my long dream.

When I woke up, I could feel my body getting weak as if all of my energy was strained from my soul. I couldn't move too much except sit in the bed. Although it was a dream — at least I was given a chance to meet my family again.



I couldn't help her. The words she told me as she tries to confirm the betrayal she went through that night, "Please... tell me, you won't leave me too, right?" Tina said with her puffed eyes looking at me while kneeling.

I couldn't look at her face directly and avoided her gaze while I answered, "I betrayed you, Tina." I said and I could feel her frozen to her spot.

I was selfish and unreasonable until the very end only to realize later that I love her. I wanted to protect her — the only guiding light when I was stuck in my dark days when Mother left us.

And when I came back, I promised you that I would help you. But when you came back to me asking for my help, I immediately answered you. "No." Those words etched in my heart as the face Elyse made looked exactly like Tina how her painful expression looked when I admit my betrayal in front of her.

To not leave more regrets in the future, I come to you Elyse, and gave you a pleasant dream. As I sit down beside your bed watching how you enjoy the dream I made for you — also made me feel that my promise to Tina has now been fulfilled.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you, Elyse," I whispered as I kissed her forehead, waking her up from the pleasant dream she had and disappearing into her room.


As Elyse walked in the hallways silently carrying two books, a notebook, a pen, and paper in her arms. A familiar voice called her from afar. Elyse went to look for that voice and to her surprise, it was Chad whose waving his hand towards her wearing a bright smile.

Chad ran towards her like a child excited to see their mother.

"Good morning! Did you have fun yesterday?" He asked and Elyse smiles and nodded her head. "Yes, I had a lot of fun yesterday." She answered.

"How about you?" Elyse asked while they both walked together. Chad puts his hands on his back and grins. "It was fun yesterday too. I had a headache." He spoke.

"Are you okay now?" Elyse spoke and he nodded. "I didn't know Lu would do that kind of thing. It's scary but also fun." Elyse commented and Chad chuckles. "You mean it's thrilling? Well, that's how Lu is. It's not the first time she sneaked in a bottle of alcohol in the Academy." Chad spoke and it made Elyse look at him quickly.

"Do you mean, Lu always does that?" He nodded his head.

"Yes. She would simply empty a bottle of soft drinks or any other drinks that is acceptable in the academy. Then, she will put either wine or beer inside and drink it for lunch or dinner. Raymond already spoke to her many times regarding her habit of drinking but Lu wouldn't simply listen to us." Chad said while they both laugh at Lu's stubbornness.

The school bell rang indicating that it is time for the first class in the early morning. The hallways quickly went silent as students went to their respective classes. Only Chad and Elyse were left alone in the hallway again silent to each other.

Then, Elyse realized. She didn't properly apologize for what happened. She made everyone worry about her condition. Because of that dream she had earlier, she hope that kind of happiness would always stay as what they are. But she knows to herself better than anyone that happiness is not always there — there's always a pain.

This is the realization she had after waking up from her pleasant dream.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I made everyone worry about me." She spoke breaking the silence between her and Chad. Chad only gently smiled and then, he outreaches his hand touching Elyse's bangs.

Elyse was frozen as her heart starts racing. Elyse glances up at Chad — meeting his red eyes. Their heart beat faster as the atmosphere feels a little bit hot.

"Elyse, I need you..." He said with a whisper but paused and it made her heart beat faster.

"What?" She whispered.

".... to tell me next time what you're feeling." He continues.

"No matter what is it. No matter if it's trivial or not. I want you to tell me your problems." Chad spoke with a gentle tone. 'And I want you to need me.' He said in his mind whispering in the hopes of wind.

Elyse smirked, "Of course. Thank you, Thaddeus." Dumbfounded, he stares at Elyse's hazel eyes. His heart beat racing fast and the warm feeling he has in his heart. He fixes Elyse's hair and put his hand back in his pocket.

"Thank you. I'll be glad to help." He turns to look around and then his eyes came back to Elyse. "It's time, you go back to your class. I'm going to have a talk to Raymond." He said and starts walking away but he paused.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here," Chad handed him out an invitation. The invitation was designed very elegantly with intricate details on it. It feels like the invitation design was carefully planned and very well-written.

She opens the letter and reads the following words,

"May the Everlasting Snow Moon blessed upon the Scorching Fire of Aracnia Empire as we would like to invite you, Students of Aracnia Empire to the first week of our Flower Festival in Rahania Empire witnessing the 4th flower festival for our dear Goddess of Wisdom — Akila, Alpha of Wisdom and Justice — Aniya and for our dear late Emperor Amir. We would like to share this magnificent festival with you on behalf of The Royal Family, Prince Malik, Queen Lezia, and King Omar with The Student Council's President, Louisette Hildegarde.

We will await your gracious reply."

Elyse read out loud with her eyes wide open.

"Louisette...? She's the president?" Elyse asked and quickly shifted her gaze from the paper to Chad. He nodded his head with a serious expression.

"Yes. We are invited to Rahania Empire which is good. We will be seeing King Seth of Chetan Kingdom since this invitation has been distributed to everyone. Since we are students, we will be staying at their Academy just like how they visited us." Chad explained.

Elyse sighed, "I see. I'm going." Chad nodded with her answer.

"Very well, I shall speak with Raymond so you can pack your things in 3 days. See you, Elyse." She nodded and waves her hand goodbye while Chad walked away.

'Rahania Empire. Finally, I will meet King Seth of Chetan.'