48 | The Rahania Empire: Siblings

There was a legend in a past, where a mysterious man who wore a cloak entered the walls of Rahania in celebration of the new King of the Kingdom. Wearing a black cloak without letting others see its face, he gave a blessing to the new and young King — Cairo.

A blessing of immortality — both a blessing and a curse. He was an ally of Tina until his Kingdom became an Empire with the support of "Lucia". He witnessed the born of a new world, with the new system, and built more places for the people to live. He witnessed the Master ruling all over the world until she disappears in one fell swoop.

A rumor has it that the one who gave Emperor Cairo the blessing of immortality is none other than The God of Death himself, or it could be the King of Souls — Seth.

Elyse read a book about the history of the Empire when Lu gave her that book using it to spend her time alone in the room. She never thought she would meet the rumored Immortal Emperor Cairo. Like in the book, he was a gorgeous young man.

His long hair with a shade of green fell elegantly on his body as he sits down on his throne with his white and green robe embedded with pearls and other jewels — he wasn't wearing any crown but just looking at him, you can tell that he is The Emperor because of his intense eyes looking through your soul.

"So, you are the rumored Descendant of two strong Alphas of the past — Chrystiana, and Aniya." The emperor spoke as the two of them sits down alone on a balcony after the emperor dismisses everyone and told Elyse to follow him and this is where they are now. Alone in a place that looks like a garden, though it isn't really a garden. Beside them is a beautiful crystal blue lake adorned with enchanting lights, flowers, and vines that looks even more enchanting.

"Yes, Your Highness," Elyse answered without making eye contact with the emperor.

He sips his tea gracefully making Elyse stare at him as if she reminds him of Aniya from her memories. Her graceful gestures and distant expressions look exactly like Emperor Cairo. Is it because they're half-siblings? It always makes me reminded of Aniya from his gestures.

"I never would have imagined personally meeting the Descendant of Aniya. In this Empire, Amira Arina is one of us and she is respected." He started to converse and Elyse didn't speak and continued to be silent.

"As you have heard — I am her half-sibling, her little brother. Although I never met her in person, I can always imagine her face from the stories of my father with his proud and gentle look while telling me about his daughter Aniya."

Emperor Cairo's words from earlier made Elyse think about it again. So, that's what he was talking about earlier.

"Your Highness, don't the whole world hates Aniya?" Elyse asks making Emperor Cairo looks at her.

"Everyone hates her — but not exactly everyone. In Rahania, Aniya was portrayed to be someone who was not protected and had no other choice is to obey which is true. We learned the truth before the Aracnia people knew it. Since then, we became enemies again after the disappearance of Lucia, The Master of all Empires."

Emperor Cairo looked at the far with his back straight sitting pretty.

"The leaders of Aracnia Empire believes that The Alphas were the one who betrayed the Master, they couldn't accept the fact that it isn't The Alpha's fault — but the one who manipulated everyone and that is the Devil, Cain. He is also known as The God of Ending," he spoke.

"Who... Is Cain?" She asks.

"Cain, also known as The Devil. In the Ancient World, he was known first as The God of Ending. He was friends with The Goddess of Beginning and The God of Life until something happened that changed him and made everything that The Goddess of Beginning created destroyed from his hands. They say that the God of Ending is dead and he now becomes the Devil. In other words — Cain is the real one who manipulates all the fates and destroys them." Emperor Cairo explains and it made Elyse feel shivers down her spine.

Elyse can already picture what Cain must've looked like. A terrifying — powerful God who plays everyone's heart and mind. Crushing them into the depths of their soul.

"Even Tina knows that fact very well." Elyse heard Emperor Cairo's whisper but she didn't speak anymore. It seems that from his tone — he looked distant and troubled when he said that.

"But I believe that my half-sister is also a victim. But, because of the difference in beliefs, like in the past — the two Empires became enemies also. But not that very much like in the past political wars, where we lose and win each time. Still, we have different beliefs."

"Elyse Valentina, you are her Descendant — I am quite sure she lets you inherit the memory of her shards into you?" He asks and Elyse didn't speak.

"I... am quite unsure, Your Highness." She answered which made Emperor Cairo pique his interest.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"There are times there are memories that are either mine or of someone else. No — It's always been the memory of someone else. Wearing her white dress and her beautiful silk black hair, her purple eyes deeply looking at me — in those memories she felt different. She was more cheerful and innocent than the present 'she' that I met. She was happier than anyone else, there was nothing a hint of sadness in her eyes because she always smiles. But sometimes, I feel there is something missing. If she is indeed called now 'Lucia' then why there's no memory of her as Lucia in mine? If I am indeed her Descendant."

"About Aniya, I don't really know about her. There is also a person who has such beautiful silver hair, wearing a cloak to hide her face. But I know that she was gentle and kind because of the gazes that I would feel from her. That woman... She felt so familiar and yet she also feels distant. Where did I see her or where did I meet her? I don't know. But every time there's a place that I know the Alphas would always frequent in the past — my heart hurts with regret and guilt. As if I am always blaming myself for what I did — things that I don't even do as Elyse or someone else. It feels strange, yet it feels painful and sad."

Elyse told everything about what she felt deep down in her heart. In these exchange conversations with the emperor — she felt like she just met an old friend she misses so much that she has so many stories to tell. But of course, Elyse wouldn't dare to forget that Cairo is still the emperor and lose her composure in front of him.

Cairo didn't utter a single word and only listens to what she was saying. It's as if he also met an old friend he misses throughout the years and finally reunited with them. They quickly felt comfortable with each other and for that moment, the young Prince Malik who has the ability to see "through" saw a woman wearing the same outfit that Elyse is wearing but she has silver-white hair and beautiful golden eyes sparkling under the sunlight and her tanned skin that matches Emperor Cairo's skin.

Prince Malik then thought Elyse is Aniya and his father — Emperor Cairo would always tell stories about her. She is the beloved half-sister of Emperor Cairo but Prince Malik never dares to utter a word and let them talk in peace.

He watched them talk comfortably to each other and in those moments — it felt precious.

"Your Grace, what are you doing here?" A woman with a dreamy voice called the young Prince and he turned around to look at his mother — The Empress.

"Mama, look. Papa is talking with his long-lost sister." Prince Malik said pointing his cute fingers at Elyse. The Empress looks at Elyse and didn't see anything of what Prince Malik said about his long-lost sister. Of course, The Empress knows the face of Alpha Aniya because, in Rahania, she is praised and never humiliated.

"That is her Descendant, Your Grace. She isn't Alpha Aniya." The Empress said.

"But she has golden eyes and silver hair like what Papa said." Prince Malik convinces his mother but The Empress didn't believe him. Because from her perspective, it's Elyse with the woman with brown hair and hazel eyes. The shape of their face and gestures may have some similarities but their appearance we're beyond recognition as Aniya.

"Let's go back to bed now, my Prince. You need to take a nap after such a long day." The Empress said and gently pulls in Prince Malik inside indoors and went straight into his bed chamber leaving Elyse and The Emperor still talking to each other.