The First Meet...

A heartbroken girl walking alone in the streets of Mumbai.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even noticed a car coming towards her.Someone from her destiny was coming towards her.The man tried his best to stop the car.Ahana got unconscious then the man took her to the hospital.A new life chapter was waiting for Ahana .As soon as she woke up Hary asked her "Are you blind,Can't you see a car coming towards you"?.What if I hadn't stop the car you would have died.You didn't even thought about your family. Ahana replied ,"Family,My family doesn't care about me.They only think of themselves.Hary thought not to talk about family and then he asked why she was in that situation.Ahana replied,"I've done software engineering course from the best university and I'm looking for a job and I don't know anyone in this town so I was lost in thoughts.Hary said no worries I'll solve your problem.

I'm the owner of a software company and from today I hire you as my colleague.Ahana was so pleased and she thanked him and then they went their ways.The next morning many new difficulties were awaiting for Ahana to overcome .In the office when Mahi saw Ahana she went to hary and asked him"Hary why you kept more beautiful girl than me .Hary told her that she was helpless so he kept Ahana at work but she's so talented in this field.

Mahi got so upset. So Hary complimented "Mahi that there's no one more beautiful than you in this whole company".Hary had a crush on her but he didn't confessed it to her.Now came the another partner of company Krish. Krish ,Mahi and Hary were best friends since childhood.They all went to do their work.Ahana being a colleague of Hary was working for Hary.So Hary called her and asked her to bring the files from Krish's cabin.After entering the cabin Ahana was startled after seeing Krish same goes for Krish he too was startled after seeing Ahana .Mahi asked What happen Krish .He replied "nothing let's continue our work.Krish asked who is she?.Mahi replied in a rude way that "she is an ordinary girl.She's a colleague of Hary."

Krish replied Hary got a beautiful colleague. Krish asked how did it happen.Mahi said that "she was helpless so Hary did the charity work by giving her a job."Ahana asked for the documents to Krish after taking them she went.

Ahana was so lost that she gave the documents to Hary and thanked him for giving her the job.Ahana said "I really want to do something for you.". Hary replied "when the time will come I'll get back to you....