Genocide Attcks

Alex and Dylan woke up immediately they got to the 'base'. Why wouldn't they when the Shadow Ninjas dropped them to the ground like a wet bag of cement.

"Get up and move," One of them said as he dragged up the two boys who for some reasons seemed to still have their eyes closed. They continued to get pushed around the facility. Alex tried to get a hang of where they were exactly but nothing registered in his mind since he was still dizzy from whatever those Shadow Ninja put in the dart.

He was conscious enough to notice the Ninja walk them to a particular chamber; where they could see a man already waiting. They both sat opposite the man, separated by a reinforced glass, while the man kept asking them questions. Alex tried but could only remember bits like:

"Why did you?"

"Were you sent by someone?"

""Are there more of you?"

Those questions continued and the two demigods answered, but the truth was, they could not even remember the answers they gave.

After that, they were moved to another room where they were told to sign some papers and even had pictures of them taken.

They then took them to another room where their clothes were changed. But strangely enough, their bags and weapons weren't confiscated.

All these while, Alex was trying his best to fight whatever substance was in the dart, and he was starting to make progress. Dylan's condition was even worst. Throughout the interrogation and all, he had his eyes closed and whenever asked a question, would reply with either

"Pa. James," Or…


Yes Dylan was mostly better than Alex in almost everything, but if there was an aspect that Alex beat Dylan hands down, it was in the healing aspect. Though as demigods, their healing rate was faster than that of normal humans, like 1.5 X, but Alex's body could heal at about 2 X. It wasn't a surprise since he also had some sort of healing ability.

After all was done, the Shadow Ninja assigned to them led them to a different part of the facility. They inputted some codes and the metal door slid open, before they proceeded to push the two of them in.

Like some sort of miracle, the two immediately became fully conscious, any sign of the earlier dizziness, completely gone. Perhaps it was the doing of the Shadow Ninjas…or because of the hundreds of eyes sticking to them, literally.

"W…what is this place?" Alex wondered aloud as he looked back at the almost hundred people looking at Dylan and him. "Hi!" he waved.

Thankfully, it didn't last for long as all of them just continued doing whatever it is they were doing before the two of them came in.

Alex scratched his forehead as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing, but still found himself unable to do so.

Those Shadow Ninjas, he realized, when they fought them, their attacks didn't seem like it was meant to kill them. Even when they were captured, Alex expected them to be locked in a dungeon, chained to the wall while a sinister looking monster whips their asses out. What was even more confusing was the fact that only their clothes were changed and now they had on them a white shirt and blue pants; the same cloth every other person in the room was wearing.

Alex was sure they searched them thoroughly, their bags, their pockets and it was impossible not to find any of those deadly potions they always kept in their bags, more so, their weapons which was basically visible from a kilometer away. So, why did they let them keep it?

On a closer look, almost everybody in this room had some kind of weapon with them. Alex could even see some people having a spar in the corner.

"It looks to me that you guys are lost. Perhaps there's any way I can help you?"

A tanned boy suddenly blocked their paths, smiling like a mad man.

"Ptff. We don't need your help," Dylan waved his hand in the air and was about to say when Alex spoke fast.

"Actually, yes. We're wondering what this place is." Alex also smiled at the guy, "It looks like some kind of prison to me but at the same time doesn't…"

Alex was a bit embarrassed by his own words but the boy only nodded

"Hmm. It makes sense, I also thought the same way when I first arrived but I'm sure that feeling would be gone when your experience what life is here" The guy said and looked around "I think it's better if we talk somewhere more…secluded."

Alex and Dylan followed him to another part of the place. Though they could still see some people there, it was less crowded than it was in the main quarter.

"The name is Harry," The guy stretched his hand for a shake.

Alex and Dylan looked at it for a moment before taking it.



"so, about your question earlier" Harry sat on a bench and patted his sides, gesturing for them to sit beside him; which they did.

This was a strange reaction from someone like them. They had always found it hard to trust people, especially welcoming ones. That was probably the reason they felt at ease with the Old Man Jin even though he was a big fat dick, since he was neutral; not welcoming and at the same time, not hostile.

But with Harry, they felt different even though he fell in the first category. No, it was something about the place they were in.

They were sure this was the first time they were setting their feet here, but in some way, it felt like they had always been here, but in some way, it felt like they had always been here. The familiarity, it felt like they belonged to the place.

"You are right, partly. You see, this place serves as a prison for us and if you look at the bright side, you could also see it as a safe haven. Some people even consider it their home."

"Their home?"

Home. This was a word that was common, yet unfamiliar to the two demigods. They had tried to find one, save one, build one but it would always just crumble.

Yes, they once had, but it was long gone.

Dylan lost his home years ago when his mother died.

And Alex, for the sake of saving his own, had to run away from it. But like fate was playing a dangerous game with him, his mother was now captured; which made him also on the verge of losing it forever, just like Dylan.

And to think some people felt the same way about this place…

"You were caught by the Shadow Ninjas, right?" Harry asked when he saw the somewhat baffled look on their faces.

"Yes, and about them…" Dylan had a whole lot of questions to ask about the Shadow Ninjas but decided to keep it to himself for now.

"The Shadow Ninjas act like a type of police force, a special unit specially assigned to people like us" Harry said.

"People like us? You mean …?" Alex's eyes trailed to everyone putting on the white and blue outfit around him. That was most likely because they had one similarity to everyone in this place, they were all demigods.

"Hmm," Harry nodded and soon his eyes sparkled with curiosity, "And that makes me wonder what crime the two of you committed for you to end up here."

Alex and Dylan looked at each other with uncertainty

"The truth is, we're equally wondering what we're doing here. From your words, only criminals are meant to be here but I can't remember us committing any crime, or do you Dylan?" Alex looked at Dylan.

"No, I don't." Dylan also shook his head, "Except if killing monsters that are trying to kill us is considered a crime."

"Come on guys, there's really no need for you to hide it," Said Harry, thinking they were lying, he continued to press further, "You see, there's even a power ranking of those who committed the most heinous crimes before they were arrested, so there' really no need for you to hide it."

The two demigods didn't know what to do since they had no way to prove to Harry that they were innocent of any crime."

"Ha-ha got it." Harry grinned like a baby as he suddenly pulled out a book from Dylan's pocket. "You think you can hide it from me?"

Dylan blinked a couple times to express his confusion. He didn't even realize that there was a book in his pocket.

"What's that book?"

"It contains the basic information about you and the most importantly, your past cri…WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Harry suddenly shouted as soon as his eyes landed on an info in the book.

The shout seemed to attract the attention of everybody around them but most of them just hissed when they saw what it was, while others continued to look at them, but they were mostly out of earshot.

This is crazily OP!" Harry's eyes moved from Dylan to Alex then to the book in his hand.

This made even Dylan and Alex curious of whatever Harry saw in the book.


"I repeat, this is fuckingly OP?" Harry shouted once again before his eyes finally settled on the bewilder boys "It says here that the two of you committed three genocides attacks on three different races. Man, isn't that too cool?"



This was how Dylan and Alex felt after hearing Harry's utterance; Blank. Genocide? On three different races? What was that meant to be?

For confirmation, Harry shoved back the book into Dylan's arm and even Alex searched his pocket for his own book. And when they saw it, their eyes widened and their mouths were left hanging open.

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *