After a month in the university everyone was surprised to see Sarah alive and that someone was Elisa.

She was shivering so she asked excuse from her friends and left to restroom.

Everyone was so happy to meet Sarah again.

Sarah was sitting with Lucas then she saw Elisa and then she started thinking something but then teacher started teaching so she didn't paid much attention to it.

Now it was their P. T class so they all went to the ground to play some games .

So they all decided to play basketball with their seniors.

Before playing they made their teams and Kane noticed that Sarah is in his team firstly he met her and said that he was soo happy to see her again.Sarah was about to say something but Mark a teammate of them interrupted and said let's start the game.

They played well and Kane's team won the match. As Sarah got tired after playing ahe went to infirmary for some rest.

While Sarah was in the infirmary all her friends decided to throw her a welcome back party.

They planned everything and made arrangements. After taking lectures they all went to their homes.

In the evening, Sophia and Olivia visited Sarah and they took her with them.

They blindfolded Sarah and then they got her ready and took her to a place.

They didn't replied to Sarah in all the process and asked her to just cooperate with them.

Sarah followed them and then she reached the destination and then they Unfolded her and then she saw everyone was present at the party hall and was saying her "Surprise".

She was so happy and got emotional at the same time she thanked everyone for making her feel so special and then they started enjoying the party.

Kane came and he gifted Sarah a bunch of flowers and wished her good health and speedy recovery. She hugged Kane and said thank you.

Kane asked her to join the stage with him so they can dance and enjoy and play a lot of games.

Kane 's POV

Today she was looking so pretty and I couldn't take my eyes off her but I was in front of a lot of people so I need to control myself.

I went to her and wished her good health and speedy recovery and then she hugged me believe me my heartbeat stopped for a second .

Then I invited her to the stage to dance and rock the stage and play many games.

After the party they all had dinner and went to their homes.

Kane couldn't think about anyone but only Sarah and he wanted to confess his feelings to her but he couldn't find a good chance.

Sarah on the other hand also started thinking and liking Kane but she wasn't sure that if Kane likes her or not so she didn't mind it and went to sleep.

Next day, Kane didn't went to school because he was awake the whole night thinking about her.

So in university after knowing that Kane is absent Sarah got tensed and she thought that he might be sick so without telling anyone she decided to visit Kane in the evening.

After school when in the evening Sarah visited Kane she came to know that he was all well and then Kane asked her to sit and spend some time with him.

Sarah was going home after some time but then Kane hold her hand and said to Sarah....