47 | The Rahania Empire: The Binding Fate of Cairo

Aniya is an illegitimate daughter born from one affair. She was mistreated and brainwashed by her mother — Duchess Vierra with her sons, and her stepbrothers. The eldest and the future Duke of their Family is Edward. He was a quiet boy who likes books more than socializing, mathematics, and logic, than history and politics. The Second one is Jason; he was an athlete. He never likes studying and is also rebellious but, he is a smart and wise kid who likes to bully Aniya every day. The third one was Henry who likes both sports and academics. He also likes to bully their little sister — Aniya. Although both brothers may look dumb — looks can be deceiving. They are not 'just' Duchess Vierra's sons but they are the children who were blessed by the Goddess of Wisdom's path.

Those who walked along those paths shall be granted power and wisdom. But Aniya didn't receive the wisdom because she was illegitimate. And so, she finds ways to make her mother proud and so she did. But for what price she must pay?

Her entire life.

After King Amir and Duchess Vierra's broken relationship, in the midst of King Amir's healing heart, he found another woman who is kinder than the warming sun and more beautiful than the moon. The green strokes of hair and eyes looks like the dark green forest. She was a more beautiful and kind-hearted woman than Vierra who is vile and evil.

King Amir then fell in love with her and had one child and is named "Cairo". When he was growing up, King Amir would often tell stories about his first love and how he wanted to meet Arina his first daughter. At first, Cairo was jealous. He was jealous of the favoritism that King Amir gave to Aniya or Arina he felt he was abandoned because of that silly reason.

But that wasn't true and he realized it after the death of his father. Immediately, after King Amir's death, Cairo became the King and reign the Kingdom until it is called The Empire instead of the Kingdom. On Emperor Cairo's coronation day, a mysterious man covered with a full black cloak in his body gave him a blessing of immortality and also gave him insight into what happened to his father.

His father was killed by none other than his first love and he saw how his half-sister wanted to save her father from death but she was too late. Cairo finally understood why his father loves his daughter so much. She was brainwashed, mistreated, and abused by her mother — she never experienced love and affection from a family or a friend because everyone hates her for no apparent reason.

Well, maybe there is — she's illegitimate.

After that, the mysterious man disappeared and Emperor Cairo didn't think about it too much. What he thinks is about Aniya giving her best to survive in that kind of life she was given. In those days of his reign, he continues to look at her using his insight. She was the villain — a mastermind. Years later, he found out that the Alphas are now dead and one of them are missing and it was Aniya.

In those years of reign again, he watched over her but he cannot do anything but watch how she became a servant for Tina and how she became a tool in revenge for what she did to Tina. Emperor Cairo also knows that she was the one who gave the invoice from Tina to make peace with The Olympia and help her change the whole world.

He knows but he pretended not to know.

Cairo wanted to give her the love and affection of a family — but how can he do that when she is also the reason for the death of their father?

But as always, regret is the last thing you wanted to have when you found out that the person you cherish the most is now dead and cannot come back anymore.

Cairo doesn't know what to do — he never witnessed the death of his half-sister whom her father would always tell stories about her, only he heard it from Tina, now known as "Lucia" the one who killed her.

Now that years have already passed, Cairo still has mixed feelings about his half-sister. When the right time comes, will he be happy or sad to see his half-sister finally? Will the longing wish of their father will be fulfilled again? They wish for them to be reunited and to be together as a family. King Amir would always imagine little Aniya and little Cairo always playing in the playground at the Kingdom. If only things weren't hard for everyone — this would've been possible.

"Your Highness, Descendant of Alpha Aniya and the rest of Alphas is here." A servant came into his room while Emperor Cairo sits down in his chair looking from afar. With his eyes looking down, he turns around and gazes at the servant.

Days ago, Emperor Cairo received news of a possible survivor of Descendant of Aniya. She was called and bullied at Aracnia, yet at the Hunting Contest, everyone thought of her also as the Descendant of Tina. The timing is also perfect when he received the news — it was 3 days before the official start of The Flower Festival.

"I'll be there." Emperor Cairo said and the servant bows her head down and walks away from the room. Emperor Cairo stood up and went outside his room and many servants — men and women followed his steps as he went into the throne room, now going to meet the future Alphas.

When the Emperor went inside the throne room, the room felt heavy and silent as he sat down quietly and gazes at the door signaling for the guests to come inside.

The first one to come is Lady Louisette Hildegarde, The Student Council President of The Academia of Rahania. The second was Lord Raymond Caelus, The Student Council President of Aracnia Academy. The third one to follow is Luna, The Student Council Vice President of Aracnia Academy and the rest follow the members of The Student Council of Aracnia Empire.

"Show your respect to the emperor!" Said the butler and everyone showed their courtesy to the emperor. As Elyse knelt down with her one knee behind her foot, she closes her eyes elegantly and does her curtesy with grace. After a second of bowing her head to the emperor, her brown hair shone brightly under the sunlight and her hazel eyes sparkled as if for a moment it turned golden yellow staring back at Emperor Cairo.

For a moment, Emperor Cairo froze. His eyes widen in shock to see a picture of his dead half-sister Aniya bowing her head for him. For a moment, he caught a glimpse of her beauty and intimidating aura like Vierra — just like how his father said in his stories, Aniya is such a beautiful woman like her mother.

"It is such a great honor to meet the Emperor of Rahania Empire — Emperor Cairo," Raymond spoke.

"Long live, Emperor Cairo!" Everyone said in unison but Emperor Cairo didn't speak a word but only stares at Elyse who starts to feel uncomfortable by his stares.

Raymond then starts to introduce everyone and when it came to Elyse — she bows down her head slightly and spoke, "I am Elyse Valentina, Your Highness. I am not sure of my origin, although everyone calls me to be either Descendant of Aniya or Descendant of Tina."

"You are Aniya's Descendant." Elyse froze when Emperor Cairo finally spoke. She looked up at him and she saw him form a small smile on his face.

"Father will never lie about her, Descendant of Aniya whom my precious older half-sister — welcome to The Rahania Empire." He said and everyone fell into silence.

At that moment, Elyse felt another pain in her chest as she looks up at the emperor. A memory flashes back in her head — as if she recognizes that the emperor is her half-brother although they aren't related in the same blood, but Aniya does.

'Believe in your memories.' Arbor's words flash back in her head as she could only gaze back to the emperor with her shocked eyes and her heart breaking apart.

Only then she realizes that Emperor Cairo is the one who is rumored to be the Immortal Emperor of Rahania, though people never believed it, in Rahania — everyone believes it.

The emperor has finally reunited with his older half-sister — Aniya.