He was in his office, standing there, leaning against his work table and He had an gentle but sad expression on his face, his expressions were so complicated,

if you saw him, you'll not be able to understand what he is feeling right now, something that only he could understand because they're his feelings and he knew that no one but he knew them the best....

that's what he thaught but maybe he was wrong?... because right now he could not understand them..

The bewildered expression on his face, his feelings that are making his heart acche so much; that are making him loose his always-calm-composure, something he was so sure that he'll naver loose in any situations because he'll naver let his feelings take over him but now.....he was wondering, if it was just him thinking that he knew them well...

But after some time, he realised, it was quite obvious. then

His lips curve a bit and put his right hand on his mouth, then he whispered under his breath. " it looks like, i don't know them that well but I kind of do." then he started laughing loudly, after some time he quite down but he was still smiling.

He kind of understand them now but he still chosen to remain quiet and ignore them because he knew it was already too late for that...and he thaught remaining quite about his feelings would be the best,for the person he loves and for the one who is Loved by them.

So, having this thaught in his mind, he was waiting for someone, he didn't knew if that person will come or not, because he thaught there was no reason for that person to be here, here with him...

but just then he could hear sound of someones footsteps coming from office's corridor, they were in quite hurry, as if, if they get little slow, it will be too late. and he wished 'please,let it be him'.

Those footsteps stopped in front of the his office door, he could hear someone panting and gasping for air and then the door brust open and someone younger but little more taller than him, was in front of him with his face distorted with bewilderment and rage, emptiness and sadness filled his eyes.


" Yes, Jeunggyo-ya what brings you here, what's wrong, you look angry, did something bad happened " I was surprised because he never calles me by my Full name,he always use honorifics to address me, something bad must've happened that's why he's so anxious.

Just as, my hands were going to reach his cheeks and ask him, 'are you okay?', he grabbed them in midair tightly,as if I'm going to run away.


he put my hands on his mouth, burying his face in them But then he started

pecking them gently, his eyes were teary in urge of crying; like a puppy who's now grown but still whines at his owner.

What happened to you?....