52 | Betrayal from the future


Yohan is the 1st leader of the 1st District in the Aracnia Empire. Before he became the 1st Leader, Yohan is nothing but a beggar on the streets when he was still young. In another dimension, a war broke out inside a feud in "Shinigami". An organization built to protect and serve the God of Death whose name was unknown.

The streets of the place where it is once a beautiful place to live — now became full of beggars, corpses, and the smell of rotten flesh surrounding the area. It became abandoned and there is only one little boy whose body looks like a skeleton.

The little boy was sitting behind a wrecked wall and "Lucia" at that time knelt down and reached out her hand to help the malnourished kid.

"Do you want to live?" Lucia questioned the boy but the boy didn't understand and shake off his head.

"Hmm, then do you want to eat food? I have some in my place." She offered bread from her hand that she created in just a flash. The boy was amazed and ate the bread quickly. Lucia smiled and patted his head.

The little boy gazed up at her but he couldn't see clearly her face since it is covered with a thick black veil that was embedded with pearls and diamonds whose color is black. The only thing he saw from her is her smile when the wind blew gently on her veil. From that moment, he decided to follow her. Years passed and Lucia trained the little boy hard enough for him to be ready.

"It's time," Lucia said as she glimpses at the upcoming Eclipse.

"I know it has been years, but let me ask you a question again," Lucia spoke as the moon slowly met with the sun in the night sky. The place turned bright yet dark red perking from the huge window of the throne room in her Palace.

The little boy knelt down and answered, "I... don't want to live for myself, but for you, my Master." He answered. In those years, he developed feelings in the process of 'training' him. In those years, Lucia has no idea that he is in love with her — but he also knows that Lucia his master is in love with someone else.

But he wanted to prove to Lucia that he can do better than the person she loves — and for that to happen, he will do anything that Lucia wants for him.

"I think I tamed you too much," Lucia commented and he laughed. Even though he cannot see her face under that black thick veil, he knows she is beautiful. Though, people in the kingdom would always spread rumors of how ugly their master is — he thought that whatever she is, he loves her.

"I will do anything for you, Master. If you want me to kill, then I will do it for you. If you want the moon, then I will give it to you. Everything, Master, I want to live for you." He said while he gently took her hand and he kissed the back of her palm with his eyes passionately looking at Lucia.

But she didn't react and silence fell inside the room.

"Then, I hereby declare, you," Lucia took off her hands from his and gets a knife out of her pocket. She made a deep cut in her palm and a lot of blood came out from her hand.

"The 1st Leader among the districts. Thus, you will serve me and only me as your one and only Master. I, Lucia, will give you my blood as a promise between us to serve and sign the contract we decide."

The blood came from her hands fast and he drank from her palm. Lucia didn't flinch as if she couldn't feel the pain of sucking her blood.

"On this day, the 231st Eclipse. Under the promise of the Lady of Prophecy and is Queen of the Moon, Tina. I hereby declare you as 'Yohan', The 1st District Leader and my right-hand man. Eclipse is our witness." She continued to speak. When Yohan finished drinking her blood, he felt a gushing pain all over his body — as if it never left a moment for him to rest as he screams and groan from the pain.

His natural black eyes turned bright ruby red and his skin turned pale, his lips were red and fangs starts to come out from his mouth. Finally, he transformed into a Vampire.

"You must be thirsty, Yohan. Go to the basement, your food is ready there." Lucia said when she slowly approaches him and gently caress his cheeks and whispered the tempting words she said.

Yohan quickly went to the basement where criminals were held and he drink and ate their flesh and sucks their bones until nothing is left.

As the years passed, Yohan was loyal to the Master. He would always be right there whether she needed him or not, he would watch her sleep and watch her fight. He simply tails Lucia always in those past years — more like it's already been centuries.

That's right he 'was' loyal.


"Did you finish what I told you to do?" A woman said with the same black hair and purple eyes that looks exactly like the characteristics of Tina or Lucia. Yohan knelt down and nodded his head.

"Yes, Your Grace." The woman laughed and the pupil of her eyes glowed bright red.

"That's it! I wonder what would be the looks of Maria and Wayne when they know their plan didn't work..., especially Tina!" She spoke and burst into laughter.

Yohan was ordered to fetch the dead bodies of Elyse's family. He was called by none other than, Lucia. Or no, the one who is pretending to be "Lucia". The mysterious lady brought Elyse's family into life which means, Elyse has no longer any reason why should go and search for the old Master anymore.

"Hmmm, well done, Yohan. I am very proud of you." The lady asked Yohan when he knelt down and made him look at her by caressing his chin gently. Yohan felt disgusted by her warmth which made him feel puzzled. The one he sees is "Lucia" wearing her usual black thick veil and her long silky black hair gently caressed by the wind.

"I will always follow you, Master." He said looking like a lost puppy to "Lucia" and she smiled.

"Rest, my soldier. The biggest day is coming faster. You must get ready, Yohan." She commanded and he nodded his head and disappears. When Yohan teleported into his office, he was shocked to see Lucas, the 2nd Leader widen his eyes as if he witnessed something unexpected.

"What... was that?" Lucas asked Yohan but he didn't say anything and turned around to look away.

"It is what you heard, Lucas," Yohan answered and Lucas felt enraged to hear his answer. He jumped to Yohan and Yohan was quick to avoid his surprise attack.

Lucas fell off his balance as the ground shook and the wall opened. Lucas slowly stood up with his seething anger coming from his body.

"Don't you remember what happened to our Master? She was also betrayed by her own people and by everyone she loved! You're repeating the same mistake those bastards did to our master!" Lucas screams for the first time. He was a quiet and calm boy but when it comes to their Master Lucia, he would feel a different kind of emotions and behaves well like a little child following his mother's orders.

Yohan smirked and spoke, "Don't you see it, Lucas? She doesn't care about us whether we betray her or not! She looks at us as if we are her puppets! Lucas, wake up! Our master is only using us! She is the one who's repeating the same mistake all over!" Yohan shouted back at Lucas and Lucas shake off his head, not believing what Yohan just said.

"Our Master lost all her emotions due to the betrayal she had — the pain she had. It hasn't been easy for her to get back the emotions she lost many times. Master... treasures us. But you, Yohan. What has 'she' done to you?" Yohan laughed hysterically.

"I just wanted her to love me," Yohan mumbled and Lucas flinched as his instinct warned him to run. Yohan used all of his powers and the room was filled with his blood and the building starts to collapse. Lucas jumps off the building for a safe land while Yohan grew taller and stronger with his eyes glowing bright red.

"I won't forgive you for what you have done to him," Lucas spoke and starts to fight Yohan with a fist. Blood for blood, flesh for flesh — a fight where only one winner should stand, death and life are at stake.


She watched the two district Leaders fight for each other from the inside of the building using her powers to not collapse the room where she was staying.

"Hah. Why is it so hot here?" She mumbles and quickly took off the veil for her to breathe revealing her soft white pale skin, pink lips, and bright red ruby eyes turning back from purple night sky eyes and black hair.

"Mara." A man with a deep voice called her from the shadows as he slowly revealed himself from the darkness. Her expression turned bright and quickly smiled.

"Welcome, Your Highness Cain." She showed him her curtesy and Cain only gaze at her with a blank expression.

"You've gone overboard." He said, pertaining what was happening outside of the castle.

"And you love it, My Lord." Mara giggled but Cain didn't give her a reaction.

"The ball is only days away. Mara, is everything ready?"

"Yes, Your Highness. All that's left is Aniya's Descendant role in our plan." Mara answered and Cain nodded his head. He turns around and walked away slowly disappearing into the darkness.

"Make sure everything is in the perfect place, Mara," Cain spoke before he finally disappeared.

Mara laughed and whispered, "As always and as it should be, My Lord."