51 | A festival date

After he invited Elyse on a date, he was delighted to hear her answer. He quickly searched for places at the festival and the luxurious food he carefully selected. It was late at night when Arrow gets up and saw Arbor flipping the pages of a brochure from the tower visit, they had.

"What are you doing?" Arrow asks but Arbor didn't say anything and kept on flipping the pages.

Arrow, being in a bad mood, is pissed at his reaction and quickly went to get a paper and smashed his head. Arbor jumps out of pain and glances at his twin sister with an annoyed face.

"What's wrong with you suddenly?!" He almost screams.

"I'm asking what are you doing? It's late for goodness' sake of Artemis!" She answered in a manner where she also almost scream.

"I'm choosing food and places for the festival." He answered, sighing. Arrow chuckled and looked at him with teasing eyes.

"It's a date then?" Arbor flushed in red and Arrow laughed. She then took a peek at what Arbor is reading and is surprised and baffled to see many places that are luxurious and elegant.

"Hey, you're going to the festival... Right?" She said and Arbor nodded.

"Of course, as you can see, idiot." Arrow quickly smashes his head when she heard the word idiot coming from her twin brother's mouth.

"Call me an idiot again and you will see hell." She threatens Arbor in a joking manner. Arbor sighed, feeling defeated.

"Anyways, you can't bring Elyse here." Arrow continues and Arbor looked puzzled.

For Arrow, Elyse looks like the kind of girl that does not favor luxurious food. She might feel uncomfortable because she never had luxurious dining setting aside the food in the Academy. In Elyse's eyes, those are extravagant but for them who are aristocrats, let alone the future Alphas — the foods in the cafeteria are mediocre.

"Why? I looked into it and the food looks good and tasty. Elyse might love it since she likes to eat," Arbor said and Arrow quickly shook her head.

"That's not what I meant. Elyse might find it uncomfortable for something so luxurious. Food in the cafeteria in our school is mediocre for us aristocrats but heaven for Elyse. So, I think you should go to something she'll feel more comfortable about."

"In addition, Elyse is Tina's Descendant so my guts might be right. She'll be uncomfortable for something so luxurious right in front of her." Arrow said and Arbor couldn't help but imagine her reaction if he did go with his plan. He sighs, maybe Arrow is right.

In the past, Tina is an extremely humble woman. She was the daughter of a Saintess after all, what's more, she's the Lady of Prophecy. She was raised modestly in the orphanage and has no other parent on her side but the sisters in that said Orphanage.

A beautiful and kind woman — before she became "Lucia".

"Will you help me then?" Arbor asks and Arrow gazed at him and smiled mischievously.

"Oh, come on! I know you're better than me when it comes to these things. Just make her feel comfortable, that's all." Arrow said and quickly stood up and opens the door of their room.

"Where are you going?" He asks and Arrow stopped from walking.

"To Eli, she has debt to pay from me." She said and quickly closes the door behind her and left Arbor in confusion.

Days later, the second parade of The Festival begins and the one who is going to be in the parade is the Future Alphas. Of course, Louisette is there with them. Elyse's gaze met with Louisette and she smiled at her but Elyse didn't budge and ignores her as she step up into the parade carriage at that moment, she felt a heavy feeling in her chest and mind.

Suddenly screams of a crowd cheering to them and a lady sitting quietly in the parade carriage as they cheered on her — shouting her name with joy in their faces.

A lady with silver hair and golden eyes sits beside three handsome men and one woman waving at the crowd.

The flashback stopped and the heavy feeling in her body disappeared Elyse was puzzled by the sudden emotion. That wasn't Tina, but someone else. It was Aniya. She looked at Louisette and Louisette mouthed, "I told you, you're her Descendant." Then she smiles.

Elyse feeling pissed quickly sits down in the carriage beside Arbor and was quiet throughout the Parade.

Just like what she saw earlier everyone cheered for the future Alphas, especially Elyse. They keep shouting her name with joyful gazes looking at her. She felt guilty for some unknown reason.

Thaddeus noticed her unusual expression. He was about to pat Elyse who is right in front of him when Arbor suddenly held her hand and it made Elyse look at him with sad eyes.

"Are you okay?" Arbor asked and Elyse nodded. "Yes, don't worry I am fine." She answered. With that, Chad felt jealousy and rage in his heart as he watches Arbor holding her hand — not wanting to let go. He couldn't say anything as it might ruin the atmosphere of the Parade.

"Miss Elyse! Miss Elyse!" A child from the crowd called her name and Elyse heard her shouting her name amidst the crowd. The little child was carried by her father and fortunately, the little child's father is tall, with that Elyse quickly spotted the little child who call her name.

"Hey there!" She greeted the little child.

"Waah! You're so pretty, Miss Elyse! Here, have some flowers!" The little child said and puts a flower crown on her head.

Elyse blushed and felt warm in her heart. The heavy feeling she had earlier disappeared when this adorable little child gave her a flower crown. She felt lighthearted to hear the child's soft laughter ringing in her ears.

"You too, Mister Messenger! I and my sister made these for you two!" The little child said and the father nodded.

"Please do accept our gifts. It may not be as luxurious as the others but I hope you will like it." The father said and Elyse smiled brightly.

"It's beautiful, there's no need to worry." Elyse comforted the shy father as she glances at the children looking at her with their eyes sparkling in excitement.

Elyse shows them her bright smile and pats their head and said, "Thank you, I will treasure these forever." She said with all her heart that the children were elated to hear such a statement from the beloved descendant of Aniya.

"Wow! You're really so pretty Miss Elyse! You are handsome too Mister Messenger! You two look like a bride and groom!" The child said, amazed not just by her physical beauty but also by her heart. It made Elyse blush and her heart race faster. Chad on the other hand coughed and looked away, the jealousy he felt earlier washed away when these adorable little children comforted him with their cuteness and of course, their words.

The father felt embarrassed and panicked but Elyse laughed it off and smiled brightly at them. Chad secretly looks at Elyse and he smiles, genuinely.

'She's beautiful indeed.' Chad thought while he stares at Elyse talking with other people in the crowd.


The night came and it is time for Elyse and Arbor's date. Arbor waited for an hour before the appointed time in the garden of Rahania. It is said that the Garden of Rahania is a symbolic place for Emperor Amir and his beloved daughter, Arina. Although they met at the gardens of Olympia in the past, Emperor Amir still sees this garden as the same garden where he first met his beloved daughter.

Until the appointed time came and Elyse still hasn't arrived. On the other hand, inside her room, Elyse finds herself having difficulty in breathing as her body starts to feel severe pain. She tried to breathe but when she tries to do so, the back of her body starts to feel unbearable pain. She starts to feel panic and tried to keep calm her mind and body.

Minutes later, her mind starts to calm down but her body won't stop shaking. She doesn't know what to do, it might be because of her mana so she tried to get some medicine but it won't work.

Elyse was sure of it, it was because of her mana. She doesn't know the reason why her mana is starting to collide again but after an hour of trying to calm herself, she calmed down.

And when she was ready to go, she went to the garden where Arbor said to meet. From afar Elyse noticed his hair dancing in the air as he gazes up at the moon, looking so lonely without a person by his side.

"Hey," Elyse called him and Arbor turned around to find himself blushing at the sight of the beautiful Elyse. She pretended that nothing happened earlier and she achieved it. Because Arbor didn't notice that something is wrong with her.

Arbor wanted to compliment Elyse on how beautiful she is tonight but he couldn't find the right words to express her beauty.

"S-shall we go?" He stuttered and Elyse nodded her head and they both headed out for the festival night.

When they arrived, the streets were bustling and full of energy unlike in the day. It was full of dazzling lights, music, and dancers in the crowd. There are even people who wear masks to hide their faces as they enjoy the festival.

"Do you want to eat something?" Arbor asks her and Elyse nodded her head.

"Sure." She said and they both head into a stall where shawarma is displayed.

"Welcome dear customers!" The vendor greeted them and Elyse's eyes shone brightly amazed by the skills of the person who cooks the food. They're the two of them inside the stall.

"What is that?" Elyse asks and both the vendor and the cook were shocked to see Elyse's eyes glowing in golden yellow eyes. They quickly recognize that she's Aniya's Descendant because of the similarity of their eye color.

"Y-your Grace! What are you doing here?!" The vendor said while the cook's eyes went wide open.

Elyse realized that her eyes changed into another color, puzzled, she felt another heavy pain in her body but she ignored it. On the other hand, Arbor noticed her flinch.

"Ah! Please! Don't shout... I'm just here to enjoy the festival..." Elyse whispered almost begging the vendor to not shout her name or else everyone would feel pressured to see Aniya's Descendant in the night festival.

"Oh, I see Your Grace! I apologize for my mistake! Please take what you want, Your Grace." The vendor reassures her and Elyse smiled brightly.

"Thank you, kind sir. Might I as well ask what type of food is this?" She asks and the vendor explained to her gladly.

"It is shawarma, Your Grace. It is made from meat, which can be lamb, chicken, turkey, beef, or veal. We cook it slow on a rotating skewer, before being shaved off and stuffed into a pita or a laffa, we typically accompanied it with hummus, tehina, chopped lettuce, pickles, cabbage, and more, depending on your preference, Your Grace." The vendor explained very well and just by the sound of it, Elyse is excited to taste their food.

"Two shawarma please," Arbor said and gave them money and the cook start cooking their food. When the food is ready, Arbor and Elyse start eating the food and they gladly chow down on the food. It was delicious.

'Thankfully I convinced Arrow to help me with these kinds of things or else... I might mess it up.' Arbor thought as he realized the force advice that Arrow gave to him was effective. He wasn't the one who found these types of foods but Arrow who's more of a food lover.

Next up, Arbor and Elyse went to a circus show and they watched how the people played with the water, danced with the wind, and plays a theater. After they went to the circus, they came back to the food stalls and ate desserts after the long show. They ate "Baklava" which consists of phyllo dough layered with honey and nuts and has a deliciously soft and flaky texture.

Before they could end their "date" Elyse saw a stall that sells different kinds of souvenirs and ornaments.

"Arbor, let's go!" She said and quickly grabs Arbor's arms and they both ran to the store where Elyse is pointing at.

"Welcome! Welcome, dear costumers! Are you two a couple?" The seller asks and it made Arbor flush in bright red meanwhile Elyse smiled as if she ignored it. At that moment, Arbor felt something in his chest so painful so he looked away and answered the seller, "No, we're not." He said without stuttering.

Arbor and the seller talked for a while, Elyse on the other hand looked at the things the vendor is selling. She saw an ornament carved in a beautiful and elegant sapphire jewel. The color of the jewel made Elyse remember Arbor's hair color.

"Madam, how much is this?" Elyse asked the vendor and she answered, "15,000."

"What?" Elyse gazes back at the ornament again and she realized that she is not just holding a normal ornament. The artistic and skillful hands were embedded in the designs of the ornament which makes it so beautiful and reminded her of Arbor.

"Okay, I'll take it!" She said and Elyse gave 15,000 to the old vendor lady.

"Please, come back again!" The seller shouted from afar.

Their date is going to be over soon so as a good ending for them, they decided to go for a walk away from the crowded street of Rahania Empire. Elyse's eyes changed back to her real eye color and Arbor noticed that.

"Are you okay, Elyse?" He asks while he walks behind her looking at her back as she walks gracefully.

Elyse stopped when he asked the question and turn to look at him with sad eyes and a smile on her face.

Arbor's heart shattered to see Elyse looking as if she was on the verge of crying. He wanted to reach out her out and he hugged her.

"I am really happy, Arbor. Thank you for tonight." She whispered and backed away from the hug and looked at him.

"There are times when I don't know who I am anymore. In a minute, I am me, another minute I am here, and another minute I am the other her."

"I am confused as to who I am. I'm anxious if ever when the time comes when I no longer know who am I, I won't remember my family too."

"Did you know? I only went here to save my family. But as I stay here longer, the longer I wanted to stay here forever. I cannot abandon the times when you all defended me, those misunderstandings — those laughs and tears we all shared, I can't seem to forget them."

Arbor was quiet at her side, looking at her with a soft gaze as Elyse watched the people of Rahania right above a cliff.

"No matter who or what you are..." Arbor starts to speak and she turns her gaze to him again.

"I will always accept you." The wind blew gently and swept their hair along the wind as they both gaze at each other, comforting themselves from the warmth of each other. Arbor starts to reach out his hand and gently caress Elyse's cheeks. His heart starts to flutter and his stomach felt strange. In the end, he understood it was all because he likes her.

Not only her beauty but also her heart. When did it start? Was it the first time they met in the archery club? Or when Arbor found Elyse sitting on that ancient tree as he accompanies her that day?

He couldn't find the right answers but maybe it is. Arbor is the type of person who's afraid of knowing such emotions because of his insecurities. Just like Elyse, there was also once a time when Arbor asked himself in that way. Artemis's Descendant has only one descendant, but everyone announced the twins are her Descendants. Arbor couldn't help but feel out of place because he knows something is still missing. At such a young age, he keeps asking himself, "where do I belong?"

Arrow looks like Artemis — a strong, bright, and intelligent woman, unlike Arbor who is introverted, weak, and not bright. But he found it nonsense later on because he realized you can be whoever you wanted to be. People cannot instruct you to do things you don't want to do. You belong everywhere — be it gender or your personality. You are loved, and you are worth it. No matter what.

Elyse slowly smiles at him. "Thank you for such kind words, Arbor." She commented and Arbor smiled as he softly gazed towards her.

"I promised you, remember?" Both of them laughed and they watch the whole town of Rahania together.


On the other side, Chad was frozen in his spot when he saw both Elyse and Arbor having their own date at the night festival. He couldn't understand the feeling in his chest as he watches them smiling and laughing. He felt dissatisfied at the scenario of both Elyse and Arbor together.

"My, my, what a scary face you have there." Louisette appeared right behind him and Chad didn't flinch, he only glared at her.

"What do you want?" He said clearly, he is annoyed.

"I'm just chilling here — oh no, sorry that wasn't the right phrase, let me rephrase it,"

"I am bored so I wanted to watch a drama happening here." She said as she giggles.

"Don't you think Elyse and Arbor look good for each other? I mean look at both of them. They're the picture-perfect of a wife and husband. I heard Arbor is a gentleman so I believe Elyse won't suffer. In other words, ... We really can't change the binded fates aren't we?" Chad clenches his fist and glared at her once more.

"Nah, you don't need to glare at me like that. Unlike being 'marites' I have some news for you, useless Messenger of the Gods." She spoke.

"Tell me or else I will throw you away from this cliff."

Louisette smirked.

"Elyse's parents are alive." Chad's eyes widen in shock to hear the news she brought.

"How did you know that?"

"My, did you really think there can be only one messenger of the Gods? Unlike you, Chad. A Messenger does not have a definite role. So, whoever in the circle of the Alphas can be a messenger." She answered.

"Anyways, I won't be long. I just want to deliver the message, bye ~"

"Did you do that?" Louisette froze and she scoffed at Chad's question.

"Obviously no. I may have a grudge against Aniya's Descendant. But I won't stoop so low to kill them all at once, I wanted her to suffer. Slow, vile torture is what I want." She said and disappears into the thin air.

'How could this be?' Chad thought. The investigations were right when Chad and Raymond made an investigation on Elyse. Her family is indeed dead and the bodies were kept in the basement underground of the Master's Castle.

Or... maybe someone betrayed her from the inside.

"Yohan," Chad whispered.