Rescue Mission I

Dad and Geo were listening in on the conversation between Davis and the auctioneers when we got to the van.

"How did it go?" Geo asked while staring intensively at the devices in front of him.

"I'm afraid it didn't go well" Cara responded and Geo as if caught by surprise turned his head briskly at us.

"This dude right here beat up a guard in there and took his uniform! We wanted to do everything without leaving traces behind, now you have beaten up the guy, how would we cover that up? Cara berated.

"I did it when I noticed the boy was having a hard time sneaking in, so I did that to help him" Nate defended himself.

Geo had laughed at their altercations and turned his back to what he was doing. I never thought he would laugh off such an important issue, and the looks on the faces of the others say the same.

"Y'all should sit down, there's something more important than that" Geo said "Henshaw and I have been listening in on their conversation since they entered Davis' office. Though there has been no information about the location of the auction house, some names have been mentioned which I believe to be their sponsors.

There are about twelve girls that'll be transported along with Jane and they mentioned the day they'll be transported. If everything goes according to their plan today, and every formality of the deal carried out, then the girls will be transported the day after tomorrow"

"Therefore we have to get the location of the auction house at most by the end of today so we can proceed with the remaining plans," Dad said.

Things seem to be proceeding very rapidly. In two days, we will rescue Jane and I'll then be free to go home again. I imagined it and I truly can't wait to be home. I've missed my bed, the clanging of pots and spoons in the kitchen, the noisy passers-by, and lastly, I miss school.

"Mase, I hope you planted the tracker well and switched it on" Geo asked

"Yes" I replied.

"So the auctioneers are probably checking the girls out by now, and the device on Jane has proved so. We will leave now and follow them through the device since Mase has to return to the base. I don't want a repeat of what happened that day so we won't raise suspicions" Geo said and we made our way back to the base.

They stopped at the training hall and waited there to follow information and also check the tracker on the other party's vehicle while I sneaked back to the base.

I sneaked out of the base that night to the training hall where I met Geo, Cara, and Nate. Dad must have returned home since he wouldn't want mum to know. Geo told me they had tracked the vehicle of the auctioneers and it led them out of Old Town.

Geo said the location of the auction house should be at Crute since that's where the vehicle stopped. Crute is an upper-class city a few kilometers away from Old Town and like Greg, most of the affluent people in Silverland live there.

"How are we going to do it now," I asked Geo.

"They said the girls would be transported the day after tomorrow in the night, 9-10 pm. So we will move very early on the morning of that day, so we can lay in ambush and do everything we have to do. And remember, Crute is quite far away from Old Town, so once we leave, we won't return till the mission is over" Geo said and I nodded.

Nate and I sparred a little that night, and though he defeated me even before I could raise a first, I kept getting back on my feet because it was the only thing keeping my mind off thinking about nasty things and how everything could go wrong.

On the morning that Jane will be transported to the auction house, I woke up very early since Geo said we should all converge at the training hall where we would subsequently take off to Crute.

Since that night at the training hall, when I sparred with Nate, Geo had ordered that his boys lock my door and bring the key to him because he doesn't want a situation where I'd sneak out of the room. He also told them not to go near the room unless he sent them and even ordered the two guys that always stand in front of my room.

So it was easy sneaking out that morning since I have a key to the room and the other one is with Geo himself. I wore the only cloth that I have been wearing since I've been on the base and packed the black dress that Geo had given to me since the operation would be carried out at night.

I met the other guys at the designated place and we made our journey to Crute. The van looks different today. There are new items; weapons in the van. I don't know how Geo got them, but he was an ex-soldier so I wasn't overly amazed.

Arranged on one side are ammunitions, the majority of which I've never seen before, on another side are masks, on the other side are bullet vests, another set of clothes, and lots more, but notably, I saw food place on another side of the van, and that I gobbled up as the van galloped its way to Crute.

We got to Crute at about 9 am where Nate left the asphalt and drove into a muddy road and after driving for about ten minutes Geo instructed him to drive out of the road into the bush. We drove for around five minutes inside the bush before Nate stopped the van and we all stepped out.

"According to the reading, that road leads to the auction house and they must pass here to get there. We can't leave our vehicle on the road either, that's why we drove here." Geo said.

"This is what everyone is going to do," Geo said. "Vehicles don't use this road as it is not known to a lot and it doesn't lead to anywhere either, so we have this place to ourselves for now. We can't start shooting at their vehicles when they pass, so we will fall a tree, a big one, and place it on the road.

They won't send more than three guards to escort the vehicle so with the four of us, we have an upper hand. So when they stop to take the tree off the road, Mase will sneak to the back of the van and open the lock to the van. While he's doing this, we would attack the guards that, sure they will drop their guard while rolling away the tree, so it will be easier for us to deal with them.

Made would find Jane and take her out of the vehicle and sneak back to the van, immediately he unlocks it while we distract the guards" Geo said.

I wonder if it is going to be as easy as Geo had planned it. I hope so. We all got to work, some trying to cut the tree that will be placed on the road, while others are sorting out the arms and masks and other things that will be needed.

We finished setting up everything and rested in the van, gathering up the much-needed energy. Time flew by and before we knew it, it was night already.

Anytime now, the vehicle and Jane would pass.