I Love you, Only I don't know...

Krish was now thinking "Do I really like Ahana?".No I don't.Then he starts doing his work and try to forget the thoughts of Ahana.

Today was Ahana's birthday and no one knew it.But then to Ahana wore a very beautiful dress.When she entered office everyone was looking at her.She went to her cabin and checks what work she has to do today.She was not having any work so she went to Hary's cabin and asked him"Sir ,I don't have any work to do?"if you have I can do it for you".

Hary replied"Yes ,I do have but what's the matter with you today"?.

Ahana said "Sorry"?.

Hary replied" Is there your birthday or any occasion today?,You look so beautiful today!".

She replied"You guessed it correct,today is my birthday".Let's work Sir!!

Hary said "You don't wanna celebrate your birthday?".She replied"No,I don't ".

Hary said "Okay".

She started working in her cabin.While working she was reminiscing her old birthday memories when everyone was there with her ,her family,her friends but she said to herself,"No Ahana you cannot back off at this moment,You have came a longer way for your dream,Your just one step away to achieve your dream to became software engineer of a company,You just need to control your emotions and she stopped crying.

Krish couldn't focus on his work so he went to see what Hary is doing.He asked Hary "what he is doing?". Hary replied and then Krish asked him a file so he replied "Oh that one,its not with me ,I gave it to Ahana to work on it.

Krish replied "Okay I will take from her later".Hary continues working.Krish decided to avoid Ahana and went to his office.Then he searched on google"How to know that ,that you are in love?".He started reading a article.He learned that when we love someone we care about that person,we stare at that person,we get jealous when someone is close to that person,we cannot leave the person alone,we start doing things which they like etc..

Now when Krish saw this he started thinking his feelings for her and he thought what if she doesn't likes me back?"He realised that he likes Ahana but he was not sure that whether she likes her or not so he searched "How to make someone fall for you".He started reading the tips and after that the working time was over when he was going out of his cabin he saw Ahana and he was startled by her beauty for a while then when Hary came and asked Ahana "today is your birthday so I want you to have dinner with me".Now Krish came there and wished Ahana "Happy birthday Ahana,You look pretty today".

She replied"Thank you very much sir".

Krish said to Hary"If you don't mind can I also join dinner with you both".

Hary said "Yeah Sure". They all went for dinner and they ordered food now Hary first started serving food to Ahana but Krish couldn't see other man serving food to the girl he likes so he ....