Loving You Is A Losing Game

 Krish was waiting and waiting for her than he decided to go there.Outside the washroom he asked a lady to go and check whether anyone is inside or not.The lady said " No,no one is in".

Krish got tensed and called Hary "Is Ahana with you Hary".

He replied "She was with you right".

"You can't even take care of her",said Hary.

Krish said "I was standing in lobby and waiting for her but she didn't came,and there's No time for us to fight ,lets start finding her".

Hary said "okay".

After talking to Krish he was full of anger because ,Ahana was No where to find because of Krish.

Hary came there and they both started finding her together there Hary saw a bracelet he started thinking about the bracelet in his mind until then Krish said "this bracelet is not important to us now find Ahana".

Hary said "This bracelet is of Ahana ,I know very well".

Krish said "Okay you go this way I will go this way".

Walking and walking in jungle Hary seen an ear ring of Ahana and he knew he was going the right way .

Unfortunately there was No network in jungle so he couldn't tell to Krish.

Ahana was kidnapped by two people but fortunately Hary found her and he beat up the kidnappers but one man cannot fight three so a kidnapper hit Hary from back and they started taking Ahana again but Krish came and helped Hary and then Ahana hugged Krish and said Thank you soo much and then they went back to the event.Ahana helped Hary to bandage his wounds and help him to change.

Now the announcer announced the Chief guest

Yash Kapoor and he came and thanked everyone for coming.Unfortunately Ahana couldn't hear because she was with Hary.

When She arrived a video was projected on the screen and it was about Ahana and her childhood memories.Varun said "You might be thinking why this video is been projected?".

"The girl in the video is the only daughter of Yash sir but she left her family for her dream.She lived a life which she wasn't supposed to .So lets introduce you Ahana Kapoor.Yeah She is with us here".

Ahana tried to escape but bodyguards hold her.She started screaming you cannot do this to me.Then Hary came for her help so than she can escape but bodyguards even hold him.Then Krish was able to rescue her successfully but then from behind Mahi hold Ahana and gave her to the bodyguards.Krish was also now in hands of bodyguards.

Krish said to Mahi "You ditched me,you were not going to come here right?".

She replied "Krish you Broke Me First,if you had continued to stay with me ,I Haven't planned everything".

Krish said"What's the fault of Ahana and Hary?".

She replied "Her fault is that you fell in love with her".

Hary said "Please let her go ,before her father comes here".

Ahana said "Aren't you both surprised about my real identity?".

They replied "We knew but we didn't told you".

She asked "When ,Were and How?".

They said " When Mahi asked her assistant to get your details".

She said "Thank you soo much".

She tried her best to escape but she couldn't.

There comes her dad and Varun.

They said "We finally found you".

Ahana replied".....".