Harry's Disguise

Both Alex and Dylan took their time reading the content of their time and when they finally did, well, they realized it was kinda true in some way.

Starting from the earliest, their first supposed attack was…Chiron's camp. Except in the book, it said they were the ones who forced the monsters to attack the old centaurs' camp by stealing something of importance that belonged to them.

The second, which happened about two weeks ago, was about their incidence with some human eating birds. On their run, Alex and Dylan found their selves in the nest of these birds but like monsters always are, they tried to kill them, so it took just a few golden lights from Alex to burn down their whole nest. It also didn't help that the whole place was hot and dry.

And the third was an experience that they only managed to survive by the skin of the teeth. About two weeks ago, after a long and stressful day of fighting monsters, they were looking for a safe place to spend the night and they actually found a cave. Who knew it were termites that lived in the cave.

Though termites have always been harmless to human and only feed on woods; and truly these ones were similar. They don't eat flesh, break bones or drink blood, the only thing they ate were insides; the intestine.

Their small and slippery figure also made it easier to penetrate into the body. Now imagine that, the only reason they were still alive was Dylan (Yeah, once again). How he did it, Alex didn't know, nor did he care, but with a loud road, the whole underground cave began to shake until it eventually collapsed. Though, strangely enough, the two of them were completely safe.

The two of them had forgotten about these experiences…since they had experienced more worst and life threatening things since then. And how they got this information about them, they didn't know.

Harry was still looking at them in a strange way, and Alex didn't like it one bit. Thankfully, it didn't last long as a buzz resounded into their ears.

"Oh, it's lunch."


They saw everyone around them move to a certain area, excitement printed on their faces.

"Yes lunch. Come on let's go grab a seat." Harry said and was already walking to the same place, even jumping a few times.

"Wait, you mean …"

Alex and Dylan looked at each other. They didn't know what to feel, believe or think at this moment. Nonetheless, they followed Harry to the dining hall and sat patiently for food to arrive.

While waiting, Alex looked around the hall, wondering how it was possible for there to be so many demigods. The most confusing thing was all of them seemed to be around the same age; 14-16.

Alex turned to Harry and was about to ask him a question when a group of Shadow Ninjas emerged from the shadows at the back of the hall, all of them with a tray in their hands. These were also dressed in black clad outfits that left only their eyes uncovered, but there was also a blue line at the helm of their outfits.

Dylan found himself staring at the spot the Shadow Ninjas emerged from. He still didn't understand the technique these shadow Ninjas were using, whether it was an ability or not.

Everyone became busy as soon as the Shadow Ninjas dished out the food. One of them also approached them and after dishing out their food, he turned to leave but suddenly stopped as someone grabbed his wrist. He traced the skinny hand that dared touch him up to Dylan's face and spoke slowly.


Dylan broke out of his trance and released his grip. Once everyone had their meals, the Shadow Ninjas grouped once again and just as they appeared, they left.

"Man, your friend's kinda weird." Harry whispered to Alex and even Alex couldn't agree more.

He however just shrugged his shoulder and looked at his plate, his eyes almost popping out and his saliva was enough to form an ocean.

"A…are we… How much are we paying for this?" Alex didn't touch his food and only looked at Harry.

Harry just laughed and bit on his cheese.

"Nothing, it's free" HE said, "That's one of the things we're entitled to in this place."

"You're joking right?"

"Two square meal though, but it's enough for most of us." Harry nodded

Alex looked at Dylan then back to the food. The food in front of him was a luxury, something he could never hope to afford…well, except if Dylan does his thing.

Alex waited an extra fifteen minutes just to see if Harry would choke and convulse foams, but seeing him, as well as the other people in the hall still very well alive and kicking, with some even mopping their plates with their tongues, Alex finally gave in to the temptation.

Ripping through the cheese, tearing off the streaks and chomping down every other thing available on the plate, every other thing became nonexistent to Alex. He didn't notice the strange stares Harry and some other people were giving him.

"Dude that was, Ew! Gross!" Harry's noted, "You didn't even use the cutleries."

Alex looked at his soiled hands and the mess he created on his table. He gave out an awkward smile. "Sorry, it's just…you know, I've not had a food of this quality since like…forever."

Harry looked at Dylan, whose food was now also gone even though he hadn't touched them a few seconds ago.

Harry stood up, "Since we're done eating, why don't I take you on a tour round this little paradise?"

Since there was nothing they could do, the two of them took up on the offer.

He first took them to the sleeping quarters where everyone as allocated a room each and even aalex and Dylan had their separate rooms. Even though the room was more like a large empty space with a bed in the middle, it was undoubtedly better that the places the duo would usually spend their night in.

Harry then took them to the training center where they could see all sorts of advanced and expensive training equipments. They even spent some time there and the pair weren't ready to leave if not for harry who assured them there was more to see. They visited the gaming center, library, theatre and did so many other things the two demigods would never be entitled to in the outside world.

Now, they were in Harry's room, covered in sweat and grime.

"I can't believe it," Alex spoke, "There's a place like this? Why didn't we find it sooner?"

"I told you you'll like this place." Harry said his shoulder slightly raised, proud of himself even though there was no reason to be.

"I know it's good and stuff, but isn't it suspicious?" There goes Dylan who was always suspicious of every and anything, "they give good meals, free accommodation, and there' so much to play with, isn't that enough to make you guys know that that there's more to this place?"

Harry leaned closer to Alex and whispered, "Is your brother always like this?"

To which Alex nodded to.

"If you haven't learnt anything from life, one important thing is for you to know that no matter what, nothing comes free." Dylan said, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"Hmm, right. True talk." Alex yawned,. He'd heard the same phrase from Dylan countless times, "Remember that night you almost got us killed because you almost slept with a horny prostitute that turned out to be a blood sucking demoness in disguise?"

"I was under a spell," Dylan refuted.

"Now come on brother, no need to make excuses." Alex said, "You were aware of everything you were doing."

"Yes, but what would you do if a very hot woman suddenly invites you in and strips herself nude?" Dylan's face was flushed red from embarrassment

"Also true, but I'm sure you would have found a way to control yourself if she asked you to pay a penny." Alex said, "You did it because she offered you a promo…"

"Why did you even bring that up?" Dylan was clearly getting annoyed.

"Well, I was only supporting your words… you also remember…"

Harry on the other hand was trying his best to hold down his laughter but failed woefully. He continued to listen as the duo continued to tackle each other.

"The main thing is, everything they give us access to can't be for free. There has to be something they gain."Dylan quickly changed the topic after realizing he was losing against Alex.

"You're probably right." Said Harry, "You see, I heard the owner of this facility also turn out to be the mayor of this city. And since us demigods are like walking time bombs, the mayor collects a sort of tax from the citizens. How he does that, I absolutely have no idea, but I believe it's the tax they use to take care of us. It's a win-win. In a way It protects the citizen from us and monsters snce monsters rarely attack normal humans without demigods around, and on the other hand, also benefits us. You can tell from all you've seen."

"That makes sense," Dylan said and shook his head, "But still, I believe there has to be something they gain from us."

Harry appeared to be in deep thought as he placed his fingers on his chin.

"About that, every month, they collect blood samples from everyone." Harry said, "But I guess might just be a way of checking our conditions. Maybe, maybe not, we can't tell. But it's not like we're being harmed in any way. Though some people die from time to time, it's mostly due to infightings, and the Shadow Ninjas try as much to stop it."

Dylan didn't say anything and just closed his eyes, something that had become a habit whenever he was less busy or stressed.

"Well, I think there's no longer any need for me to hide behind my disguise anymore." Harry said and like a possessed being, Dylan's eyes fluttered open.

This was a line they'd heard thousands of time whenever they encounter monsters in disguise. Though the wordings and approach were vastly different, for someone like Dylan who was always on his guard, he already placed one hand on the hilt on his dagger, ready from any wrong movement from Harry.


"What's the weird looks on your faces, did I say something wrong?" Harry was confused with the sudden change in of expression of the duo. They didn't really say anything and just looked at Harry anticipating his next movement.

'Okay, see guys, there's a reason why no other person apart from me have interacted with you guys." Harry said at last.

Alex and Dylan were also interested. They had tried to talk to some people but they just ignored them like a plague.

"You see, I'm badly in need of a teammate and if not for that the two of you would still be alone." Harry said

"What teammate?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you, there's one more thing you need to know" Harry said, his eyes lighting up, "Every evening after lunch, we always have a game."

"What game?"

"…Death games."

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *