Going Down by One

The Demigods were led out of their facility by a Golden Shadow Ninja. First, the announcement and now this. It was enough for them to know that the situation wasn't as simple as they thought.

After all, a Golden Shadow Ninja they had never met face to face. From what they knew, the Shadow Ninjas were assembled into different ranks.

First, there were the Black Shadow Ninjas. These were the Shadow Ninja all of them was more familiar with; after all, they were the ones that brought all of them to the Shadow Base. They were also considered one of the weakest since they consisted of normal humans.

Then there were the Red Shadow Ninjas. The only time they get to see them was when someone ranked up. It was these Shadow Ninjas that would come to collect them.

There were also other divisions like the Blue Shadow Ninjas that help with the food, the Yellow Ninjas that are always arriving to stop a fight between demigods.

But a Golden Shadow Ninja…even if they had never met one before, from the confidence the one in front of them was brimming with, they were sure they had to be very strong.

The Gold Shadow Ninja took them through multiple turns and corners and some small buildings until they finally stopped in another building. But unlike the buildings they passed that had been either empty or filled with empty containers, this one was actually stocked with multiple armors and weapons. Swords, hammers, axes; just name it.

"You have ten minutes to take any weapon you want!" The Gold shadow Ninja said.

And he was true to his words. He didn't come back inside until after ten minutes and that was enough for them to equip themselves to the fullest. Even those who didn't need took one or two weapons just in case; after all, They still didn't know what they needed them to do.

The Gold Ninja went round to inspect the weapons and armors they took. There were even some who took around five and they thought the Glden Ninja would take them back. But he only nodded and went to the next person.

This only increased the curiosity growing in the demigods' minds. First, they let them out of their facility and now free equipments. What exactly were they planning?

- - - -

In the Shadow Base was a tall tower. The tower happened to be the tallest thing around there and in one of the fully lit up rooms was three figures seated and they all had one Gold Shadow Ninja by their side.

If there was one thing these three figures had in common apart from their frightening auras they were exhuming from their bodies, it was the way they were dressed.

The three of them wore outfits very similar to that of the Shadow Ninjas. But instead of the Black Clad uniforms, they were dressed In White Clad outfits with pure golden patterns and stripes on their masks, sleeves and on the helms of their cloth.

"Oh gods! We're in big trouble now. I told you guys that working with her will only bring us unnecessary troubles. Noe she has probably reported to the council. Why would an Olympian personally come here?" The White Ninja on the left side complained loudly, the worry very evident in his voice.

"It's just one person and you're already shaking like a jelly fish." The white Ninja on the right side chuckled.

"She's a Member of the Council, an Olympian at that. What of the other Elders are here?"

"We already checked for that. She's alone….yes, she's with some of her goons, but no other god is with her."

This seemed to calm the left ninja down a bit. "But that doesn't change the fact that she's an Olympian. We'll probably just get our asses handed to us."

The right Ninja sighed and shook his head before looking at the white Ninja sitting at the middle who hadn't uttered a single word since.

"Runo, please say something."

"Nino's right. Yes she might be an Olympian or a member of the council, but she's just one and we're three. We already have the advantage of numbers." Runo said his voice deep and hard. "And about her goons…our subjects can take care of those."

Sene, the left Ninja opened his mouth to say something but in the end, he just closed his mouth and held his tongue in.

All of a sudden, Runo jumped to his feet. The ground shook, the air became heavier and without even knowing what hit him, the Gold Shadow Ninja beside him flew away with great speed.

"We've hidden in the shadows for too long guys. This is our chance –."

"No, it'll be our death if that's what you're thinking." Sene objected. "This is an Olympian we're talking about here…"

"Sene dear. I think you have believed the over exaggerated rumors of the Olympians too much." Nuno calmly said to Sene the same way one would talk to three years old. "Come on, you're a god now, a deity, you have to think like one."

"You're right. We might be gods but we still have no name. No actual seat of power."

"And this is the time for a change. Do you think we'll remain nameless after an Olympian goes down in our hands?" Nuno's smile was brighter than the morning sun. "Normally, with what we were planning, it could have taken a few decades but with her coming to us, she has only hastened it. She's currently in our territory, which means she'll be weaker and we'll be stronger!"

Nuno turned to the Gold Shadow Ninja beside him who surprisingly was once again by his back, standing with pride like he just didn't get thrown away like a piece of paper minutes ago. "Release all the subjects." He looked at the Gold Shadow Ninja beside Nno. "Take all the Demigods, equip them to the teeth and you…" he pointed at the Ninja beside Sene. "You have a special task. Take ten Red Ninjas with you and escort those two demigods back to the Mistress. Tell her we might need a little backup and hopefully she might send some of her minions!"

Finally he looked at the two gods – Sene and Nino.

"And as for us. No backing out, no holding back because today…we're taking an Olympian down,"

- - - -

The night was still dark, as dark as it could be. But the demigods could still make out one color – Silver.

When they got there, the whole place was already littered with hundreds of corpse…all belonging to monsters. Both the regular ones and the ones they fought the night.

The Shadow Ninja didn't need to tell them who the enemy was because they could already see them rampaging.

They moved like streaks of pure silver lights but when the light disappear, it would be replaced by the gruesome sight of dead monsters.

"Should we engage the enemies?" One of the demigods asked the Gold Shadow Ninja who just stood like a statue.

It took around ten minutes before the Shadow Ninja answered after receiving an order.

"You see those wolves there, kill them all. I suggest you group up against them. And as for the girls, leave them to us. They're too much for even all of you combined to handle."

Some of the demigods snickered.

"I know you guys have always underestimated us. But these…these are just girls not more than eight or ten. We'll bring them down with our pinky fingers."

The friends of the guy laughed which only made the Shadow Ninja's frown become even darker. He would have cut out their tongues and lips o even outright kill them..if not for the fact that they needed them in this battle.

"Just do as I say. You'll get backup soon and if you think I'm underestimating you, fight the girls and see if you'll last two seconds."

The Gold Ninja then began to walk away but just then turned back and looked at them.

"That's right. Each wolf you kill will earn you an addition of five hundred points."

"Five freaking what?"

The Gold Ninja began to smirk as he watched the demigods go crazy over a just five hundred points. As he was about to leave, one demigod shouted after him.

"What about the girls? What reward do we get after we kill them?"

The golden Shadow Ninja almost choked but managed to compose himself. He didn't fail to notice that the demigod said 'after we kill them' and not 'if we kill them.' He slowly looked at them and said softly. "Instant rank up!"

- - -

Artemis walked around like a little girl taking a stroll around a garden. The moon hanging in the sky shone brighter with each step she took but at the same time, all the light was absorbed by this person.

"I can sense you! But…but why does it feel strange? I cannot even tell where you are even though I know you're close." She kept muttering to herself until a little girl appeared in her front riding on a big silver wolf.

The girl quickly got down and bowed to Artemis.

"My Lady!"

"What is it Melissa?" The goddess asked, her voice filled with unexplainable warmth and peace. "Report."

Melissa slowly but bravely stood up before her mistress. "We still haven't been able to eradicate all the monsters. But now some demigods have joined the fight. I await your order or what to do with them."

"Neutralize them. Also, try to keep some of the monsters. There is something fishy about this place. First the endless wave of monsters and not demigods." Artemis muttered loud enough for Melissa to hear. "We have some investigations to do after everything is over. Now leave."

She snapped her fingers and Melissa alongside the big wolf disappeared. Artemis them closed her eyes and tried to focus on the unwavering energy. Normally she could just teleport herself to the location, but there was something strange about the energy that she had to trace it slowly or she'll completely lost it.

"Apollo…you can't run away anymore."

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *