Chapter 2 - I'll Be There For You

After saying that Alex found Clara on the roof sitting at the edge looking at the sky with tear filled eyes.

"You are not thinking about jumping right?"

When Clara heard his voice she was shaken out of her thoughts and said to him with a sad smile, "Maybe that would be for best. That way I would not be forced to marry someone else and will remain your wife forever".

Hearing this Alex sighed.

He know that she had taken care of him for most of his life. When everyone was mocking him she was the only one who cared for him.

He knows about human cruelty.

He has seen many humans in his previous life turning their backs on their own kin if they didn't get any profit for them.

Him becoming the evil god was also due to this cruelty.

He who was a righteous person was turned into a bloodthirsty overlord.

Yet he got another chance to solve some of his regrets.

So he decided in this life he will not let anything happen to her wife and will also make those traitors pay.

That's why he decided to train Clara in cultivation.

If she really is her previous life's wife reincarnation she would be able to train and even if she doesn't have talent for cultivation he would protect her.

So he said to her, "You will always be my wife. If you jump and die your husband will be left alone in this world and these people will not let your husband live peacefully"

Hearing his words Clara was shaken. She knows that if she was gone Alex life would be worse than living. So she shook those negative thoughts out of her head.

But she become depressed again thinking about the evening banquet.

She turned to Alex and said, "What can I do Alex? I don't want to marry any other guy and leave you.

She started crying. Alex reached and hug her.

She was startled. Her husband has never hugged her by his own initiative but when he hugged her she started crying more loudly.

Alex doesn't said anything and let her cry. After she calmed down she thought that her husband seem different today.

He doesn't has that stupid look he always seem to have.

"You are different today Alex. What happened to you?"

Alex sighed and said, "Let's take a seat. It's a long and complicated story."

After that both sat down at the edge of the roof and Alex told her about his previous life, about his previous life's wife, about how she looks just like her, about how she might be her reincarnation, about how her death affected him, his life as an Evil God and how he was betrayed reincarnated but his memories were incomplete which lead to his mentality get crippled.

After saying all this he remained silent and let Clara to sort out all this information.

After some time Clara said, "So you mean cultivators really exists?"

"After hearing all this you are more surprised about that", Alex laughed.

"I mean I only saw in TV and read in some books about cultivators. Tell me Alex did they really have swords on which they fly? Did they all say things like 'Junior you dare, you court death, had eyes but can't see Mt. Tai? Did there really are Jade beauties? How many Jade beauties you have in your last life?"

At the last sentence her tone becoming cold and threatening.

Alex burst into laughter after hearing her and said while trying to control his laughter, "Yeah these things all exist ha ha. Sorry sorry I can't control my laughter ha ha ha.

As for Jade beauty I had one".

When Clara heard this she become jealous and unhappy and said, "Who was she? She must be a beauty?"

"Yeah she was beauty and always worries about others. When she died I was devastated. After her death I did not look for any other woman. But I was able to meet her again in this life. She took care for me when I was at my lowest and now it's my turn to repay her."

Clara first didn't understand whom he was talking about but as he continued she understood he was talking about her or more specifically her previous life reincarnation.

She felt sweet in her heart and hugged him.

"Clara are you sure about me? As you can see the one you have married was me but that me is not like the current me."

"Do you love me Alex? Or do you see your previous life wife in me?"

"I will not say that I don't see my last wife in you but when I first saw you after regaining my memories the emotions and feelings I felt for you is real. Even if you are not her reincarnation but I have felt this way after such a long time. So I will love you like Clara"

"I think I really am the reincarnation of your wife."

"What do you mean?"

"When I first saw you I felt something I never felt before. It was love at first sight. It was like something was attracting me towards you. Like we are connected somehow. I used to think love was not real and it was only possible in fantasies but seeing you changed my mind. I then investigated about you and found out that your parents died when you were young and your uncle was the one who raised you.

When grandpa talked to your uncle about your marriage he was so happy and requested us to take care of you. After that we get married and your uncle passed away some months later. So that connection and emotions you felt for me, I also felt for you so I think we are connected or the fate doesn't want us to be separated. That's why I am sure I am your wife's reincarnation."

Hearing this Alex smiled and said, "Well there's a way to found if you really are her reincarnation or not "

"Really! what way?" ,Clara was excited and somewhat scared.

"If you can reach a particular realm in cultivation then if you have previous lives you can tap into those memories but we also need some ingredients which will help you recover those memories."

"Which realm and where will we find those ingredients" ,Clara said.

"Well finding those ingredients in this mortal realm is nearly impossible. We can only find those in the upper world."

"As for what realm? That realm should be which I am currently at. Lord Realm. It is most powerful realm in this mortal plane. After this realm comes Immortal Ascension where one will be ascended to upper world. Also I am almost at the peak of Lord stage."

"That means you are OP in the whole world right now" ,Clara said.

"Well I have always been OP wherever I went" ,Alex said proudly.

"But when you go to upper realm you will be weakest there, won't you?" ,Clara said

"Don't worry your husband is powerful and has many tricks. No one can do anything to us."

"If someone with higher cultivation comes to fight you what will you do? Will you be like those protagonists who fights across realms" ,Clara asked with stars in her eyes.

"Fighting across realms why would I do that. I would do what any smart and sensible person will do."

"What's that?" ,Clara asked.

"I will run away immediately" ,Alex said like it was normal and most sensible thing.

Clara lose all excitement and said to him, "You.... are quite shameless."

"That's not shamelessness that's strategic retreat and if you want to come to me with upper world you also have to reach the Lord realm first. So do you want to cultivate and come with me to the upper realm? No, I would like you to come with me to upper realm."

"Of course I would come with you. I would never leave you...again."

"So when do we start?" ,Clara asked.

"Well first we need to do something about those pests who are coming to tonight's banquet." ,Alex said.

"What will you do?" ,Clara asked.

"Well that's a surprise."

"You have always been there for me when I was ill but now it's my turn to protect you. That's why you do not have to worry because I'll be there for you."