Just Like That

As it turned out, demigods would always act like one, after all. After the Gold Shadow Ninja left, all of the joined the battle but nobody went for the wolves and instead, they all attacked the girls. Maybe it was because of the points, or seeing how small the girls were or even the Gold Shadow Ninja's provocation. But going for one of the girls was their greatest mistake.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

The sounds were subtle and minute, but even before they subsided, three demigods fell to the ground, rolling and screaming in agony.

Some of them paused after witnessing this. They didn't know what really happened but seeing the arrows stuck to the heels of the three unfortunate demigods, they could guess the cause.

Then they could see her about twenty meters away from them, brandidhing an silver cross boy. She wore silver clothes and a silver short skirt. Her shiny knee length booth didn't have a speck of blood on it even though the whole place was painted with one.

She was by no doubt a beauty and some of the guys even opted to fight the big wolves instead.

"Mama will never forgive me if I lay my hands on a girl." They made silly excuses.

"Come on now, beautiful. Don't you think you should have been a little nicer?" A demigod chuckled as he walked forward. He was almost as big as Bab, but instead of a bald head, his hair was so full it reached his shoulders. When he got within five meters to Melissa, her cold voice became even colder.

"Don't," She said. "Don't take a step or you'll hate yourself!"

"I've always hated myself even before I was born. If I have to hate myself even more baby and it's by you, then I don't really mind." Tom spread his hands as he took three more steps forward.

Melissa pointed her bow and aimed it at Tom's forehead but as she was about to let go, she remembered Atremis's order and changed her mind.

"Boys!" She said the word the same way someone would say 'poop' "Why must you boys always be cocky?"

"Well," Tom chuckled. "What are you expecting? We're the ones with the cock after all. Look here girl, I know exactly what you like and what you want. Girls with petite figures like you always crave for big stuffs, and I have just that. Come on now, why don't we have our own battle in the corner over there, or what do you think?"

"I think you deserve to rot in hell!" Melissa's anger had gotten to breaking point. How dare he? How dare he defile her ears? She repositioned her bow, this time making sure she aimed well before releasing the shot.

It was like a tiny sizzle, like a soft whisper, but the demigods felt the power within in. Perhaps, there was one person that felt it more and that person was Tom.

He didn't know what happened himself. All he knew was that there was an arrow notched to the bow a second ago but to him, it felt like It just disappeared.

And again, immediately the arrow seemingly disappeared, he also felt as if something in him disappeared with it. Something extremely precious. Something…

"What the Fuck!!!!!" Tom shouted as he quickly loosened the topes of his pants, not even caring that he was in front of about a hundred people, dipped his hand into his underwear.


A thunderous shout that made the roars of the monsters minuscule thundered through the sky.

"My balls! My big rod!" Tom roared. "They're all gone!"

As if to buttress his points, his thumb pointed out of the arrow sized hole in his pants. And with how big his thumb was, it perfectly mimicked the shape of something that was supposed to be there. "They're all gone. My big rod!"

All the guys had their hands covering their stuffs. It was like they could all feel Tom's pain.


Even with all of Tom's wailing, they were still able to hear the tiny chuckle.

"Now, let's see you act cocky without your precious stick." Melissa giggled.

- - - -

Artemis was still tracing the special sensation. She had her eyes closed and didn't even know where she was going but just continued to move.

That was when she noticed three figures right in front of her. Still with her eyes closed, she was planning to just walk pass them, but raised her hand and caught the white bulb that was about to hit hre head.

"Artemis!" A deep voice rumbled the ground. "Stop right there!"

Artemis first of all opened one of her eyes to look at them before reluctantly opening her second eye.

The truth was, she knew these three had been waiting for her but decided to just ignore them and focus on the Apollo's sensation she was following. But she now realizing they weren't friendly and even tried to attack, she decided to pay them a little bit of attention.

She casually waved her hand and the light bulb dispersed into a hundred tiny lights. She the furiously glared t the three gods.

"What do you want?"

Runo was slightly taken aback, not only by her nonchalant attitude but also because of how easily she was able to nullify his attack. That small bulb of light had enough power to raze a city to the ground.

Runo however didn't let that shake him and he firmly stood his ground.

"We should be asking you that Artemis. After all, you're the one trespassing into a claimed territory." Runo glared back at the goddess. "You're meant to be a member of the council and yet you're here breaking one of the laws like it's nothing."

Artemis looked confused.

"What law?"

"Stop acting like you don't know, Artemis. You're trespassing on our territory without permission!"

Artemis squinted a little. "But you are undefined gods. The law doesn't apply to undefined beings."


Runo didn't know what to say to that. It wasn't like he took his time to read the 'Ancient Laws' and he had no way to confirm if what Artemis said was true or not. But thankfully, he had another excuse.

"But you attacked us in our home!"

"You mean the monsters? They attacked us first; my maidens only retaliated in self defense."

Runo was at wits end but this was their only chance. They couldn't let ig go.

"You are a trespasser and according to the law, we have every right to execute you on the spot!" Runo's head was almost exploding from anger. Since they evolved into Celestials, nobody had ever treated them the way Artemis did. The way she talked, the way she looked at them…like they didn't worth more than a filthy piece of rag before her.

Yes they might e new to the immortal realm and she has been there for eons. But they were both still gods; they deserved a little respect.


Artemis was about to say something but noticed the aura she was following quickly fading off. She closed her eyes to concentrate but felt something moving toward her again. This time again, she caught the light bulb and annoyingly glanced at Runo, who was no doubt the person that attacked.

"You're asking for death!"

Runo on the other hand attacked with five more energy balls, these ones about five times bigger than the last. And as it was five times bigger, it also had five times the power.

Artemis once again indifferently waved her hand and the balls changed trajectory – returning back to Runo. Runo himself knew how powerful those attacks were, after all, they came from him, but that didn't mean he had enough resistance to take them head on.

Quickly, he took out his staff and hit the balls with it before they could get to him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five loud bangs exploded in his ear and his vision was filled with nothing but white. The area around fifty kilometers from him should have been completely destroyed but when Runo regained his vision, all he saw was endless mountains.

Artemis was still standing, completely unaffected by the blast. "Lesson one: Two gods should never fight in the mortal realm!"

Runo looked to his side and saw Nino and Sene standing frozen.

"Why are you two just standing there like statues?" Runo shouted as he prepared for another attack. "Attack her from either side."

Nino and Sene broke out of it and also joined in on the fight. The three began to flank Artemis from all sides and changed their positions after each successful attack. It was a very strange footwork that made it hard for their enemy to know their position and attack them. It was also the same technique they passed down to the Shadow Ninjas.

Artemis on the other hand just made minimal movements as she evaded all the attacks. And when there were those she couldn't evade, she wave her hand ad the attack wound change direction or be completely nullified.

Artemis then gently removed a bead from her hair and threw it in a random location. Perhaps, it might seem random, but to Sene, it felt like Artemis knew what she was doing. As the Bead got closer to him, he had the suffocative feeling one would feel when he was about to get crushed by a speeding train.

Quickly, he also lifted his staff and swung it in a circular motion and formed an invisible shield in front of him. When Artemis attack his it, the force alone boosted him more that a hundred yards. The invisible shield also cracked and shattered to pieces.

"After I put so much energy into the shield, she still broke it like it's nothing!" Sene could barely believe his eyes.

Sene wasn't the only one that noticed. The other two – Runo and Nino also realized the same thing. Artemis was much more powerful that they were…on a different level.

Doing their mysterious footwork, the three of the m regrouped. They looked at each other and nodded, seemingly coming to a silent agreement. It was their only choice if they wanted to have a chance to beat her. But it was also a risky move.

"I know this takes us an enormous amount of energy so that means we have to finish this as fast as we can" Runo then held their hands and they also did the same. They closed their eyes and began to chant.

Artemis curiously looked at them. She noticed their Celestial auras becoming even stronger but it was not at all close to the point she would be afraid. The main reason she was curious was because she wanted to see the end result of what they were planning.

Finally, the light subsided and revealed a giant three times taller than Artemis was. The three gods were gone, no, they merged together to create the giant.

The giant had three pairs of arms protruding out from its both sides making it have nine arms in total. On his head were three large eyes and it also had three legs. Its veins popped as white energy pulsated through them.

Artemis frowned when as soon as she saw this, but still decided not to make any move yet.

"You made a big mistake." The giant said in a deep and monotonous tone, "You should have never given us the chance to use the Runise form."

The figure rushed toward Artemis at a speed that would put even lightning to shame. But Rttemis retaliated in a speed five times faster than theirs.

She unsheathed one of her hunting knives and threw it at the Runise. It tried to block with its staff but this time, the knife broke through easily and passed through its heart like a knife slicing through butter.

A Bang! That was all and it looked like time stopped.

The Runise stopped in its track, the bright light around it dimming greatly. And with a slight movement of Artemis's fingers, it divided into three – Runo, Nino and Sene respectively.

Runo immediately tried to get up to his feel but only ended up coughing out Golden Inchor. The other two were even in worst situation.

"At first, I thought to ignore you but now with what's I've seen…" Artemis spoke quietly, "I have no choice but to apprehend you and tender you before the court."

Sene could not believe everything that had just happened. The Runise form they used was the strongest move they could offer. The same one they were planning to use during the Next Olympian Tournament and although they were planning on a few upgrades to it…that didn't mean she could neutralize them so easily. She didn't even use her bow which was considered her most powerful weapon.

What they didn't know was Artemis didn't even consider them a threat. To her, everything was just like a play. She fought them the same way she would her maidens during training. She opened her palm and cuffs appeared on them before flying toward the cods and locking them.

While this happened, Sene was still trying to think straight. Runo was foolish to think they had a chance to touch her much less defeat her. And they were also foolish to believe and follow him. Artemis…the Queen of the Wild was just on a whole new level compared to them. They had only evolved into godhood about two hundred years ago and were yet to even have a seat of power.

They had used their full powers in the fight that didn't last more than a minute and there was one frightening thing Sene realized. Throughout the fight…Artemis didn't move an inch from where she was standing. This just showed how vast the difference of power between them was.

"I…" Sene managed to pull out the energy and courage to talk, but with Artemis placing her finger tip on her lips, his lips clamped shut.

"It seems to me that you still do not know the gravity of what you have done." Artemis shook her head. "You broke too many laws. And the problem you have created…can affect the whole world."

Sene could only watch Artemis as silver light began to envelop them. They had been completely defeated them and yet she wasn't even ranked in the top 5 most powerful Olympian. Just how crazy must the Olympians be?

After Sene, Runo and Nino had completely disappeared, the view around Artemis changed back to what it once was. She looked around and realized the area around one kilometer was in complete ruins. The whole Island would have been razed to the ground if she didn't quickly transfer the battle to the Immortal Realm.

She softly snapped her fingers and Melissa appeared before her.


"My Lady," Mel slowly rose up. "We did as you ordered. We have neutralized both monsters and demigods. At one point, some people in mask also joined in the fight. They gave us a tough time but suddenly killed themselves when they realized they were losing. I'm sorry My Queen!"

Melissa went down to her knees again.

"Get up, Melissa. You did a good job." Artemis's voice drifted through the air like a soft feather in the wind. "At first I didn't understand what was going on here but after seeing the last move they pulled…it's risky. We have to stop it or else things could go wrong."

She looked Melissa straight in the eyes. "Search everywhere and confine any living thing you come in contact with…alive."

"As you wish My Queen!" Melissa saluted before once again leaving like a silver streak of light.

Artemis closed her eyes and heaved a sigh before focusing on the energy she had been following and disappeared.

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *