Go To Honeymoon

After finishing lunch, Rena and Lukman went back into the room.  Rena still ignores Lukman, even when Lukman calls, Rena doesn't answer.

 Rena immediately sat down at her desk chair.  The closed laptop was immediately opened by Rena.  Rena intends to cheer her up.  After the screen in front of Rena lit up, it didn't take long for Rena to immediately look for her favorite movie.

 "Rena, I want to talk to you," said Lukman who sat on the edge of the bed while looking at Rena's back.

 Rena chuckles.  "What else, anyway?  Can't you just not bother me for a while?"  said an annoyed Rena.

 Lukman took a deep breath, then the man who was Rena's husband stood up from his seat and approached Rena.  Lukman leaned his body against Rena's study table.  "I'll take you on a honeymoon," said Lukman.

 Rena looked at Lukman with a gaping mouth, Rena's eyes rounded.  Rana seemed unable to believe what she had just heard.  "Hello!  You are crazy.  I don't accept this marriage, why do you even invite me for a honeymoon," Screamed Rena very annoyed.

 Not angry, Lukman smiled at Rena's words.  "I know your mind is so messed up, Rena.  I know if you refuse this marriage," explained Lukman.  Rena no longer cares about Lukman's words.  Rena chose to return to focus on the laptop screen in front of her.

 "Rena, I'm talking to you," said Lukman when he saw Rena's attitude towards him.

 "I'm too lazy to go out," Rena replied without looking at Lukman.

 Lukman must be extra patient in dealing with Rena.  Lukman took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.  "I just want to invite you to heal, find entertainment, have fun and entertain your heart," said Lukman, who was trying to persuade Rena to go.

 Rena looked at Lukman with a crooked smile.  "Nonsense.  I don't believe anything you say," Rena snapped.

 Lukman cleared his throat.  "You're still mad about last night, aren't you?"  Lukman's eyebrow rose.  But the question from Lukman was not answered by Rena.  As a result, Lukman opened his voice again, "Rena, I didn't do anything with you at all.  I can't do it without your permission and knowledge, " Lukman tried to explain.

 "Can you prove it?"  asked Rena defiantly.  Lukman exhaled heavily.  The woman in front of him was so innocent.

 Lukman turned his body, now what Lukman saw was Rena's Molik laptop.  The film that was being seen by Rena was immediately released by Lukman.  "Eh, what are you doing?"  Rena grumbled while holding Lukman.  However, Lukman did not want to stop him.  The man just typed something on the search page.  After finding what he was looking for, Lukman pointed the laptop screen at Rena again.

 "Try to read my innocent girl!" said Lukman telling Rena to read what appeared on his laptop screen.  Rena was a little confused, but she complied.  Rena's eyes turned to the laptop screen.  Rena focused on reading what Lukman was looking for.  Lukman faithfully waited by observing Rena.

 "How?  Do you understand now?"  What do you feel?  Is there something that hurts?  Where's the blood stain?"  Lukman threw some questions to Rena.  One of Lukman's eyebrows was raised, the look on Lukman's face seemed to describe if the man was waiting for an answer from Rena.

 Rena, who had just finished reading, glanced at Lukman.  "Hm ...," Rena cleared her throat, then looked back at the laptop screen.

 "So what do you believe now?"  Lukman asked.  Rena just cleared her throat in response.  Lukman smiled with satisfaction.

 "Hurry up and get ready! we're leaving this afternoon."  After saying that Lukman sat back down on the bed.  While Rena just cleared her throat in response.  Rena turned and glanced at Lukman briefly.

 Gosh, Rena what are you doing, you're embarrassed, Rena grumbled in her heart.  Rena was so embarrassed because she had thought things like that.  To make sure again, Rena re-opened the old search.  Then type the same as what Lukman typed earlier.  Without waiting long, several articles have appeared.  Rena opened them one by one and read them carefully.  Rena breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that she and Lukman had not had intercourse.

 "Rena, let's quickly pack up!" warned Lukman.

Rena hurriedly took it out to the main screen of the laptop, because she was afraid of being caught and getting embarrassed with Lukman.  "Yes," replied Rena curtly.  Not going to watch the movie, Lukman's offer was so tempting Rena, when will she be able to go for a walk that maybe Lukman will take her to such an amazing place.  Rena turned off her laptop.  After confirming that it was dead, Rena closed her laptop and put the laptop down properly.  Only then did Rena stand up from her seat and walk to the wardrobe.

 "How long will it take?"  Rena asked, looking at Lukman.

 "Up to you,"  Lukman answered Rena.  Rena just cleared her throat and began to prepare what she would bring.


 After several hours of travel, finally, Lukman and Rena arrived at a resort.  Lukman immediately invited Rena to enter the resort.  Rena let out a long and lazy breath as if showing that she didn't like it at all.  Yet in her heart, she was so happy because she could go on vacation.  However, in her heart, Rena was afraid that Lukman would ask her for rights.

 "Rena, are you going to continue standing there?"  Rena woke up from her daydream.  Without answering Lukman's question, Rena continued her steps, even passing Lukman just like that.  Again Lukman could only let out a long breath seeing Rena's attitude like that.  Lukman immediately followed Rena's steps from behind.  The two of them entered the same room.

 After entering the room, Rena immediately lay down on the bed which was bigger than the bed in her room.  Rena was relieved because the journey of several hours made her back sore.  While Lukman put the suitcases they brought in the corner of the room, only then approached Rena.

 Lukman glanced at the clock on his wrist.  "Rena, come with me!  I will show you something beautiful," said Lukman.

 Rena looked at Lukman.  "What else?  I'm tired," Rena replied, closing her eyes.  She was so tired.

 "After you come with me, I'm sure your tiredness will be forgotten," exclaimed Lukman who always persuaded Rena to come with him.  Lukman also pulled Rena's hand.

 "Eh ... eh," Rena screamed when her body was suddenly pulled by Lukman.  There was no other choice but to go with Lukman.  With lazy steps, Rena walked being pulled by Lukman to get out on the balcony of the room.

 "Look!" said Lukman after the two of them arrived at the balcony.

 Rena looked in the direction Lukman pointed.  Rena's eyes widened, and her mouth was also agape.  Rena was so amazed at what she was seeing.  Rena released the grip on Lukman's hand.  She then walked up to the balcony divider.  Rena's eyes cannot be separated from the view that is so captivating to her eyes and heart.

 "Perfect," Rena muttered with a widening smile.  The direction of their resort rooms and balconies directly faces the sea.  While enjoying the stunning sunset, the sound of the crashing waves also sounded beautiful to Rena and Lukman's senses of hearing.

 Lukman approached Rena.  "Did you like it?"  asked Lukman who was enjoying the view of the sunset and the sea in front of him.  A moment later Lukman turned to Rena.

 "I like it," replied Rena so happily.  Lukman carved his smile, he felt so happy when he saw Rena smile.  Not long after that Rena ran into the room.  This made Lukman frown in confusion.

Rena who entered the room immediately grabbed her tote bag.  He took his cell phone from his bag.  After Rena found her cellphone, Rena ran out of the balcony again.

 "What is it?"  Lukman asked Rena.

 "Capturing the moment," replied Rena, opening the photo application.  Rena's cellphone camera was immediately directed at the beautiful sunset.  Of course, Rena doesn't want to let something beautiful she likes to pass by without being immortalized.  After taking several pictures, Rena took a look at the shots first.

 "Good,"  Rena muttered so happily.

 "Put your phone away! I'll take a picture of the sunset with you," said Lukman to Rena.  Rena didn't refuse.  The woman immediately gave her cellphone to Lukman.  Rena immediately posed with the best possible.  While Lukman focused on staring at Rena's cellphone screen and positioning the camera correctly.  After feeling good, Lukman took a picture of Rena.

 "One, two, three," said Lukman.  Every time Lukman gives a signal, Rena changes her pose.

 "Already done," said Rena, already satisfied in her pose.  Rena asked for her cellphone back, and Lukman immediately gave it.  Rena excitedly looks at her pictures.  The screen continued to be scrolled by Rena.  Rena's lips moved a few inches when she found some photos of Lukman on her cellphone.  Rena looked at Lukman annoyed.  Meanwhile, Lukman who was stared at only grinned innocently.

 "Let me have a photo of your handsome husband!" said Lukman, who was then given a pinch by Rena on his waist.

 "Aw...." Lukman screamed in pain, but then the man burst out laughing.

 "Well, let's get ready for the fight.  I'll take you to dinner at a place that will make you even happier," Lukman exclaimed.

 "Okay," replied Rena who then left Lukman just like that.  Rena walked over with a smile that didn't fade.  Her mood is better now.  Rena pulled the suitcase containing her clothes.  The suitcase was lifted onto the bed by Rena.  After that Rena took out some clothes to choose from.  Rena took on a white dress.  After that Rena took her into the bathroom and immediately started her bathing ritual.

 Meanwhile, Lukman who had entered the room and sat on the bed felt so happy.  At least Lukman had made Rena smile a little.

 "I will always try to make you happy, Rena," Lukman muttered with a smile on his face.  In his heart, Lukman hoped that shortly, Rena would melt with him.

 "Ready."  Lukman was surprised when he heard Rena's voice.  Lukman looked at Rena who was ready.  Lukman looked at Rena in amazement.  The woman Lukman stared at was so beautiful in a white dress.

 "Hey."  Rena waved in front of Lukman.  Lukman blinked his eyes.

 "So fast!" Lukman shouted.

 "Hurry up you get ready! I'm already so hungry," said Rena who then walked to the dressing table.  Rena gets ready to dress up first.

 "Y-yes, alright."  Lukman stood up from his seat and immediately went into the bathroom.  While Rena immediately started her activities.