I Love You For Infinity..

Krish said Hary"Let me even have the privilege to serve the birthday girl". Hary said

"Yeah sure". They had their dinner and then when Hary was paying the bill Krish offered Ahana drive to her home.She said "No I wont' disturb you ,I will take a cab". Krish said" No,its absolutely fine".

Until then Hary comes there and said them "It's okay Krish you go home and you Ahana until when you will wait here ,I will drop you as it's my responsibility you drop you home safely".

Ahana said "Okay Hary Sir,and thank you Krish sir for your offer".Ahana went with Hary and Krish went alone. While driving Ahana and Hary were having a nice chat with some laugh.Ahana's home came and Hary said "How early your home came,okay have a good night".

Ahana replied "Thank you Sir for Everything,that you did today for me,it really means a lot to me".

Hary said "If you really want to thank me then please stop calling me sir ,you can call me Hary even in the office ,Let's be friends from today".

Ahana said "Okay,Good Night Hary".

Next day in the office when Ahana was calling Hary not sir only Hary ,Krish got shocked and he asked her "Why are you not calling him sir ?".

She replied"Cause we are friends".

Krish said "Oh,You are friends,Okay".

He went in anger and started doing his work he gets an email from a company that they have a organised a event and they want them to come there and there you will get opportunities of getting a big project..So Krish replied to the email.

Mahi gets a final call from Varun about the confirmation of their plan.But Varun said "You want me to work with you ,then you will have to follow my terms and conditions".

Mahi replied"What are your terms and conditions?".

Varun said "Give your shares of the company to me".

Mahi said "I will decide and tell you".

Now Krish was tired of listening Ahana calling Hary "Hary".So he went home .After doing work everyone went home.Ahana was cooking for herself on the other hand Krish was unable to sleep because he was jealous and can't let her thoughts of Ahana go.

Ahana was just going to sleep but all of a sudden the door bell rang she was thinking who might be there at this time then when she opened the door she came to know that it was Krish.

She said "Sir ,Do you need anything ,Are you Ok Sir ?".

Krish replied"I'm sick of you calling me sir,because of you I am not able to work,you are All over my mind".

She replied "What did I do sir".

Krish said "I love you so much",I know its so shocking for you but I really do love you And I will love you No matter what happens".

She was unable to speak for a moment.

Krish said "Can you please give me my answer".

Ahana said"....".