Your Bane

Apparently, even though kate's power has been proving unreliable of lately, her powers now came in handy. All they had to do was gather some papers and with her power she was able to turn into into money.

Kate didn't know how long the illusion would last, nor did she care, but one thing was sure, by the time the illusion would run out, they would be long gone.

Kate didn't know how long the illusion would last, nor did she care, but one thing was sure, by the time the illusion would run out, they would be long gone.

So currently, the group if five was inside a train. But unlike always when they would either be fighting or insulting each other, they were completely silent. Even Bab and Harry who were know for their sharp tongues to each other were also silent despite the fact that they were sitting next to each other.

It wasn't because they were among other people, not because they notices a powerful monster watching them, not because they felt like they were mature, but because their minds was on something else – The Prophesy.

"Fuck! Fuck that believer." Harry couldn't help but curse silently. "Just a few words from him and everybody is looking like they suddenly kissed a ghost."

"Fuck! Fuck that believer." Harry couldn't help but curse silently. "Just a few words from him and everybody is looking like they suddenly kissed a ghost."

Saying this, Harry looked at Dylan who bore the worst expression on his face. Dylan's face was stoic, very stern and truly, he did not only look like a ghost, he also looked like a ghost himself.

"Man I hate prophesies. What is the meaning of all those nonsense the man said?" Alex complained loud enough for everyone around him to hear.

All the times they had come across prophesy, it had never been something good. First was when Zrey the Soothsayer told them about their future in the next ten years, telling them how miserable their lives will be. Then he went into some sort of trance and dropped another prophesy. And now, the Believer they knew from nowhere just dropped a random prophesy.

The thing is, out of all prophesies, this one was by far the most mysterious of them all.

"Five half bloods match into the Fortress of the Warlock;"

"In place of the chosen one;"

"One shall be sacrificed to raise the curse;"

"Blood for blood;"

"The world there after becomes lost;"

Alex had to admit that even though Old Man Jin might be a nuisance, he was very useful at times like this. But even though they understood nothing about the prophesy, one thing was very clear. Death; death was involved and Alex didn't like the fact that it was most likely a female. After all, he was still trying to save his mother and here a prophesy suddenly dropped that a certain 'her' will die.

"Wait! How are we even sure what he said is true." Harry's face lit up and his shoulder began to go higher. "Maybe the man was a monster in disguise. He did mention he was sent by someone…maybe he was really sent to disrupt our mission."

Although the others found some points in his words, but none of them showed it physically … except Bab. So, Harry could only close his nose and hide his head between his laps as Bab let out a long belch.

- - - -

In a dark room lit up by only candle lights, weak groans could be heard. And if one traced the groans, they would find out it was coming from a woman. The woman looked to be in her late forties, but her appearance said otherwise.

Her clothes were no different from a rag, and she herself looked like a mad woman. Her once black hair which now had tints of grey was scattered across her sunken face. She was so tin her bones were easily seen sticking out and her once radiant skin was now as cold and pale as a day old corpse.

Soon, the sound of heel against the stone floor was heard and another woman appeared in the passage way. She was dressed in complete black Greek attire that covered her body, only giving room for little skin to see the outside.

As soon as the frail woman saw her, a violent energy burst out from within her body. But this energy didn't go far as it stopped only a few meters from her. And this was because of the transparent cage enclosing her.

"Ptf. To think that you still have so much energy to waste, I'm truly surprised." The woman in black robe let out a soft chuckle."

"Medea, you have to stop this madness." Contrast to her frail appearance, the woman's voice was filled with a certain authority and power that was enough to shake mountains. "You are too young. You do not tknow the consequence of your action. You're putting the whole world in danger."

"Ptf," Medea chuckled loudly, "And you're the one to tell me that?"

"Listen to me child; you are only being used by Him. You still have time to stop this. The world needs me out there."

"Used by him? I do not know what you're on about missy. Unfortunately, you do not have many days left." Meade then looked intently at the woman. It was something no mortal could see, but then, Medea was no mortal.

In the physical, it looked like the woman was just on the floor but those that were able to look into the celestial realm would be able to see the countless chains wrapped around her, most especially her life essence. And these chains were linked to a Bank where the energies they suck out of the woman were stored.

"Ptf." This time it was the weak woman that left out a chuckle. "Just because you had a taste of little power, you think you can do anything. But do you know you're just a mere puppet to Him. Besides, even though you have me chained here due to his plot, do you think you have the power to kill me?"

"Ha ha, I think you're missing something. Because today is the day. After today, I'll be one step closer to achieving my dream. " Medea's voice grew louder with each words.

She raised her hands and the tank in which the woman's energy was stored began to shake vigorously. Soon, energy in form of black mist began to seep out and slowly gathered a few inches above medea's fingers.

Medea closed her eyes and began to chant in a very loud voice. The chant went on for hours and with each passing seconds, the energy above her hand was disappearing.

Instead of saying disappearing, it was actually gathering in another spot. Soon the spot was completely shrouded in dark mist and after Meddea noticed the dark mist turning purple, she stopped.

She looked completely different from before; almost the same as the chained woman. That was when a few similarities between them could be clearly noticed. Their black hair, round face, body figure and most importantly, the expressionless look on their faces.

"W … what did you just do?" For the first time, fear and panic was vivid on the chained woman's face. Her already sunken eye socket went a few inches deeper.

Despite her appearance and state, Medea still looked at the woman and smiled.

"You said I do not have enough power to kill you. That's true but It's different for Him." Medea turned to the dark mist where a very massive figure was beginning to emerge from. "Well Hecate, I would like you to welcome your Bane …

…The great and mighty Clytius!"

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *