Another One

"You can feel it too, right?" Alex asked as he saw Dylan stop walking.

"Hmm, yes. We are being followed." Dylan nodded, "But why?"

"No idea. Let's just keep moving." Alex nudged Dylan, "Let's see if they'll turn back."

Dylan also nodded and they continued to walk gently, but they kept following them. They two of them would notice dark silhouettes scurrying around them but whenever they looked, the silhouettes would disappear, hiding behind the many buildings.

But neither Alec nor Dylan was worried or scared. But Dylan was pissed off…beyond measure.

"Let's end this silly game." Dylan said and soon they changed direction and made sure the silhouettes followed them deep into the alleyway.

"We are aware. Just come out!" Dylan said out loud after they went deep enough. "I thought we made it clear we didn't appreciate your company?"

They waited for a few seconds before they began to hear whispers that soon turned into shouts.

"Fuck you. I thought you said your illusion magic would obscure our aura?"


"Why the fuck do they know about us?"

"I don't know… it's just that…" Kate didn't know what to say. Lately her powers had been failing a lot and she didn't have a good feeling about it. "…Dylan has a trick that helps him see through my magic."

"So that's your fucking excuse?" Harry retorted and let out a scream. "I don't even know why I believed you in the first place. You're just as useless as that Ape freak!!! Now what do you think they'll with to us?"

Slowly, the two of them walked out from behind a building. Kate's face was flushed pink from embarrassment and Harry found it very difficult to make eye contact with them.

"Why are you following us?"

"Look, it's not what you think. We were actually…"

"I said come out!!!"

Harry and Kate looked at where Dylan was looking at and there, they saw the large figure hiding behind a small white box.

Bab rushed out after noticing everybody looking at him. He ran to them with a grin. "I didn't know you have such sharp eyesight. It would take most people hours before they notice me there."

"Ugh!" Harry palmed his face as he compared the size of the white box to Bab who was five times its size. Moreover, the box was white and Bab was black.

"Do you think we all have brains the size of a pea like you do?" Harry said before squinting. "And if I'm correct, you said you were going back to your … families?"

Bab scratched the back of his head. "Well, about that. The thing is…" Bab stuttered. "I just remembered my families like somewhere quite far from here. We live in one city in London."

Harry could only shake his head in utmost disappointment and turn to Alex and Dylan. And the look he was getting from Dylan… he didn't like it one bit.

Alex on the other hand didn't think them coming along was a bad idea. After all, they didn't know what forces they would have to face and how powerful they would be. So some extra allies wouldn't hurt, right?

- - - -

The street was once again bustling with new life. It was just around eight in the morning but with the amount of people already running around, one would think otherwise.

Traders got their shop opened, vehicles polluted the air as they sped off, kids ran around without a care in the world. Everyone and everything was brimming with a new energy.

The sound of jingling bells and those of vendors advertising their products filled the air.

"Give your life to Christ. Only He has the power to save."

As the group of five passed by the middle aged man, he handed then a little book. He even tried to have a talk with them but they only took the book and left.

They had only moved three steps when Harry tore a piece from the book and wrapped it before putting the tip between his lips.

"Man, I miss the cigar!" Harry mimicked lighting up the paper, and then breathed in before exhuming sharply. I just feel like taking a shot."

Kate rolled her eyes, "You didn't even check what was written in the book."

Harry just sighed. "Couldn't you tell from the way he was dressed and what he was saying. That man is one of the Believers. They are good at tricking people into following their ways with sweet words. I don't give a shit about things like that!"

"Then you could have just rejected it. You didn't have to take the book from him."

"Simple. I didn't want the man to die from heartbreak." Harry casually said. "He could end up standing there for the whole day without anyone listening to him or even taking the book from him. I actually did him a favor by taking his shitty book!"

"I … I know who you are," A frail voice came from behind them. "I know you are Half bloods. I know all of you are Demigods!"


All of them paused and immediately turned to the direction the voice came from only to realize It was the same man they were talking about; the 'Believer' as Harry described him.Dylan already had one of his daggers out as he looked at Alex whose fingers were starting to glow gold.

"This man … is a monster in disguise." was the thought running through their heads. They had come in contact many times with monsters that were very good at manipulating the mist to conceal their aura and change their physical appearance.

"Fear not, for I bring to you no harm but words of peace from my Father." The man said in a seemingly harmless voice. He was even smiling warmly at them despite seeing a piece of the book he just gave them already in Harry's lips.

Quickly, Harry hid the paper behind his back but the man didn't seem to mind at all.

The others took a few steps back and Dylan had his full focus on the man. He was trying to sense the aura of the man, to find if he really was a monster, a demigod like them or even a god. But nothing; his aura remained the same.

"I don't think this fight will be easy." Dylan moved closer to Alex and carefully whispered in his ear. "This being is very powerful. He is able to hide his aura from me."

Hearing this from Dylan, Alex held his sword more tightly, taking the fight more seriously.

"Who are you?" Harry asked. "Are you a demigod like is?"

"Woe onto he that is sent and does not deliver and woe onto he that delivers when he is not sent." Instead of answering, the man said things that none of them could comprehend. "I am a servant of the most high and I am sent to deliver his message."

The five of them didn't know how to react to this and could really only look at each other. Eve Dylan was slightly confused. Monsters are never this patient and he had waited long enough for the man to attack or better still, show his true appearance.

However this only increased his resolve that this man must be very powerful. He must have confidence that he could easily take out the five of them, albeit so calm.

"You said you were sent here by someone." Dylan decided to break toe weird silence. "Who? Who sent you? Is it the Mist…?"

"I have been shown countless visions, heard countless warnings of what would happen to the world soon." Like so, the man easily avoided Dylan's question. "Destruction … all I see is chaos and destruction. The Antichrist is closer than ever. Rapture, the day of judgment, the day when everyone would stand before the Holy Father and give account of how they spent their lives on earth … but…"

The man looked around him, seemingly lost in his own world. Soon his lips began to quiver and tears began to fall down his cheek; a pained expression vivid on his face. "But there are still so many … so many people that needs saving, that needs to be cleanses. So many people would be cast away on that day … but the Lord…"

"Hahaha! I told you these Believers are great actors!" Harry's laughter broke everyone out of their trance. They managed to move their gaze from the man over to him. "These people are very good at wasting time. Look what he's saying now. All they know how to do is preach stupid things about one guy saved the world by killing himself and other blah blah blahs. Let's leave, guys."

Harry continued to laugh, but nobody joined in.

"Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that he knows what we are." Kate pointed out.

"Mmm, that's true. How did you know?"

"I have been told everything about you and what you plan to do. I am only here to give you guidance." The man said. "You five being together isn't by a coincidence. Instead, you being together is by the wish of My Father, to fulfill his words."

Dylan didn't like the feeling he was having about this man. Heck, every one of them was feeling the same way and they didn't like it either.

The man smiled warmly and spoke in a soft tone.

"Five half bloods match into the Fortress of the Warlock;"

"In place of the chosen one;"

"One shall be sacrificed to raise the curse;"

"Blood for blood;"

"The world there after becomes lost;"

After the man was done, he said a few more words that they didn't understand before he left but Alex and Dylan felt a lump form in their throat, their tongues felt like they just swallowed a bag of wet cement. The man … the man just said a prophesy. Another one, and it didn't sound good.