Chapter 5

"Miss kori Aderson, you are a little early, I can see the excitement rolling of you. Here is your script." I collected it from her as looked thorough it, this was not the script I was expecting so I look at her again. She was still standing there smiling at me incase I had any questions to ask her. I smile at her and raised my hand a little before speaking. " umm Miss Mariana Buffeté— sorry I think you gave me the wrong script, these, these are poems written by A Nigerian author."

She smiled and me again before responding in her deep British accents. " well dear, they are indeed the right script,and oh look, your protagonist is here. Here is your script Giffin. Good I'll leave you two to get acquainted." Oh no, this can't be happening the universe can not choose to see me up like this. I mean couldn't The universe work it magic and sent me up with a better protagonist, at least one that actually had good manner because i am not, settling for this what the heck. I had already forgotten the important question I wanted to ask Mariana Buffeté, heck she didn't even give me a chance to ask her by sticking around long enough.

"Well if it isn't the shortest short stack. Fancy meeting you here—again. What brings you to my side of the crib" he said the minute Miss Mariana Buffeté was out of ear shot and completely out of site. I gritted my teeth's at him like An angry dog, that was it I needed to take a a stance and I wasn't going to let out height difference be a disadvantage.

Igrabbed the chair I was once sitting on and put it directly in front of him, confusion and curiosity was itching all over his face, but I was too upset to pay attention to that. I climbed on the chair and this gave me an edge i could see the top of his head from here and I smirked internally saying " no so tall now are ya Mr giraffe, now listen to me. This is my very first time on the big screen, on the big strange performing in a theater like I've always dreamed of doing. I am not going to let you or your Giraffe of a high get in the way of that dream.! Got it! Kapish!"

"Okay, okay got it jees, shorties and there even shorter temper." He said raising his hand in the air with a mocking surrender. I was going to easy on him but he just had to say the last line. Now I was really pissed, what is up with tall people and making fun of short people like what the heck! I grabbed him by his shit and pulled him closer, and just when I was about to give him a piece of my mind I head it, Miss Mariana Buffeté voice. "Excuse me young lady!! We don't do that here, i said get Acquainted not turn this place into A War zone!"

I quickly let go of Griffin, jumped off the chair, dusted it, and returned it to the appropriate position. I bowed my head severely to apologize saying. " i am sorry ma'am it ... i have no excuse for the way i behaved. I shouldn't never have let griffin push me to angry like that or let my anger get the better of me." I said. She was looking at me her angry long forgotten. she smoothed her clothes like there were rumpled, she sighed breaking the Silence and said.

" its alright, although That angry of yours will be very useful in the play we'll be rehearsing for. But for now tone it down, now two come with me the rest of the team awaits." With that we follower her from the administrative office down the hall way to the hall not to far from us, I recognize it as the same place I did my audition Griffin and I said no words to each other. We didn't even spare each other and glance and I liked it that way.

" hello everyone. this is Kori Anderson, And Griffen Reid. They are the lead actors for this short film we will be making in this Theater. As you already know the title is In the name of love. Kori, Griffin, meet Jace Norway, Raven Downs, they are also play a key role to this beautiful piece we are going to be working together on. It's a totally of eleven poem, which means plus or minus thats eleven scenes. Today we would use it to get aquatinted and learn our poem, What role we would be playing and who is playing it. Tomorrow rehashals begins immediately 8am sharp, are we clear."

"Yes Miss!" We all chorused. She smiled at us in response and left us there to get to work. I looked at the script In my hand and saw that indeed they were poems. How were were going to turn this thing in a movie, into theater goodness I was very confused but regardless I put up a cheerful smile. We all sited on the stage and awkward silence surrounding us, it didn't last long thought because at one point I had to sneeze and break the silence, every one looked at me expecting me to say something and I sighed.

" sorry. Umm my name is Kori Anderson, I'm 23 and I am passionate about acting and theater. I am super thrilled about working on set with you all." I said introducing myself everyone gave a small round of applause for me, not just for introducing myself but for breaking the ice. " hi, umm I'm Jace Norway, 23 also, I used to work at the convention store in south avenue. But I've been so passionate about acting even since I was a kid. Here I an about to live my dream." Another round of applause was heard, he looked about the same height as Griffin but with a more darker skin tone. His nose was pointed with a beauty mark directly under it. He was dressed in a regular jeans and round neck shirt with a gray hoodie to go with it.

We all gave him a comforting smile as the next person took the floor " Raven Downs here and no, I am in no way related to Riley Downs the popular teen actress. Although I can say she inspired into becoming an actress as well but we are not related. Any way, my name is Raven and I am 25 and I work as the wed developer of a podcast called Podbeans, you probably never hear of it." Raven was light in complexion, a cute button nose and am oval shaped face. It was the freckles all over her face that made her look like a rear breath of human. She was dressed corporately in a simple off shoulder gown that stopped just before her knees.

The next and last person on the list was Griffin. He rolled his eyes and grunted a little before he introduced himself as a 22 year of fresh graduate of University of Historian in north Caroline. We gave him around of applause as well and I finally noticed that despite his big nose and chiseled Chin, his hair was a nice hade of Blake and dusty brown. He was just dressed in joggers an a plain white T-Shirt that hugged his buddy tightly showing his well defined muscles.

" well now that we have gotten acquainted let's dive into the script. Hmm since the script are in poem form who can decor poems here." I said after a few minutes of silence. No one said Anything to my question for a while until Griffin spoke said. " i don't think we needed to decode it, if the Author wanted that she would have specified, beside it's a pretty straightforward poem, or what do you guys think."

He said asking Jace and Raven,

Obviously To my dilemma and reservations toward Griffin they nodded in agreement understanding Griffin's point of view as they looked at the script. I signed and looked at it myself trying to understand with the little know I have of poetry. " I think that the first poem is introducing to us how there love story started. Or what do you think?" Jace said after a while of us being quiet.

I hummed in agreement and so did everyone else. We kept looking through it trying to memorize all that we could in that moment Raven who came fully prepared for this did the jotting down of everything we spoke about. Just as we were making final touches to it miss Miss Mariana Buffeté showed up and said "hello again. It 12 none already and it time for lunch break, after which you all will be need in hall 275B for your dress rehearsals. Come with me please." we all stood up with our belongs and follows her no question asked.