Chapter 7

It was day 2 of rehearsal and did my very best to not get on any one's bad side. I even did Yoga and said a word of pray just to be on a safer side- thank goodness it worked though because immediately I saw Jace this morning hr apologized about yesterday and we were able to move past it. We even ended up exchanging each others contact while we a waiter the arrival of Raven and Griffen. 

"Ah short stack  is here Sorry keeping you guys wait. Ravens car broke down and--" I shrugged and waves it off interrupting Griffen saying " Nah, Nah its alright, we understand ." Griffen was taken aback, obviously he didn't think I would wave  it off, even I didn't think I would wave it off. He just looked me with a raises eye brow and I shrug it odd clearing my throat before saying. " okay we are all complete. So let's take a look at the next poem. Title is White frame."

We all looked at it together and concluded that the peom was talking about marriage. A marriage that was yet to happen but guaranteed to happen, I couldn't help the smile resting on my lips as I read the poem  to my self one last time, it says. 


Victoria the first and Victor the second.

Our future kids engraved in a white frame.

A beautiful family, with us as the loving parents.

don't you think that should be our aim.

Cream and yellow our favorite colors.

White and blue the color of our house. 

A Pool with the three house at the veranda, 

or what do you think? 

A family Portrait hanging in a white frame in the sitting room.

White and cream chairs in the living room. 

Lovely flower gracing the scenario as they are about to bloom.

It's a world of our own a family I look forward to playing Costume with.

you guard your heart because you are afraid.

you guard your words because you don't want to be betrayed.

you guard your eyes because you don't want to see me fade.

I know you don't want to let your true felling show.

But I know you want us married now more than ever, but if you are scared we can take it slow .

"Hmm from this poem, I think its talking about the katrine's emotions and eagerness to get married to Zion." Giffren spoke looking at me intently, i hummed In responded because my voice was already stuck in my throat. Why was he looking at me like that, did I do something wrong, did I say something to upset him again, why does it matter any way if any thing I should be the one upset why did he call me short Stack when he knows I didn't like that name. 

"Ehennn yes, Griffen yes it is , shall we get to the acting part now." Raven said to brake the eye contact I and Griffen held. I looked away shyly wonder why Griffen looked at me like that, it's not like I did anything extra with my hair today. I just straighter it out and packed it onto a high pointy tales while I was dressed in a great joggers black tank top and a gray crop tops hoodie. I literally had no make up on so there was nothing extra ordinary about me today. 

" yea you are right, let's start with the first stander." Found myself saying as I tied  to control the blush that was creeping up to my face. I cleared my throated and read the first stanza as ideas of how to act the first stanza came to mind. 

Victoria the first and Victor the second.

Our future kids engraved in a white frame.

A beautiful family, with us as the loving parents.

don't you think that should be our aim.

" hmm that's good, that's really good, but we would need kid to act out that first part with you. We just need to find out which kids." Raven suggestion, i notice Griffen was blushing as as we spoke about this, whats up with him I thought but apparently it too a while for me to connect the dots as well. He was blushing because he is Mr Zion Samiyon, 

oh shit!

No I knew why he was staring at me intensely. He is Zion Samiyon and I am Katrine Samiyon, we are a couple in this stage play we are rehashing for, and we will control to be one on set until the end of the stage play. Damn it now  I was blushing too and it was  very obvious because I was lighter in completion that he was. I was still trying  to control the redness in my checks by thinking about something else when Miss Mariana Buffeté showed up. " hello everyone, kori, how are things going?" I snapped my head up to see her standing at the bottom of the stage looking at me. 

" ah it's going fine. Fine  we are rehashing according to the poem, but according to poem 2 stanza 1 there was a reference to Victor and Victoria. Will there be children to play that part?" I asked innocently Maintaining eye contact with her, she smiled at me before responding. " no dear there is no need for that . There are make shift doll for that stanza. Is that the only problem or there is more ?" I shook my negative and she nodded at me and said "alright then. Keep up the good works."  We continued rehearsals and I did my best not to take it heart ignoring the subtitle glances Griffen was throwing at me . 

" I am so hungry!" Jace whined once it was lunch time and I and glared at him, he hasn't moved an inch or spoken a word since he got here. He shrugged gettin off his seat to stretch a-little exposing a little bit of his V-Line. How my  eyes found it's way down there is a Mystery  I would like to solve. 

Thank Goodness he didn't catch me staring if not I would have had a lot of explaining to do. I sharply averted my eyes and made  sure food was the new subject of Conversation. I can't not allow my self to be embarrassed like that not in a place like this before they think I was some kind of pervert. Little  did I know that Griffen wittiness it all he just decided not to talk about it or dwell on because be didn't want to embarrass me.