He Got Claimed

"Ha ha, I like that look" Harry smirked, his shoulders now already almost the same height as his head. "from what I saw in your crime book, I bet bet this is what you'll like the most"

Alex and Dylan said nothing and only waited for Harry to continue talking, after all they had no way to prove it wasn't their intention.

"You see, as much as we demigods crave a safe place, there is also this urge inside us…the urge to cause trouble… to kill" Harry said "In fact, there are some type of people in this place that go crazy if they don't get to fight for a day. In a way, it also helps us grow stronger."

If there was someone who could relate better to what he was saying, it would be Dylan. Whenever Dylan saved a person, he always had this lost feeling, like a soul without purpose, like he was neglecting what he was supposed to be doing. But when he kills, when he sends monsters to the other side, there's always this soothing feeling, and the feeling was addictive.

"And so, to also help us hone our godly powers, every evening they organize death games," Harry said

"From what you call it, does that mean people die?" Alex asked.

"Hmm, yes. Though not every day, we can also call it a common occurrence, but who cares?" Harry just brushed his shoulder. "After all there is a higher chance of dying in the outside world."

"The thing is, we demigods are bunch of funny creatures. If we were machines, then our creature must be a very interesting somebody. It's like our brains are battle wired and programmed to adapt to very strange conditions." Harry said, "There is always this enthusiastic feeling we have whenever our life is in mortal danger, it's just weird."

Alex and Dylan understood Harry well. Although the fear of losing their lives might overshadow the strange feeling at the time, but once they had a minute rest, the strange feeling start to develop as they remember they they had just gone through. It was just bizarre, to say the least.

According to Old Man Jin, this was what made them a dangerous unique weapon, also the reason they had to be eradicated.

"So now, do you agree to team up with me?" Harry held his breath as he anticipated their answer.

"Before that, I think you should explain to us what the 'death game' is really all about." Alex said.

"Ah, there's no way to know. They always make us do different games." Harry said, "At times they make us battle each other but most of the time, they just release a horde of monsters for us to fight, with a few changes in the rules here and there. Still, either way, the best way to survive is being in a group."

"Then does that mean you just got here since you currently have no team mate?" Alex asked suspiciously. He knew that wasn't possible considering how well Harry knew the place.

Harry then drifted into thought, "Well, I did have a team mate. Butch, he was my childhood friend of mine. We were arrested when we caused the death of seventeen civilians while fighting some mutated cow monsters, but…" Harry's voice became solemn, almost turning into a whisper. "He left two weeks ago after he was claimed by his godly parent."

"Claimed by his god parent?" Both Alex and Dylan looked completely lost. "And what does that even mean?"

Harry heaved a deep but short sigh. "I know you wouldn't know what it means to get claimed, after all, I was only just aware after the incident."

Harry then proceeded to explain the incident.

It was during the evening games like always, and this time, it was a battle royale so the two boys – Harry and Butch were helping each other out. Due to there being only two of them, they were starting to get worn out and tired. And in a minute or two, they would be out.

That was when something mysterious happened. The whole arena was bathed in a deep red glow. The whole battle stopped for a moment and everyone focused their attention on butch who had a glowing symbol that looked like a moon with an arrow through it rotating above his head.

It was Harry who was closest to him that felt it the most; the suffocative sensation, like he was low on oxygen. The most he could do was move his fingers and nothing more. The only thing he wanted to do was run away and hides from butch. Something about the glow in Butch's eyes, something he had never seen throughout the years they had spent together.

When the glow disappeared, for some reason, everybody had a main enemy – Butch. It was like they all suddenly came to a silent conclusion that this person had to be taken care of no matter what. And since Harry was also with him, he was also basically a target.

Butch remained unmoving at first but when the first person got within striking distance to him, he made his first move.

It was a minute movement, just tilting his head to the side to look the person straight in the eyes. The opponent halted in his steps, his limbs suddenly losing their ability to move. Butch took him out with a single hit and just like that he defeated the other twenty contestants that were still standing.

The next day, the same thing happened. And with everybody attacking them first, they got disqualified quickly, but made sure to also take quite a number of people down with them; courtesy of Butch.

The same thing continued for a couple of days until a group of Shadow Ninjas came to the facility. These Shadow Ninjas that came were different; they had red patterns running down the sleeves and collar of their tight fitting black clad outfit. And they definitely didn't look ordinary.

They took Butch with them saying he no longer belonged to this place. It was the last time Harry saw butch.

"I do not know if it is the same with every claimed demigod or Butch was just special, but that extreme boost in might, the raw power; it's definitely something I want to have. Before Butch got claimed, I always beat him in our spars, even with my eyes close, but after he was claimed…I couldn't even touch a strand of his air. It was like he was invincible." Harry spoke slowly and softly, "Unfortunately I have no idea what condition has to be met for someone to get claimed. I would say it had something to do with age; it would make sense since Butch was a few years older than me. But how would I explain the other kids here that are the same age as butch? The best I can do is hope my godly parent notice me claim me. I'm tired of being a bastard."

Somehow, this getting claimed by your godly parent thingie, not just Alex but also Dylan took it to interest. From what they heard from Harry, getting claimed would come with lots of benefits; unparalleled power, extreme might, respect, pride, who could say no to all these things?

And there, a loud sound resounded through the whole facility.

"Everyone please head to the Arena immediately, the game would be starting in thirty minutes."

Harry's eyes lit up. "It's starting now. Now do you agree to be my team mates?"

"Well, do we have a choice?" Alex walked up to Harry and tapped his shoulder which was about three inches higher than normal shoulders' height. "You were right; I seem to like the concept of this game. Let's see if this Death Game is as good as you say."

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *