To the Mistress

There were three people that were completely unaware of all the chaos and destruction happening around them; although they were having their own share of problems.

"Man, I always knew no good thing would come out when moving with you." Harry complained for the one hundred and tenth time. The person the words were directed at, no doubt was Bab.

"Fuck you man. How is this any of my faults?" Bab yelled back. "It was you who started to cry like a baby after your reunion with your monster girlfriend!"

"You're the fucking animal among us. It's your horrific smell that attracted bad luck to us!"

"At least being an animal is better than having a monster in my family. Jeez…" Bab pretended to have a surprised look on his face. "…doesn't that basically mean you have monster blood running through your veins? No wonder your hair is so tangled –."

"It's locked, not tangled!"

"Same difference." Bab clicked his tongue.

"At least I still have hair." Harry pointed at Bab's scalp. "Your head is the perfect reflection of your future; Fruitless and deserted!"

"The fact remains that you're the son of a fucking monster. An ugly one at that; Even uglier than Kan Boon,"

Instead of saying they were having their own share of problems, perhaps it was better to say she was having her own share of problems. The Shadow Ninjas gave her the greatest punishment ever; locking her up with a Bald and Broccoli head. It was a good thing the other cells were empty, if not, the other prisoners in the other cells would be raining them curses.

Kate had lost track of time, she didn't know how long they had been chained up. But if it has been up to a day…then that meant Harry and Bab had been exchanging insults for a whole day, nonstop.

"It seems like you guys still haven't realized the gravity of our offense." Kate shook her head at the ignorance of the two fools. "We were caught trying to escape. Haven't you thought of what they would do to us"

Harry shrugged. "Best case scenario, they'll let us go."

"…and worst case?"

"They'll kill us or just luck us here forever."

"And you're fine with that?" Kate questioned.


The wave from Bab's shout was enough to disrupt the wave of words about to burst out of Harry's lungs. Harry was about to throw another insult at Bab but after Bab's word, no after Bab's roar, his jaw was left hanging in the air with no word able to seep out.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Bab tried to whisper but with how large his lungs were, it was no different from a normal person's shout.

"Well, the truth is…I wouldn't even pray for my enemy to think like you." Harry retorted. "You're too damn dumb!"

Bab ignored Harry and looked at Kate. "You bitch. You were the one! You implicated us!" Bab shouted and lunged at Kate but couldn't reach her due to the chains binding him. " I told you all, this girl will betray us. She back stabbed us! She did no illusion rubbish, SHE TRICKED US!"

Harry shook his head and covered his ears with his palms while Kate just rolled her eyes.

"It's evident the size of your brain is inversely proportional to the size of your head!"

It was obvious that Bab didn't understand what Kate meant ass he blinked a couple of times before shaking his head and continuing his anthem.

"You Bitch! You Bitch! You Bitch!"

Kate turned to Harry who was clearly more sensible that Bab, even if it was just by a tiny fraction.

"What do you think is going to happen to those two?"

"You mean Alex and Dylan?" Harry asked and answered his question himself. "Well, I don't know. But I think they're in bigger trouble than we are."

"Is that the reason why you're so calm?"

"Calm, you think I'm calm?" Harry's voice grew louder. "Heck NO! I'm furious. My blood boils whenever this Baboon is close to me!"

Kate looked up at the ceiling before she deeply sighed." Do you think they're the cause of all the noise?"

"Noise?" Harry also looked up and with Bab finishing the first stanza of his anthem 'You Bitch!', he could vaguely hear the noise Kate was talking about. After listening for a couple of minutes, he looked at Kate and shook his head.

"Nah! Though those guys are crazy and all but I doubt they can cause this level of trouble."


The metal gate flew open, the chains holding it chattering to tiny pieces.

"Oh, they're here."

But instead of the black clad individual they were expecting, It was a girl in silver dress that walked in and behind her were two other girls dressed in similar way.

For a moment, the girl just stood by the broken entrance, looking around the dungeon before finally walking in.

She stood before their cells before asking in a domineering tone. "Are you the only ones here."

Harry jumped to his feet and moved closer to her. "Hmm. From my notable observations, I think…"

"We're the only ones here!" Kate quickly said before Harry completely embarrassed himself with his fake British accent.

"Man, this girl is a real beauty. I won't mind having her as my wife…"

Harry heard a low voice behind him and judging from the weight he could feel at his back, it was no doubt from Bab.

Harry turned his face to face the wall of flesh behind him. "Not only are you mentally ill. You're also a fucking retarded pedo!"

"What do you mean by Pedo. I'm just eighteen!" Bab said back, still making sure his voice was low. "It's just a compliment."

Low voice? That was something impossible for Bab. And judging from the stare they were receiving from Kate, it was crystal clear she heard everything. And the silver girl…

"Keep your mouths shut if the both of you don't want to lose your crowns!" Melissa hissed.




Bab tapped his head and blinked a couple of times in confusion. "I don't have a crown. Can you see one?"

But Harry who knew what she meant quickly cupped his hands around his pants, making sure it was covering a certain region.

Kate only chuckled as she saw this.

Melissa kicked open the cage like it was nothing but the three prisoners had their eyes wide open. The two other girls went in, first attending to Kate.

One of them then went to the two boys.

"She meant it. Piss her off and your crown is gone!" The little girl that looked not more than ten said before breaking their chains with her bare hand.

With this display of power, the two boys were silent. Bab had tried to break the chains multiple times but it wouldn't even budge and the girl broke it like paper.

"We'll take you to join the others. Cooperate or you'll lose your third legs."

"Girl, could you please stop threatening us with that? My little brother down there is already sweating buckets!" Harry wanted to say but seeing the fierce look on Melissa's face, he opted to remain silent.

As they moved them on, Bab and Harry couldn't help but notice the vast difference in treatment the hunters were giving Kate compared to them. They treated Kate like a flower and even checked if she had any injuries, but them…

- - - -

And as for Alex and Dylan…

They were first locked away in a white room after they were separated from Harry and the rest. Not long after, a Gold Ninja along with ten Red Shadow Ninja came to take them and now they were in a type of truck –Shadow Truck as the Ninjas called it.

Alex and Dylan were seated at the very back with a Red Shadow Ninja each by their sides. Perhaps they underestimated them or were just confident in their strength, the Shadow Ninjas didn't restrain them in any form and even let them keep their weapons.

Well, the two boys couldn't dispute that the Ninjas were plenty strong. After all, they had tried to escape once before and were beaten down by a single Red Ninja. And judging from the way the Red Ninjas treated the Gold Ninja with utmost respect, he must be their boss. Then that basically meant he had to be more powerful than they were.

But what they didn't know was that both Alex and Dylan had a trick up their sleeves and were waiting for the right moment to unleash their trump cards.

Alex was actually curious about whom exactly this Mistress was and what she wanted from them. She had tried to kill them multiple times now and even placed a bounty on their heads.

Alex looked at Dylan who had his eyes closed, his fists shaking furiously, before he raised his head to the dark sky and did the only thing he could do – Pray. But just as he was about to close his eyes, he noticed a light suddenly appear in the sky. Alex almost mistook it as a star but with the light increasing at a crazy speed, he knew it was something else.

First it was a DIN! Then later a CLANG! As the roof of the vehicle was completely detached from the rest of the body.

"Stop the truck! We're under attack!" The Gold Ninja shouted.

As the truck came to a stop, all the Ninjas jumped out and assembled themselves in a certain pattern. Alex and Dylan were also taken out of the truck but the Gold Ninja remained close to them.

Soon the attacker showed himself…herself as a silver light.

To Alex she looked like a young woman not more than 25 or even younger. She was armed with silver bows and arrows and he could even see some blades peeping out from different places on her body including her knee length boot. Her long silver hairs danged wildly in the night breeze but her beautiful eyes were fixated on a certain somebody.

The Shadow Ninjas tried to attack but were frozen in a spot. Artemis didn't do anything to them but the aura that she was emitting was enough to make them frozen. With Artemis looking at their side, the Gold Ninja behind Alex and Dylan felt like somebody dropped a mountain on his head and he was using all his power to stop himself from dropping to his knee.

Artemis on the other hand just ignored them as she continued to make her way toward Alex and Dylan, the light radiating from her body increasing every second. Even Alex who could look directly at the sun felt his eyes burning and had to look away.

Artemis stopped only a few meters from him and looked Alex straight in the eyes.

"I know you're the one. I can feel it." She said. "Apollo!"

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *