Long ago, before Human Civilization was born there were Gods and Goddesses who traveled in different dimensions. One of them is The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice. She is a kind Goddess to human beings and is ruthless to devils who only wish for the chaos of the world. She is the Goddess of Wisdom who gave wisdom to everyone when human civilization was born from the fruit of the Goddess of Beginning. A Goddess who seeks justice for injustice. She symbolizes different kinds of flowers to illustrate how beautiful and kind she is to everyone and how ruthless she could be.

In the Ancient Civilization of The Olympia Empire, The Zahrah Festival was created only for the Goddess of Wisdom and Justice. But when Alpha Aniya declared a festival secretly for her dead Father, Emperor Amir — the flower festival of Rahania that we now know in the present became a Festival for three people.

It became a grand festival. A celebration for the Goddess of Wisdom and Justice, Alpha Aniya who was pitied, and Emperor Amir.

In the Beginning, The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice wore a pretty and unique necklace. It was embedded with different kinds of minerals and beautiful colors within it. The necklace was only displayed in the legend as what the public knows. When the Goddess of Wisdom and Justice gave her precious necklace to a man she fell in love with, the man gave the necklace to his daughter who was born from the affair of the Goddess and the mortal being. The daughter then gave it to her son when the daughter married at the right age.

But the son was filled with greed. They were living in poverty, so luxury is his dream. He wanted jewels, power, and a crown on his head one day. When the son found out the importance of the necklace, he ran away and sold the necklace for a high price.

The Goddess found out everything the son did and she punished him with her own hands and abandoned him in the basement locking him up until he died of starvation.

"This necklace is no ordinary." The Goddess spoke. Not only it is a precious necklace but it also contains a very powerful magic that can fight with a God or a Goddess itself. That is why The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice treated the necklace preciously, but because of love, she gave it away for a mortal for it to be sold for a mere price.

The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice was heartbroken and so she locked herself up never trusting the mortals again. However, centuries later, a girl named Aniya was born.

She neither possesses the qualifications to be The Alpha of Wisdom and Justice because of her mother, Vierra. But the Goddess of Wisdom chooses to trust Aniya for some unknown reason. There, she led Aniya to stand up for herself and decided to give the necklace to her in the end.

Aniya took care of the jewel preciously until the day she died. One night, Cain killed The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice. The power embedded in the necklace disappeared and only the chosen one of the necklaces will make the power on the said jewel come back again.

The necklace that was worn by the Goddess itself and Alpha Aniya stayed in the Archives of The Imperial Palace's Library. In other Empires, this necklace is only but a legend to them. They have never seen the necklace in their own eyes since Rahania Empire itself knows that the two remaining empires hate Aniya.

Since Rahania itself believes in Aniya, they kept the necklace locked in the imperial Library archives and only the emperor and empress can open the door to the archives without the public and the other empire knowing.


Elizabeth's eyes sparkled in awe to see the beautiful necklace standing in front of her. To see such a rare and precious thing in her eyes made her heart flutter in excitement and happiness. Emperor Cairo let the whole future Alphas see the necklace that they only heard of in the books. Of course, Elizabeth was thrilled to see a such thing because she was one of the fans of the said necklace.

A necklace that has pearls and stone minerals within. Diamonds also surrounded the pearls and a big jewel that is said to contain a dangerous power — it was oblong shaped whose color is emerald green. Green is the symbol of Wisdom and pearls with stone minerals were the symbol of Justice.

Emperor Cairo once said that in the past when the necklace still has powers, the green jewel would glow in gold. And gold was the symbol of kindness for the Goddess. Pure kindness is like mother nature.

"It looks dead," Arrow commented when she appeared right behind Eli still busy pleasing her eyes to the jewel. Her eyebrows flinched as Eli turn around to look at Arrow annoyed at her comment. "Of course, it's dead! Because of that vile demon, it died..." She whispered under her breath and it made Arrow laugh. Arrow pats her head and Eli pouted her lips like a cute baby.

"Well, you're right. I can't wait to throw that asshole right into the hole so I can bury him deep underground — oh wait that's way too light of a punishment, hmm maybe I should burn him first then bury him later..." Arrow mumbles but Kai heard what she just said and he accidentally dropped his drink into the floor.

"Hey, watch out! If the emperor found out you just spilled a drink into the Archives, good luck with your life. He's Aniya's half-brother by the way." Raymond spoke beside him and it made Kai flinch more.

"H-hey! Please don't tell the emperor! He will kill me!" He pleaded and Raymond sighed.

"That's why I am warning you, but if you won't listen to me then good luck with graduating." He said and starts to walk away from the Archives.

"H-hey! I'm sorry, okay? That wasn't intentional!" Kai shouted but Raymond already disappeared.

On the other hand, as usual, Dain is quietly watching them getting thrilled into a necklace. However, unlike the normal days, Dain feels quieter and calmer when he saw the necklace displayed in the Archives.

Dain felt suspicious about why the emperor let us, The Future Alphas visit the Archives and he get it pretty quickly when he realized, Elyse looks like Aniya so much.

Knowing that Emperor Cairo is Aniya's half-brother, he must've seen Aniya in Elyse so he let Elyse and her friends tour the Imperial Palace. Nevertheless, he still doesn't get the fact that "why, of all the treasures Rahania has, why this necklace?" He asks himself.

Is it because Aniya wore it personally centuries ago? Or is it also because it has some connections to the Goddess of Wisdom, and Emperor Cairo wants Elyse to open the power since we all believe Elyse is the one?

Dain has so many questions in his mind, and his eyes couldn't look away from the jewelry in front of him. A necklace that was handcrafted delicately for The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice.

Dain suddenly had relapses of memories from a woman who wore a pretty flower crown on her head and a kind smile on her lips smiling for him. He even remembers that the little lady gave him a flower crown as they dance in the grass making the flowers in each of her steps grow beautiful along with her graceful dance.

A beautiful Goddess of Wisdom and Justice whose heart is gold, yet ruthless to the ones who lie — was killed by the hands of another God.

Dain shakes off his head and sighs.

"The ball is upcoming; I also must prepare." He said and disappears swiftly without everyone knowing.


"Wow... It's big..." Elyse commented, surprised to see a beautiful and precious jewel in front of her.

"This could fetch a hundred no — thousands or trillions of mora!" Thaddeus spoke behind Elyse with his eyes sparkling as if he is excited to see such a precious jewel.

"Hey thief, you're already rich. Don't you dare think of anything else?" Dain appeared right behind Thaddeus which startled him.

"Hey, I'm not doing anything!" He shouted. Elyse on the other hand couldn't take her eyes off the jewel as if she was enchanted by it. She found it painful to see the jewel displayed in front of her, but she also felt happy to know that the jewel is fine.

'This is not Tina,' Elyse thought still glaring at the jewel. How did she come up to the conclusion that this is not Tina? It's because the jewel is worn by Aniya and it's originally from The Goddess of Wisdom where Aniya's title originally came from — Alpha of Wisdom.

Elyse suddenly thought of the mysterious woman in her dreams on that day — "when the right time comes, we will meet again" the lady said as if she just heard her words whispering in her ears.

"Aren't you glad to see your Ancestor's precious jewel?" Louisette sneered, appearing behind Elyse. She didn't turn around to look at her yet her train of thought was interrupted by her.

"And aren't you getting tired of always targeting me, Lady Louisette?" Elyse asks and she laughed.

"Oh, pardon me. I just find it funny to see you acting like this."

Elyse finally turns to look at Louisette glaring at her.

"You can laugh all you want, just leave me alone —" Louisette scoffed.

"You know, I am watching you." Louisette retorts to Elyse and she didn't move away from her position. Maybe, she is right. Who doesn't want to watch her every move when you're Aniya's Descendant – what's more you are the famous villain's descendant?

Elyse crosses her arms and shakes her head. "That's not shocking to hear, Louisette. I know what you're up to. But what you're currently doing will never give you justice for your actions. For example, humiliating me in front of people. Are you really satisfied just by this? Louisette, you're acting like a child." Elyse bickered back to Louisette which made her howl in anger.

"Hah! Whatever smart-ass words you throw at me, I won't budge. I will have my revenge on you, Elyse. No matter what." Louisette declares.

"Lady Louisette Hildegarde. You are Hildegarde's Heir to their throne and here you are acting like a child. What mistake my ancestor did has nothing to do with what happened to you. The past remains in the past and so do the scars, but that doesn't mean you won't move on and start getting revenge. Louisette, you are strong. But you… are also weak." Elyse spoke while glaring at Louisette's glowing red eyes. She's bloody mad.

Louisette's face was scowling looking at her. Elyse was about to turn away from her when Louisette spoke again. "Did you know you were possessed by Aniya this whole time?" She asks which made her pace stop.

"There was even a time when you have enough of them — or should I say, 'Aniya' had enough of them because she saw herself through you." Louisette continued to speak with her sarcastic tone.

Elyse stopped her pace and is frozen in her spot. What did she mean when Aniya had enough of them? Then, Elyse remembered the day when she got bullied and had enough of the three girls bullying her. Elyse thought it was her but the truth is, it was Aniya after all.

"That's right! Aniya was inside of you all these times. Though you didn't know in the past, I guess that's another clue for you to accept the fact that you are indeed Aniya's Descendant—"

"How pitiful you look, Louisette. Obsessing about the idea of myself being her Descendant while you can't even bring justice to what your Ancestor did to Tina. Let me remind you that it's not Aniya who only betrayed her but your ancestor Lewis who mistreated his sister, your great Aunt." Elyse interrupted Louisette's words, her face turned shocked. Louisette had thought that Elyse won't know what happened in the past, but to think both Tina and Aniya are helping her knowing the past, she felt defeated. Elyse snickered back at her.

"How did you know?"

Elyse shrugged at Louisette's question.

"Who knows? Maybe I am indeed possessed by Aniya right now and I just have read your mind telling me that you lost someone very precious and now you're blaming an innocent person who does not even know a single thing about you — not even the way you put up your shirt when you sleep without or with it." Elyse spoke mocking Louisette.

Elyse doesn't actually know what's going on with Louisette, "why did she hate me?" Is the question that has been running through her mind since the day Louisette stepped into the Academy and starts ruining her day.

Those were all just bluffs and lies — Elyse didn't know Louisette would take the bait. But minutes of Louisette glaring at her made Elyse realize that she does not believe her words, instead, she felt insulted.

Elyse cackled a laugh like how Aniya laughed in the past. She then hugged Louisette and put her face into her ears and whispered, "now, tell me, is Aniya still possessing my body at the moment?" Elyse backs away from her and laughs. Elyse then went into her room to finally rest.

But even if she does want to rest, her mind cannot feel the rest she needed. Many thoughts came into her mind as if questions and answers swimming inside her brain. Elyse hates Aniya, but Aniya is loved in Rahania while she is hated in Aracnia.

She also hasn't felt Tina's powers in her body and even in the dreams, Tina is not visiting her anymore. Instead, another person visited her.

She laid down on her bed, hugging her pillows and rolling up in the bed until she fell asleep.

It was only but a moment before she fell asleep quickly, she opens her eyes to see herself in a dream. And in that dream, it was the same dream where she just dreamt about a statue of a woman wearing a blindfold that fell down from her eyes and a scale in her left hand and a book in her right hand.

The statue is still looking down at her but this time, the statue is wearing the necklace she saw in the Archives. The same necklace that it is said The Goddess of Wisdom and Justice wore — her favorite piece of jewel.

Elyse noticed a woman under the huge statue standing elegantly wearing only a white silk dress and blue lines surrounding her dress and a golden laurel leaf on her head.

Her tanned skin, and beautiful silver hair shine below the beautiful moonlight, and her golden eyes shine beautifully when the woman turned around and looks at her.

"Welcome, Elyse."

'Alpha Aniya' Elyse muttered under her breath.