Her heels clinked against the floor as she made her way to Vincenzo's office. Her face was covered in makeup you could barely recognize what features were hers and which had been enhanced.

Her slender body swayed from side to side looking forced. Her nose looked botched and so did her lips. Was she even real?

She thought she looked amazing with her blonde hair and she did. The extensions that she had made her hair look longer and healthier but that was the opposite of what it was.

Every woman that looked at her had two thoughts about either being with her or being her.

She looked so confident no one would even think that she had been rejected by the man she was going to see, Vincenzo Morello.

By looking at her body it was hard to say if she was pregnant or not. She didn't look like she had added a pound since the last time she had visited the office a month before that.

She opened the door of his office without knocking and smiled the moment she saw his face.

She wanted him and she did not care what it would take to finally have him as his man.

"Hello Briana I didn't think we are close to the point where you just come by without calling first ", he said as he dropped the files in his hands.

He never liked her and every time he always regrets having sex with her.

In his defense, he had been drunk and she was all over him offering sex. It was hard denying a wan like her what she wanted.

He looked at her slender legs which were exposed like always and wondered what had brought her around.

He had completely forgotten that she was pregnant.

"Hello to you too, doing well how about you ?", she asked sarcastically as she sat down and crossed her legs together.

"What are you doing here ?", Vincenzo asked her as his patience run out.

"I thought you would be delighted to see the woman who was carrying your child ", she said pouting.

" I think I told you I know that isn't my child ", Vincenzo said as he tried to control the anger that was building up.

" Are you denying your kid ? ", she asked him looking shocked like it wasn't what she was expecting from him.

"I have had sex with lots of women and never have I ever forgotten to wear protection so I don't know how you got pregnant with my baby ", he said as he stood up.

He had changed a lot, she realized. He was not the same man that she had slept with. At first, she had different plans but with what he had just said she was going to do things differently.

"You know if you don't want a child just say it instead of making it sound like I'm trying to scheme you ", she said as she stood up and started walking toward where he was.

"I didn't think you were trying to scheme me until you mentioned it. You really can't be in this because of money, your father is rich and you get everything you ask for so what do you want ?", he asked her as he put his hands in his pockets looking at her keenly.

"What I want is that the father of my unborn take responsibility and not accuse me of lying to him. Maybe you don't want a kid because you think you are going to be a bad father. Is that why?", she asked him as she chuckled.

She knew all the perfect things to say to push his buttons. She wanted him to be at her fingertips.

"To think that I ever liked you is insane and to answer your question I want kids. Every man wants kids I just don't want a kid with you ", he said as he watched the color wash off her face.

"Neither do I but here I. begging you to notify us. I almost had a miscarriage the other day. I needed you to be there. I've been going through hell with this pregnancy", she said as she started to break down.

He instantly felt bad for what he had just said to her. What if it truly was his kid?

It really couldn't hurt having a kid though, would it?

"Am sorry why didn't you call me, I should have been. there with you ", he said as he engulfed her in a hug.

She sniffled and melted into the high as she smiled. She had not had any miscarriages but she knew what tricks to use on a man.

She knew that he was going to be all over her. Everything that she wanted she was going to get just like she had wanted in the first place.

Their plan was just working out fine. She was more than a pretty blonde she told herself.

"I just didn't want to upset you ", she said.

"I don't mind it we are talking about the life of another human being here you can call me at any time ", he said.

He was easily convinced. She hadn't done much but with just one sob story he had turned to mash.

Things had taken another approach and he didn't know how things were going to be.

There was a chance that the kid was his the only difference was that the kid was out of wedlock. People were going to talk and it was about to get ugly.

He didn't care about his reputation. He only cared about Ana. How was she going to react to the news?

He didn't want to fail her but he had already done it enough times to the point she was used to it.

He had to be the one to tell her. He didn't want her to hear the news from someone else.

"I know this might be selfish of me to ask of you but can you please not tell anyone about this? I need to wrap my head around this first before I am ready to tell anyone else ", he said to her.

" It's okay no problem ", she said as she smiled at him.