44 | The Rahania Empire

In the ancient civilization of Olympia, before the current World was created — three Empires were made. The three Empires were dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses to protect the human civilization from the Devil — Cain. The Kingdom of Ishtar, a Kingdom dedicated to the Goddess of Flowers or could be known as Saintess of Beginning. The Empire of Iona in the past didn't prosper and was known to be the land of infertility.

The land of Ishtar Kingdom was barren. They cannot grow food easily unlike the Kingdoms of Rahania and Olympia. The Ishtar Kingdom is also known to be the land of slums and Omega. The lowest rank of them all — because of that both Olympia Empire and the Rahania Kingdom would always target the weak Kingdom — Ishtar on battlefields.

The Ishtar Kingdom became a battlefield for both Olympia and Rahania, fighting for what they believed that is right.

The Rahania Kingdom is a powerful country second to the Olympia Empire. Rahania was filled with many warriors and scholars since Rahania was known to serve the Goddess of Wisdom and Justice. While The Olympia Empire served the Goddess of Beginning and God of Life.

The Rahania Kingdom is home to the Betas while The Olympia Empire is home to the Alphas. Because of power rank, they have been sworn enemies until the end. But because of Tina who was known to be the Lady of Prophecy, the power system broke — even the world where everyone originally lived was destroyed.

Tina, using Hiro's last consciousness as his last words before he dies — made a world where there is no power system and everyone is happy and not struggling for their needs every day. She changed her name to "Lucia" and is now called "The Master" of the Aracnia Empire in the present.

All Kingdom's names were changed but their fascinating culture didn't. The Ishtar Kingdom is now called "The Iona Empire" home to omegas and to everyone. "The Aracnia Empire" is also an Empire home for everyone — be it beta, omega or Alpha everyone is welcome to live in the Empire. Even managing a business is not a problem if you're a beta or omega. If anyone wanted to build a business but you're an omega? There's no problem at all unlike in ancient civilization.

Men are degrading women especially if they're omega. There was no equality because of the corrupted rules, but in the present day or moment, the rules changed under "Lucia's rule".

The Rahania Kingdom's name didn't change for certain reasons. Only the name, "Kingdom" was changed into an "Empire". No one truly knows why The Rahania name didn't change but there are rumors circling about Aniya's final wish before she died right in the hands of Tina.

The Iona Empire became a popular spot for people who wanted a vacation because of its beautiful landscapes and tourist spots such as the circus and theatre. The Aracnia Empire was filled with many talented magicians and swordsmen and women while The Rahania Empire lived to their reputation until the present moment – still full of scholars with brilliant warriors every day.

This is what the book says as I read every single detail in the book that Luna gave me. I couldn't help but have a mixed feeling of excitement and worry. Entering another country aside from Aracnia seems to be a pressure on me. Also, I know to myself that I am the one who is nervous, but the excitement that I am feeling doesn't justify myself. It felt like it was someone — something within me. Or am I just overthinking things again?

For days, I spent my free time reading books regarding Rahania Empire with their history and culture. Raymond caught me yesterday reading the book and reassures me that I shouldn't pressure myself on such matters since we're going to visit the Rahania Empire and will not do work there.

Although he said that, I still can't shake the mixed feeling I'm having until now.

"Are you ready?" Luna entered my room. I quickly turn my head to look at her while the book is in my lap, holding it gently in my hands.

I nodded with a smile. She tilted her head, looking at the book's title. "Isn't that the book I gave to you?" I nodded and she sat down beside me. "You're still not done yet?" She asks.

"I just finished reading," I answered and she nodded her head again. She carefully looks away making an awkward silence between us, and then, she turned her head to look at me again.

"Are you still nervous?" I chuckled, while my heart beat fast. "Yes. Actually, I couldn't sleep a wink last night I ended up reading the whole book." Luna laughed at my answer.

"I tell you, Rahania is beautiful. There's also a book I haven't given to you. It's a story about a Saintess and the infamous Duke Zues." She spoke.

"A Saintess with the Duke? You mean..." Luna smiled nodding her head again. "Some people believed it is only a fiction, while others believed it is indeed their unspoken love story." She starts.

"After the death of Duke Zues, people say that he wrote the story himself and was later discovered when servants went to a bed chamber, he personally taken care of when he was still alive." She said and I watched her speak.

"I'm sorry to say but we don't actually have the time to tell you the story but I have the book so I'll lend it to you some time." She said and I nodded. She starts to get up and I did the same and fixed the windowsill where I sat down earlier while reading the book. I went outside my room's door and locked it and followed Luna who was escorting me to the Academy's Gate.

When we arrived at the entrance of the Academy, I saw Chad across the place talking with Dain and Kai. I looked at him without batting an eye.

He looks more handsome today now that I am staring at him. When he smiled, I caught a glimpse of his dimples showing a little bit as he smiled widely while Dain looked irritated and Kai felt nervous around them.

I sigh, what is he doing again with them? He keeps picking up with others.

My mind came back to the present when Eli called my name. "Elyse! Are you ready?" She shouted from afar as I glance at her. I nodded my head and gave my luggage to the servant as he put my things inside the carriage.

Suddenly, I felt a small tug on my shirt. I look to see who it was when it was. I realized it was Odelle looking pale.

"Odelle? Are you okay?" I asked and she slowly nodded. "Yes... I'm fine." She answered slowly.

"I heard we're going to use teleportation since Rahania is far away from Aracnia. Although Iona is much farther than the two Empires but..." Odelle continues as she looked paler than earlier.

"Do you have motion sickness?"

"N-no, I'm fine. But can I ask for a favor?" She asks and clings to my shoulder more.

I smiled, "Sure. What is it?"

"Can you stay by my side for the whole trip? Just one day, I promise I will behave." She spoke as if she were begging.

I sigh. So, she has motion sickness.

"Odelle, where's Arrow?" Arbor came right after Odelle put her arms around my shoulder hugging my arms tightly.

"Oh, there." She pointed to Arrow who was holding Eli's hands while they were talking. I glance at both of them and suddenly blush at the very sight. They look... close.

While my mind was preoccupied looking at how Arrow and Eli held each other's hands, I felt a tight grip in my arms.

"Hey, move," Arbor said with his cold tone while glaring at her hands holding my arms. It looked like he was back to his usual self before I met him.

"No way, Elyse is mine." Odelle answered and hugged me more.

"Elyse is not an object so don't own her."

"Elyse is not your girlfriend so you don't have the audacity to order me around."

Everyone was frozen and silent when Odelle shouted at Arbor. I notice Raymond looking away as if he's trying not to laugh, Luna who's beside him looked at us with a puzzled eye. The servants who were with us also ignored us but one of them is trying to stop their laugh.

Pissed, Arbor grabbed my arms gently and pulls me closer to him.

"Stop it, Odelle, you're being very clingy today." He spoke.

"AAAA! I want Elyse in my side because she's a magician! I have motion sickness, you dummy!" Odelle broke down and starts crying loudly.

"Woah, you made her cry," Chad said looking at Arbor with a smirk on his face. Arbor who felt more pissed glares at him. "I didn't know she has motion sickness, Thaddeus." Chad shrugged. "Oh really? Then you might've lacked the idea of observing people. I thought you were smart enough to notice such small details since you are always silent." Chad said.

"Right, I'm only silent since I am not interested in people."

"And to Elyse, you're interested in her?" Chad scoffed. The two of them exchange more glares until Lu came from behind.

"Oi, what are you doing?" She asks.

Arbor scoffs and walks away while Chad quickly exchanged his expression and smiles brightly.

"Sister! You're here!" He said trying to give Lu a hug but she quickly dodged him and he ended up falling to the ground.

"What an embarrassment. Two grown boys fighting over one girl. Sigh, what are you doing Disciplinary Officer? You're supposed to be facilitating them." Lu said pointing at Kai who is still chatting with Dain.

"... Not chatting with others." Lu continues. She sighs again and looked at me.

"Are you all ready? Let's get going, we're going to be late since we have to visit the King first." Lu spoke and I nodded my head.

After a minute of preparing, everyone is finally ready.

"Elyse, you know how to cast a spell of teleportation right?" I nodded my head.

"That's great, you'll be sending us there." She spoke. "Hmmm... Then I will need the coordinates." I said and Lu gave me the coordinates.

I slowly went up front and walked while the skies are now starting to look gloomy. I close my eyes as I feel the cold breeze of the wind. Right, coordinates. I breathe in and out slowly as I try to feel the wind of Rahania. Slowly, I feel the warm sensation and the dusty feeling in my arms.

As I enchant some spells, I slowly raise my hands into the air and finally open my eyes as I swiftly raise my hands once more up in the sky, opening a huge door portal. I could feel the emotions of people, mesmerized by what they witnessed. My eye's color began to change into white while I raise my hands feeling the cold and warm sensation from the spell now traveling to Rahania.

I yell the spell and the ground starts to shake, for a moment, the teleportation closes and we have arrived at Rahania Empire exactly on the coordination that Lu gave me.

My mana began to calm and my eyes starts to change back to their original colors as I open my eyes and is welcomed by the fascinating designs of the place. It looked like a room.

"Welcome, dear guests." A man in black skin welcomed us in the Rahania Language. To my surprise, I can understand what he is saying.

I tried to open my mouth and spoke the Rahanian Language. "Thank you for welcoming us," I answered. I could feel everyone's eyes looking at me shocked too. I took a quick glance at them and I was right. But my gaze met with Chad and he didn't look surprised at all.

I quickly looked away.

"Ugh... Can I borrow a bathroom?" Odelle asks in our Language. The servants didn't get her and so I translated it for her.

"Hall yumkinuna astikhdam alhamami? (Can we use a bathroom?)" I asked with a smile carving on my lips. The servant with brown skin smiled at me and said, "We have prepared a room for each guest to stay for the festival." (laqad 'aedadna ghurfatan likuli dayf li'iiqamat almahrajani) The lady answered and I nodded.

"They have prepared a room for us. Odelle let's get you to go there." She nodded and a servant who can speak our language guided us to our respective rooms.

After the servants showed us our rooms, I quickly helped Odelle to the bathroom as I wait for her outside the room. While she was doing her business in the toilet because of her motion sickness, I noticed a familiar figure walking toward us with people behind following her.

I flinched — it was the first time I saw her serious expression because she keeps on making trouble in the Academy. But now that our positions have switched — I am the guest and she's not.

"Have you submitted the report to the King?" I heard Louisette say to one of her people following her. With dignity and grace, she walks fast while talking to them.

"I... still haven't, My Lady —" Louisette stopped her pace and turned to look at the man who answered her question. He might be the one assigned to the task Louisette just asked.

"You still haven't?" She emphasizes and the man flinched.

"How many times did I tell you to submit the report early to the King?! Are you on high or you just can't understand one little thing from my instructions?!" She said almost shouting at him.

"My Lady, Students from Aracnia Empire have arrived." The lady on her side told her interrupting the discussion between the man and Louisette. Her attention diverted to the lady as she raises her right eyebrow at her.

"So? What do you think is the next step?" The Lady nodded her head and said, "We have already guided them to their respective rooms, My Lady. We just needed to greet them properly before they could meet the Royal family." The Lady spoke naturally with a calm voice as if she doesn't care about what Louisette would say.

Louisette smiles brightly, "That's great! I'm glad to have such... a reliable member." She said openly insulting the man who had just made a mistake.

I clench my fists. It was only but a simple mistake — how could she do that?

Then, my gaze met hers. And she smirked.

"My! If it isn't Elyse! How are you?" She said and starts running and hugging me. I was too late to realize it so I couldn't dodge. But I didn't hug her back.

"You are Aniya's Descendant." The lady behind Louisette said while staring at me.

"How... Did you know that?" I ask.

"You have the blood of the Ancient Royal Family circulating in you." She spoke.

"And also..." She starts scanning me from foot to head and her stare stops at my heart.

"You have something in there." She continued.

"Ah! Pardon me, Elyse! I would like you to meet Penelope. She's a member of the Student Council here in Rahania also, she's a magician like you." Louisette interrupted our conversation and spoke.

"I see." I didn't ask though.

"Right! Penelope, I want you to give Miss Elyse a tour of the Palace. As for you sir, follow me." She instructed but I quickly put my hand in the air, stopping them.

"You needn't worry. I will go with Odelle —"

"There you are, Elyse." Luna interrupted and I turn around to look at her. Louisette then slightly bows down her head to Luna, greeting her in a noble manner.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Is Odelle here?" She said pointing at the room I was standing behind. I nod and she smiled. "I have something with Odelle, you go ahead and rest. I know you feel tired." Luna said.

"Don't." Penelope suddenly spoke and we both glanced at her.

"She's still in the loo." Penelope continues and Luna chuckles. "Don't worry, I will wait here," Luna spoke.

"Well, that's great then! Since Elyse is our guest here, Penelope — you should go and guide her in the Mansion before we should let them greet the emperor." Louisette told Penelope and quickly walks away with the man beside her. I rolled my eyes. She didn't even budge to ask my opinion. Like it was unexpected.

After Louisette disappeared and a long debate with Luna about trying to help Odelle, I surrender and had no other choice but to follow Penelope who was going to guide me in the Mansion of Hildegarde.