After saying that Sarah said to her family,"I want to sleep for some time".

Her mother replied,"Okay baby ,rest for a while ".

After 1 hour when nurse came to check her she screamed to call to the doctor.

Doctor came and checked her ,her family started panicking and asked the doctor about her condition.

Doctor said ,"I'm really sorry but your daughter went for a long sleep".

Her mother asked the doctor,"What do you mean ,say it clearly".

Doctor replied,"She went in coma".

Her mother fell down after hearing this.

Her family was so sad they all started praying for her well being.

Her friends visited the hospital....

Sophia asked at the reception for Sarah's room no and she got it .

They all went to visit her first Sarah's mother stopped them but suddenly she thought that Sarah might wake up after seeing her friends so she allows them to meet one by one.

Each one of them met her and now the last person was Kane.

Kane went inside and he started crying after seeing her as he can't see her in this position.

He said her ," Without you everything is empty in our lives, Morning walks are meaningless ,no fun no joy,only sadness, Please come back and fill our lives by happiness".

She was in coma so no one was there to reply him. Sarah's mother asked him to say goodbye.

Kane at last said her,"I don't wanna say goodbye cause this one means forever you'll stay".

He went out and he was so sad.

Nurse came for her check-up again and she noticed that Sarah's finger was moving and she hurried to call the doctor.

Her mother rushed to the doctor and asked the doctor so he said her about Sarah's condition.

Her mother got tensed as the doctor said if for the next 24 hours she sleeps then it will be god's wish for her to go to him.

Her mother informed everyone in the family and her friends.

They decided to try their best to keep Sarah awake.

Her mother went inside the room to talk to Sarah and she asks her ,"Baby,How are you?Do you want anything?".

Sarah replied,"No mom ,just stay by my side,and I want to sleep for some time".

Her mother replied,"No Baby,you can't sleep ,if you will sleep you will never wake up again so please don't sleep".

Sarah said ,"Okay mom,I will try my best".

Sarah's friends came and started talking with her they shared with her what all happened at university while she was not present.They expressed their happiness and concern after seeing Sarah.

It was evening so Sarah's mother asked her friends to leave.

Sarah's Mom brought her the dinner and she feed her.

Her dad came to visit her with her whole family .His brother came and apologised her.

She forgave his brother and hugged him.

The next day...

When Sophia and Olivia reached university they were in shock after seeing Elisa and her two friends in their class.

Elisa said ,"Shocked to see me here right,you might be thinking how a poor girl like me can study here, but thanks to Sarah's grandmother who gave us the scholarship for her granddaughter's health".

Sophia replied," Oh so you are here on scholarship, Olivia interrupts and says ,"Sophia don't say scholarship we should say they are here for free ,no fees you know".They are freebies. 

Everyone started laughing at them but suddenly the teacher came and saved Elisa and her friends from humiliation.

Teacher asked Elisa and her friends to introduce themselves in the class and she even says them that they should study hard to cover for their studies as nothing will be repeated for them.

The lecture was over so the teacher called Elisa and her friends for a talk.

Teacher said them,"Listen carefully, The path you have chosed is very hard,see I don't hate you three but here in this class you will enjoy less and suffer more because they think that you are not compatible to them,So you should stay in your limits and don't create a chaos for me and don't try to mess with Sarah".

Elisa replied,"It's on me how I will behave and by the way thank you for your concern".

After this they all went to the classroom. They saw how they all were quiet and studying but Elisa started talking with her friends loudly so she can disturb them she was shouting, giggling , laughing and then there comes the Principal.

Principal saw everything what they did and took Elisa and her friends to her office.

Sophia and Olivia now were so happy as they were patient while Elisa was annoying them but now she got the punishment they were happy.

Principal said them,"How can you behave in this manner,don't you have any manners ?,When others are studying you must stay quiet right?You stupid girls get out of my cabin I will talk to your class teacher,Now get out!!".

Elisa and her friends entered the class and other students in the class started humiliating and laughing at them.

They started feeling sad but it was their fault.

After a month

Now Sarah was all fine and she was ready to go to university from tomorrow.

The next day at the university