A Rude And A Caring Boss...

Ahana went back to work.Krish called her as soon as Mahi went outside.Krish warned her that ,"Don't you dare to seduce my friend Hary,I know what kind of girls like you are.Did you got it.". Ahana couldn't stand this and she burst into anger and replied ,"Who are you to judge me,You are no one ,Did you got it?,And yeah I'm not the type of girl you're thinking.I'm here to work and nothing else.Secondly you both don't deserve my attention.I'm so shocked that how can a man like you can be the owner of company,At last she said if you don't have work so pls don't call and disturb me". I need to do work.Krsih went to hary and told him everything.How can your colleague talk to me in this way.Is she gone out of her mind.

Hary called "Ahana and asked her to apologise to Krish .She refused to do so". She said "I won't apologise for the mistake which I haven't done". Mahi insisted Hary to force her to apologise then hary ordered her and she apologized and all were happy except Ahana

Mahi was hungry so she said "let's go hary for lunch as Krish is busy so he won't come with us". Krish was still so angry on Ahana so he decided to remove his anger out and he gave a lot of work to Ahana to do.Ahana said "I'll do the whole work".After doing work Krish went home. Hary came and he asked "Ahana why haven't she gone yet to home."

Ahana told everything to hary.Hary said "let me help you he even apologised on behalf of Krish" Krish thought that he should go and check whether she is doing the work or she went home.When he reached the office he seen that hary is helping her.They both were tired by doing the work so Hary said "let's have a coffee."She thanked him and she said "that the coffee is on me". They left the office and went to cafe.Krish was following them.

Hary asked her "about her family , friends and relatives".she replied 'I don't want to talk about them".Okay I won't force you to talk about them.After drinking coffee they went home and then Hary realised that whatever happened today with Ahana was wrong.The next morning Krish and Hary......