You and I

   Mahi called Varun  and said him"Let's do it,I'm ready to give you my shares ,but you have to take Ahana away from Krish  in any condition".

Varun  said "You don't worry about that , everything is ready ,just waiting for your final call".

She said "Okay".

Mahi  went to office and asked Krish "Are you sure Krish  ,you don't have intention to love me".

Krish  said "Yes and please do stay away from me,I don't want my girl friend to see us".

Mahi went in anger without replying to Hary's office".

"Hary can I come in".asked Mahi 

Hary said "You don't need to ask Mahi ".

She said Hary " now everything is going to change between us three".

I really hate Ahana  ,You are with me to destroy her because She came in your friendship and love".

Hary asked "How did She came in our friendship?".

She said" First She ruined my relationship ,now She will ruin our friendship,girls like her ,but you don't worry I will give her what she deserves".

Hary couldn't stand what she was saying so he said "Mahi can you please stop using Ahana's name for defending yourself,let me go ,I don't want to talk to you".

Mahi  was sad that Krish  and Hary both left her to whom she loved the most in friends.

Now Krish  told Hary ,Ahana and his assistant about the event where they are supposed to go.

Hary told "okay I will go,If you want to come you can come with me Ahana".

Krish  replied "No,I've some work that She can only do it's regarding program you know my assistant doesn't know anything about software and All so I need her help,I will drop her".

Hary said "Okay,As your wish".And went away.

Krish  and Ahana also went for long  drive  as tomorrow they have to go out so they can only enjoy in night.

While long drive Ahana wanted to eat ice-cream so Krish went and brought an ice-cream for her.

She asked "For You?".

He said "I don't wanna eat".

She started eating ice-cream and then after taking a bite She said "now you will eat or I will not talk to you".

Krish being helpless ate the ice-cream and they both were eating ice-cream together at the end looking so cute.

Now Krish  dropped Ahana  home and said her "Tomorrow come early at my house we will do some work together and then we'll go together".

By giving a kiss to him She said in his ears "It's a deal".

Now in the morning She went early Krish  opened the door they both hugged each other and then Krish went to change.

Till then Ahana decided to make breakfast and While making breakfast Krish came and hugged her from behind and asked her "What are you doing Ms.Ahana ?".

She said "Making breakfast for you And me".

After that they ate breakfast together and then when Ahana was doing some office work Krish  was tensed for her because of Mahi.

So he decided to call Mahi and ask her whether She was going to come or not.

Mahi  replied"Oh see ,who's calling ,how can I help you ?.

Krish  said Let's get to the point ,are you coming to the event?".

She said "No".

Now he was relieved that She is not coming so She cannot try to harm her.

But he didn't knew that She was lying to her.

They were ready and they started there journey to their destination.

As the car was open Ahana was enjoying a lot and Krish  was happy by seeing her enjoying.

They reached the destination and the event started and everyone got busy Ahana told Krish  that "She wanted to go to restroom ".

Krish  said "Okay I will be waiting here for you".

He was waiting in the lobby for her but she .......