The Auctioneers

I always knew that I was a good actor having played huge roles in a lot of interesting episodes, like acting all sick in front of Ms. Erin so she won't punish me for not doing my homework or so as to go home earlier than normal and avoid school work.

I remember how I use to act as if I was choked and let drools drop off my mouth on my meal, keeping off the seniors waiting for an opportunity to take their share of my meal. It is my drool after all so I still ate my food but it has done its job.

Most memorable of my acts was the one I told you about Biggy. The big guy who was in elementary 4 when I was in elementary 3, the one that I do pass by his class to my class, the guy that always sends me to fetch water for me him and the guy who I dropped a leaf in his water. You should remember him now.

So after I dropped that water in the toilet for Biggy and stayed behind to see the result, and after learning of the casino, I saw Biggy leave for the toilet. I didn't know what he did in the toilet but Biggy soon ran out shouting and screaming on top of his voice. He was scratching his body so badly, I along with other students rushed to witness the once-in-a-lifetime scenario.

Biggy was rolling on the floor and crying, he was naked by now. Some students had suggested that someone should pee on him that it'll stop the itching. Biggy does not mind that someone else's pee will touch his body so I volunteered to pee on him and completed the face-slapping. It was a wonderful thing to watch, I felt a lot of joy that day. I felt proud. It humiliates him but I felt proud, a man must fall for another to rise afterall I thought and kept my head held high.

The teachers later came and took Biggy to the school clinic and I don't know how they later neutralized my magic. Biggy was questioned on how he got the water and he told them he had sent me. Subsequently, I was called and they ask me what I had put in Biggy's water. I cried and swore on my granny's life that I didn't do anything to his water. The teachers seeing my expression believed that I truly did not do anything to be Biggy's water.

I was released but Biggy later came to me saying that he knows that I did it and that he was going to get revenge. I also swore to him on my granny's life but he did not believe, so Biggy and I ended up becoming sworn enemies.

I reminisced about those events while lying on my bed. Geo and his boys had come earlier, not long after I jumped down from the ceiling and ask me where I was. I had acted innocent just as I had done in school that day telling them in detail how I hid under the bed because I was scared that they might take me away just as they took Jane away.

I tried demonstrating how I hid under the bed but they said I need not hide anywhere again, and assured me that I won't be taken away. I was happy that I was able to convince them and that's why I'm in my bed right now grinning from ear to ear.

Geo told me the next day that Davis had found out somehow that I went missing but he said he assure him that it was just a misunderstanding so the matter had died.

We were able to concentrate on our plans thereafter. Geo gave me a key to the room and said I should use the ceiling to sneak out of the base and lock the door whenever I do sneak out so no one would find out that I'm not in the room.

I go to the training hall more frequently and train by myself while Geo, Cara, Nate and sometimes Dad remained in the van waiting for signals or any lead from the devices in the other base.

Three days after I planted the device in Davis' office, they found out through some sort of conversation from the other end that the people from the auction house will be coming the next day. Davis had told someone to prepare the girls that they will be inspected by the auctioneers the following day and that was how we found out.

We had checked for signals from the device on Jane's neck and it seems like she was packed in the same room with some other people, sometimes we would hear sobs coming from the other side, but aside that that, no useful information was gotten from the device on her end.

On the day that the auctioneers would show up at the base for the inspection, I locked my door from inside and sneaked out of my room through the ceiling and out of the base. I joined the others in the van and we drove to the base. We left early so we could get to the base before the auctioneers.

We parked the van a few kilometers away from the base so as not to raise suspicion and so we could be more safe. Geo and Dad remained in the van while Nate, Cara and I trekked towards the van. We were all with the device so we could communicate when necessary. The plan is to utilize my small body to plant the device in the other party's vehicle.

While Geo and Dad will listen to their conversation, Nate and Cara will stand around the base and help me plant the device on their car.

The vehicle soon came into view from where I was hiding and they drove into the base. It was a luxury car, one that I've only seen on Tv and I wonder how much those people have made from selling people. I sneaked out of my hiding place and ran towards the gate so I could be closer to the base.

When I hid behind a tree not far off the gate, I saw three people dressed in black suit got off the vehicle, two men and a woman and following closely behind them are two burly men. They are far bigger than Geo. They are giants and they were armed with dangerous firearms. Another man that I believe to be Davis, Geo's box, came forward greeting the men while slightly bowing in reverence.

They soon vanished out of my sight into the base. Not long after, Geo told me to take action that they have begun their meeting and that the base wouldn't be so alarmed now.

I see this as a more dangerous task than planting the device in Davis' office because for one, there are security guards at the gate, though the base seems to be deserted now but it is day and anyone can sight me, even from far.

I made my move and started sneaking towards the gate, staying close to the fence and hiding between woods and flower vases when necessary. When I approached the gate, I suddenly saw Nate, who was now dressed like one of the guards, walk up to the gate, said a few things to the security guards and the guards left their post running off into the base.

I wonder how Nate did that, or how he even got their uniform in the first place but that was a matter for another day as I have a task to complete.

I ran into the base at full speed, not slowing down as I felt nothing but grateful to Nate. I didn't see anyone around as I ran into the base and even the guards who stands at every nook and cranny seemed to be having an off day.

I rushed to the car and planted the device just under the trunk and switched on. I finished everything in seconds and prepared to run back out of the base. When I looked behind me, I saw that the guards had returned to their posts but they haven't seen me yet.

I hid beside the car and crawled to the side of wall. The car was parked not far from it. It was a very high wall, one that a kid like me can not climb.

I was still kneeling on the floor behind a another flower. There are flowers here and there around the base as if it's one recreation centre but I am happy they are there. While I was in the middle of these thoughts, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. My heart jumped out of my chest.

"Follow me," Cara said as I turn my head back.

I followed Cara as she led me towards the back of the base which was more deserted and where there are no buildings whatsoever. She lifted me so my hands could touch the edge of the wall and pushed me over to the other side. I waited for a little and Cara was by my side again.

As we made our way back to the van, all I could say to Cara and Nate who met us on the way was;

"Thank you".