Dawn came and Elyse didn't sleep anymore. She only sat down in her chair with her eyes open watching as the sun rises. She couldn't sleep well after what she just had witnessed last night. Who was that woman? Somehow, she looked like Aniya because of the golden eyes that woman is having.

It's also the 2nd day of the Parade which means that officials from all over the world — Kings, Queens, Emperors, Empresses, princes, princesses, and other important figures will come to Rahania for the upcoming grand ball next week.

Elyse starts to dress herself up using the uniform of her school. The emperor provided her with an outfit that's in Rahania fashion but she's not comfortable with it. Instead, she wore her comfortable outfit for the day. Elyse also felt that it is only appropriate to wear something people can recognize her.

Suddenly, a knock came into her room and Elyse permitted it to come in. A maid appeared and slightly bows down her head.

"Your Grace, The Emperor asks for your humble presence." She said and Elyse was left dumbfounded. Does the emperor want to see me? What would he want to do?

"Are the other Student Council members there?" Elyse asks but the maid looks like she didn't get her message.

"Are the future Alphas also there?" The maid smiled and Elyse smiled too.

"Yes, Your Grace. I shall lead you to the dining room." The Maid said and Elyse nodded her head. She fixes her uniform one last time and followed the maid who leads the way.

As the maids escort her to the dining hall, Elyse's gaze looked around mesmerized by the scenery of Rahania Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Palace of Rahania was built differently. With castle walls, stones, and towers built in the highest place possible using magic stones and spells, and a creature named "El-Rokh" whose big enough to carry an elephant in its talons would fly all over the highest place of the Imperial Palace as if guarding a throne. Numerous servants walked along the aristocrats of Rahania, servants carrying things with butlers and head maids along with them. Everything felt so different and magical — or maybe this must've been the first time Elyse to see a Palace than a mansion back in Aracnia.

Minutes later, they arrived at the front of a huge door, and slowly it opened. Elyse flinched from the creaking sound and slowly backs away and felt strong arms embracing her when she bumped into someone. It was Arbor.

"Feeling nervous?" Elyse nodded her head and Arbor smiled softly.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." He reassures and Elyse took a deep breath as her gaze met with Emperor Cairo. On his left, she saw a delicate yet alluring lady and with her side is a handsome man who looks exactly like Emperor Cairo.

She quickly recognizes it is The Empress of Rahania and the little Prince, Prince Malik of Rahania.

Arbor and Elyse gave them the courtesy, bowing their heads down gracefully. On the right side, she saw Louisette and Penelope together waiting for them to arrive. The rest are the members of the Student Council of Aracnia Academy, Raymond, and the others.

Chad secretly snorted when he saw both Arbor and Elyse going inside the hall together. He took a sip of a wine the servant gave him.

"Thaddeus, you're drinking when we're in front of the royals. It's basic etiquette that they should be the ones to start first." Odelle quietly scolded Chad who is sitting beside him. He scoffed and gazes at her, "I am Thaddeus's Descendant. No one can order me." He answered and Odelle shook her head, she can't convince Chad since he's been always like this.

"Greetings, Your Highnesses," Elyse spoke and Emperor Cairo smiled softly to them.

"Great that you're new here, take a seat and we shall begin." The Empress said with her soft eyes looking at Elyse and she blushed.

'She's so beautiful!' Elyse told herself secretly squeaking and both of them sat down with each other. Chad rolled his eyes when he saw that and Louisette simply smirked as she watched Chad feeling jealous of how Arbor would gently escort Elyse to sit down.

The breakfast was great and everything went smoothly. Everyone was laughing and smiling at each other, enjoying their breakfast. After that, Elyse went first to her room since she had plans to find Princess Sarah of Chetan Kingdom and talk to her. But before she could enter her room, she spotted Arbor pacing back and forth miles away from her door. Curious, she went to Arbor and lightly tapped his shoulder.

But Arbor didn't react, so Elyse called him.

"Arbor?" He screamed in horror and Elyse's eyes went wide and frozen — shocked at his reaction.

She noticed him sweating profusely while his neck and cheeks were starting to turn red.

"Are you sick?" Elyse asked out of the concern and tried to reach out his forehead but then Arbor backed down, now more blushing.

Elyse froze and felt confused about his reactions. Meanwhile, Arbor can feel his heart beating fast. Last night, he made a realization.



In the evening, Arbor couldn't sleep well. All in his mind is Elyse when she was talking with the emperor alone. Well, The Emperor is handsome and many aristocrat girls want him when he was still not married. But Emperor Cairo is now married and he overheard that Prince Malik saw Aniya in Elyse that day.

The question kept arising in his mind when Prince Malik said that. Everyone knows in Rahania that Prince Malik had this ability to see the past events — even the form you took in your past life, be it human or animal he can see it through.

That day, Arbor went to Arrow to convince her to talk to Prince Malik and ask him if the alpha named Artemis looks like Arrow. But when she did, Prince Malik said no and quickly ran away.

Arrow sighed and scratches the back of her forehead while going back to Arbor who was watching them from afar.

"Man, he didn't say I am Artemis which is true. There can't be any possibility I am her." Arrow said.

"Well, I don't know. I just thought I'll use you to ask him since you're a girl between us." He said and Arrow glared at him.

"Wow, you just said to use me." She sighs and Arbor sigh.

"What's bothering you, twin bro? It's not like you're interested in his abilities. And it is implausible of you too." She said and Arbor starts to tell him what he just heard earlier. Arrow felt baffled by what Arbor just said.

"It can't be that Elyse is the reincarnation of Aniya?" She snorted and Arbor sighed again.

"I am not sure, Arrow. But I know what I just heard earlier. If my ears are playing with me, then I'm sorry for bothering you..." He said as if he is disappointed by the thought that he might be mistaken. Arbor doesn't know what to feel. If Elyse is indeed her reincarnation, then does that explain why that Lady from the hunting contest wants her?

But if it's indeed her reincarnation, then why does she have Tina's abilities? Arbor witnessed how Elyse would sometimes change the color of her eye. It was faint but he can see it through. Especially the golden one. Although, golden yellow is not Tina's eye color.

"Wow... I didn't know you're this caring, Arbor." She said and shrugged.

"What? No, I'm not!" He quickly answered which surprised Arrow. She then smirked and devilishly laughed.

"Do you have a crush on her?" Arbor couldn't hide his blush and the beating of his heart but he still looks away pretending to ignore Arrow's question.

She smirked and Arrow gasped, pretending to see Elyse walking in the hallway.

"Oh! Elyse, hii! Do you want to have tea with us?" Arbor quickly looks at where Arrow is looking only to realize that Elyse is not there and Arrow just tricked him.

"Ha! I knew it! You like her, don't you ~" She teases and Arbor stuttered.

"N-no! I'm not! Ugh, leave me alone!" Arrow laughed at his reaction.

"Haha! Look at you! You're like a girl in a big man's body!" She said and Arbor felt more annoyed by her.

"Ha ~ okay, okay, I'm going to stop. But, is it really true you like Elyse?" She asks and Arbor didn't speak and fell into silence as they both walk in the hallway in just the two of them.

"Come on! Tell me! There's no one else besides me here. Also, even though I am your twin sister who's very annoying, you can still count on me. I will listen even if it is rants." She said as she softly smiled at him.

At the moment, Arbor felt that he can really trust her. That day, Arbor told her how beautiful Elyse was in his eyes. How adorable she is when curiosity hits her, and how strong she is when she uses her powers to protect and fight for everyone not only herself. In Arbor's eyes — Elyse is an amazing woman with a gentle heart and soul.

Arrow quietly listened to all of his stories of how his heart started to beat for Elyse one day.

"Damn, Arbor my man, my bro, my dude, my lovely and cute twin bro — you're in love." She spoke.

"Eh? No! I am just admiring her..." That caught off Arbor's guard.

"You're smart, Arbor. You know what it means when you're admiring someone. But that admiration you have is more than just a normal admiration." She spoke and it made Arbor flush in red.

"But... I think she likes somebody else. And it's not me." He whispered but Arrow heard it. She shrugged and sat down in the garden. With all the talk, they already reached a garden and both sat down leaning against a big and strong wall.

"Well, you will never know if you never try." She answered.

"Elyse is truly an amazing woman. Imagine from all the pain she's been through — how can a girl endure it all? For me, it's amazing." Arrow said talking about the memory shard of Aniya and how it affects her most of the time and the people around her when she's still not a member of the Student Council.

"You're in love, Arbor." She softly said and coincidentally Arbor saw Elyse walking with the emperor talking with her. At that moment, Elyse looks like she is shining beautifully under the sun. Her laugh and smile look soft and beautiful. His heart wouldn't stop from beating so fast and there he goes — Arbor couldn't shake the feeling of being in love with Elyse.

He is indeed in love with her.

"Confess now or you'll regret it later, twin bro," Arrow said.

But something has been bothering him. Whenever Arbor would look at Elyse, he found her looking at Chad and he guesses that Elyse likes Chad. How can he tell his feelings when she likes somebody and it's not him?

How can he ever stay by her side when she wanted the other at her side?

How can love be both beautiful and cruel to someone you just met?

(End of flashback)


"Arbor? Are you feeling, okay? Should I call a doctor?" Elyse said with her worried eyes and was about to call a doctor when Arbor reached out to her and held her hand softly.

Elyse stopped and turned to look at him. She saw him look down at the floor.

"Do you... want to go to the festival tomorrow with me?" He softly said and Elyse stared at him baffled.


"Don't worry, it's just. Arrow won't go with me and I wanted to witness Rahania's festival..." He said with an excuse.

"But Lu said you've been here every year." Arbor froze and looks at her.

"When did she say that?"

"When we both talked. She mentioned that you would always come here for the festival."

"Sigh... I never went to the festivals; this is actually the first time I go." He answered and he didn't lie. Lu's abnormality is hitting again.

"Is that so... Do you want to go?" She asks and Arbor nodded his head.

Elyse smiles brightly and nodded her head, "Sure! Let's go!" She said with her cheery tone and Arbor felt his heart beating faster again and this time, he let it beat and never rejected the warm feeling he is having now.