Chapter 1 - Son in law is The Evil God.

In Emerald City at 12:45 pm

There is a man lying on the floor. He seems to be unconscious.

After some time the man opens his eyes.

"F*ck , what was that ?", the man exclaimed.

"Yes , now I remember these strange dreams which I have been seeing from my childhood aren't just my dreams."

"Everything makes sense now. These are my memories. To be exact these are my past life memories as the Evil God."

"Oh the good ol days", he sighed.

"But those bastards betrayed me . Well it seems to be a fitting end for a villain like me but I never expected those bastards to have the gal to betray me."

"Hmm but who was that masked bastard. That person seems to be the real mastermind behind their betrayal "

"Well since I have been reincarnated, I will take my revenge on those f"ckers by torturing them to my heart's content ".

"Well for now let's check the state of my body ".

"Hmm i am already at the Lord stage. I expected nothing less from my reincarnated self".

"But if I have these memories before I would have reached the peak stage as I was in my previous life".

"My body cultivated itself to this stage because of that technique I used to reincarnate".

"Though it will be impossible to progress my cultivation anymore without any effort now".

"But it's good that now i have regained my memories".

There are many stages in cultivation. These stages are - Body Refining---> Qi Clenching---> Core Formation--->Martial Master--->Martial Grandmaster--->Lord--->Immortal Ascension--->Overlord--->Lesser God--->Higher God--->True God --->The Supreme One.

In his previous life he is half step into the supreme one stage because of which he was feared by everyone as he was the only one who was able to even reach close to this realm.

Yet he was betrayed and was not able to reach the fabled realm.

"Alex, you useless piece of sh*t get up", a sound came from the door which made him come out of his thoughts.

"Oh mother in law how are you today", Alex said.

"You trash it's already afternoon and you are still lying down in the bed. You don't do anything and are leeching off us", Gina said.

"What are you saying mother in law I do laundry and make food for everyone. Looks like you are going senile in your old age", Alex said with a smile.

Hearing his words Gina became angry and said, "You bastard should do those things as we are keeping you here and yet you don't even provide us with any money. You are just useless . I don't know what my daughter saw in you to keep you trash here".

"Mom, don't scold Alex. As you know he has some problems", a voice came from behind them.

A beautiful woman wearing a shirt and jeans came to the room.

She has fair skin and has purple hair . She has beautiful blue eyes with a natural blush on her face. She has a slender waist , medium sized blossom and long legs.

[A.N:- Medium is premium]

"Clara, I know this bastard is stupid but that doesn't mean we can keep him here for free", Gina said angrily.

"Mom he is my husband so naturally he will remain with me. As for making money you know his mental health is not right. Also he only has us as his family left", Clara sighed.

"I don't know why your grandfather wants this bastard as your husband. And you Clara you need to be ready for tonight", Gina said.

"Tonight? For what?", Clara asked.

"Tonight there is going to be a banquet held by our Emerson family for the White family . White family young master will be there you should dress up good tonight. That young master seems to fancy you . If you gain his favor our family can move up to the top rank family in Emerald City", Gina said .

"Mom what are you saying, I am already married".

"Don't worry we have kept this trash for too long, I know your Grandfather would be happy with that . If you gain Young master White favor you can divorce him", Gina said .

"I will not divorce him. He is my husband", Clara shouted angrily.

"You will attend the banquet and that's final decision otherwise I will cut ties with you and expel you out of the Emerson family."

Hearing this Clara clenched her teeth. She has a small position in her family's company. She doesn't have much say in this family.

She has some savings but if she gets expelled from the family she will not be able to take care of Alex and her as she will also lose her job.

Everyone thought that she married Alex due to her grandfather's promise but no one really knows that it was her who pestered her grandfather to marry her to him.

She truly loved him and doesn't want to see him hurt.

She knows that her mother abused Alex but to her that abuse is only verbally. She doesn't know that behind her back her mother also abuses Alex physically. She always asked her mother to not verbally curse him but that seems to have no effect.

Alex being mentally stupid at that time doesn't tell Clara .

Hearing her mother's words Clara has tears in her eyes and she storms outside .

When Alex first saw Clara after regaining his memories , he was shocked .

After regaining his previous life memories, he doesn't think about his wife much but when he saw her he noticed that she looked familiar.

'How can that be? She looks just like her?'

Alex was shocked because his wife seemed to be the similar to his wife in his first life.

In his first life before he became an evil god, he was a rogue cultivator roaming the world helping others.

There he met her wife. She was the only one who made him feel loved and due to some young master who lusted after his wife , he killed that young master.

But his family had a powerful ancestor who Alex was no match at that time.

After seeing that ancestor Alex remembered that he helped that person a long time ago when he was on the verge of death.

But yet that ancestor tried to kill him. To save him his wife destroyed her core which cause an explosion that killed her.

She did that so that her husband can escape.

Her last words were -' Husband you make me feel the happiest woman alive . You have done so much for me let me do something for you too. I hope you can move on from me and find someone else. I am happy to have met you'.

After seeing that Alex's heart was engulfed in hatred .

He , who was a righteous person always ready to help others fell into darkness.

He massacred that whole family ruthlessly for his wife's death.

After that he became a ruthless person who doesn't spare his enemy.

That was also the reason for his rise to become the evil god.

But heaven had something else planned for him.

His wife in this life looks similar to his first life wife.

As he was thinking that he also heard everything Gina said to Clara and saw Clara running outside.

His expression becomes cold . Then he heard Gina's voice.

"You piece of trash because of you she is this stubborn. Why don't you just die .You--".

Before Gina could finish her words she heard Alex talking.

"Shut up and listen carefully, you old b"tch. I am only going to say it once. During tonight's banquet you should refuse that young master whatever proposal or I will see to that your dog mouth will not open again."

"What did you say you bastard. You know who you are taking to--.

Before she completes her words Alex again says.

"You should thank Clara because of her you are only alive right now otherwise I would have killed you and tossed you in the garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself. What kind of mother does not care about her daughter's life and only thinks about profit. You have a chance to save your dog life tonight, Don't f*ck up", saying that he left.

Gina had cold sweat pouring her face. When Alex was talking to her, he released his teeny tiny aura which was enough to make a mortal suffocate.

Gina was also surprised thinking how this stupid trash demeanor can change drastically.