Nothing Waiters

Rena stared in amazement at the restaurant in front of her.  Ameera never met a restaurant with such a unique design.  Not long after, Rena immediately stepped into the restaurant and left Lukman standing behind her.

 "Rena wait!" Lukman ordered.  However, Rena is a stubborn girl.  Calls from her husband that Rena just ignores.  She still chose to step into the restaurant without paying attention to Lukman.  As for Lukman, the man immediately followed Rena's steps.

 The restaurant wasn't that busy, so there were still a lot of empty tables.  Rena went straight to the table by the window.  Arriving at the table Rena immediately sat down and was also followed by Lukman.  Seeing Lukman sitting, Rena looked at the man disapprovingly.  "I don't want to sit with you, don't sit there!" said Rena in a slightly annoyed tone.

 Lukman was surprised, but immediately Lukman neutralized his facial expression.  "I'm your husband," warned Lukman to Rena.

 Rena rolled her eyes lazily and let out a long breath.  "Keep saying silly things like that!  Then what if you are my husband?  You asked me to respect me, but you can't respect my feelings!"  said Rena.  Lukman took a deep breath to hear that.  "Can you get away from me?"  Rena opened her voice again.

 "But, Rena...." Before Lukman continued his sentence, Rena signaled for Lukman to be quiet by placing his index finger on his lips.  This made Lukman take a deep breath and shake his head.

 "If you don't want to move, just let me!"  Rena was ready to stand up, but Lukman hastily restrained her from going anywhere.

 "Let me move!" said Lukman later.  Rena smiled hearing that, and she immediately sat back down.  While Lukman stood up from his seat and immediately occupied the empty side table.  Lukman's gaze did not move one bit, still faithfully staring at Rena.

 Rena's forehead looks wrinkled, her lips also move forward a few inches.  "Why there?"  Rena asked disapprovingly.  Lukman just shrugged his shoulders.  Not long after, a man approached Lukman.

 "Good evening, Mr. Lukman,"  Lukman turned to the source of the voice.

 Lukman flashed a smile and then stood up.  "Good night too, Sir."  The two men then shook hands, it did not escape Rena's view.  She was curious who the man who greeted Lukman was.

 "Long time no see, how are you?"  asked the man in the blue jazz.

 "Let's have a seat, Sir."  Lukman invited the man in the blue shirt to sit in front of him.  The two then sat down.

 "Yes, as Mr. Rehan saw.  Healthy.  Oh yes, Mr. Rehan, what do you want to order, let me order it all!" said Lukman to the man in the blue shirt named Rehan.

 "No, Mr. Lukman, thank you very much for the offer," replied Rehan with a smile.  The conversation between Lukman and Rehan is still loyal, Rena listens.  Then Rena realized something.

 Rena immediately took out her cell phone from her carry-on bag.  The phone immediately turned on.  He glanced at the clock on his cellphone screen by Rena.  After that Rena glanced here and there looking for a restaurant waitress.  But she didn't find it.  Rena wanted to grumble because she regretted that the restaurant that looked so good and captivating had poor service.

"What is it?"  Lukman asked suddenly.  Rena turned to Lukman and Rehan.

 "I'm already hungry, where is the waitress here?  Why is the service so bad," grumbled Rena.  Rena doesn't care even though Lukman's friend is nearby.

 "Rena," Lukman called as if warning.  "Oh yes, Mr. Rehan, this is my wife Rena."  Lukman introduces Rehan to Rehan.  Rena briefly smiled at Rehan, after that Rena looked the other way.

 "Rena, this is Mr. Rehan, my co-worker."  Hearing that Rena rolled her eyes lazily.

 "Yeah I don't care," Rena replied so casually.  While Lukman shook his head at Rena's attitude, Lukman immediately apologized to Rehan.

 "Where's the waitress?"  Rena asked Lukman firmly.

 Lukman looked back at Rena, not long after that Lukman looked back at Rehan.  "Sorry, Sir for the inconvenience with my wife's attitude.  Maybe next time we can talk longer, nice to meet Mr. Rehan."

 Rehan who was spoken to nodded in understanding.  "Yes, that's okay.  You should treat your wife like a queen!  You're still newlyweds.  Enjoy your honeymoon, and always be happy.  I'll say goodbye, see you later."  After saying that the man named Rehan stood up from his seat.

 "Thank you, Sir," replied Lukman.  The two men then shook hands in farewell.  After that, Rehan walked away leaving Lukman and Rena.

 "Where's the waitress?  Why hasn't anyone served before?"  asked an annoyed Rena.  Lukman turned to sit in front of Rena.  The man who was Rena's husband let out a long breath.

 "Yes, no," answer Lukman briefly.

 "What?  A restaurant like this doesn't have a waiter?  Keep cooking yourself.  Hah?  What restaurant is this?"  shouted Rena who was surprised by Lukman's answer.

 "Rena calms down first!"  Lukman told Rena to calm down first.  However, Lukman's words were given a shake of his head by Rena.

 "Just move!  I don't want to eat here."  When Rena was about to stand up, Lukman held Rena's hand.

 "Can't you just listen to me for a second Rena?  How could you be angry like this?  Did you not read the writing on the front before entering this restaurant?  I think you did choose to enter by yourself without choosing a waitress."  Lukman paused his speech.  The man held his breath first, so he wouldn't get carried away by emotions and said with high tone with Rena.  "This restaurant is different.  Where we can choose who we want to serve as our food waiter.  If you don't choose, it means you will order and serve your food.  Order over there!"  Lukman pointed to a place on his right.  Rena, who had been silent for a while, turned to look in the direction Lukman was pointing.

 Why is it so annoying?  Rena thought because she was so upset and embarrassed by Lukman.

 "Understood now?"  Lukman asked with a raised eyebrow.

 Rena pursed her lips.  She then cleared her throat.  "I don't understand.  You also didn't explain earlier," replied Rena.

 "Yes, wait here!"  Lukman chose to relent rather than continue to argue with Rena.  Lukman stood up from his seat and walked in the direction Lukman had pointed.  Rena just stared at the back of the man who was already her husband.

"Yeah, I wasn't wrong.  Because you don't know if the Standard Operating Procedure in this restaurant is like that.  Hm ... but it's cool, who's the restaurant belong to?" Rena sneered and then looked around the restaurant once again.

 "We're moving!"  Rena flinched slightly when she heard Lukman's voice.  Rena turned towards the source of the sound Lukman had returned.

 Rena shook her head.  "No, I want to be here!" her reject .

 Lukman smiled lopsidedly.  "You'll regret it if you don't come with me," said Lukman.  But Rena ignored it, Rena remained in her stance.

 "Excuse me, Sir, everything is ready.  Anything else, Sir?"  asked a female waitress who had just arrived near Lukman.

 Lukman smiled with satisfaction.  "Wow... the handling was amazing, so fast.  Fine, we'll be there.  You, stay with us."  After saying that to the waiter, Lukman looked at Rena who was still faithfully sitting in his chair.

 "Okay, Sir," replied the waiter.

 "Follow me!"  Lukman said firmly.  However, Rena just shook her head.  Lukman had no other choice but to carry Rena to a place that Lukman had specially prepared.

 Rena who suddenly lifted her body was surprised.  Rena's eyes widened, a moment later Rena shouted asking to be lowered.  But Lukman didn't care, the man started to walk.  Meanwhile, Rena, who was afraid of falling, had to wrap her arms around Lukman's neck.

 "What are you doing?!  Quickly put me down!"  Rena ordered in a firm voice.  Lukman only glanced at him and smiled.  This made Rena even more annoyed.

 "Put me down!"  Rena kept shouting ordering Lukman to be taken down.  The people around who heard Rena's scream turned and saw Lukman and Rena.  Meanwhile, Lukman just relaxed and kept on walking without paying attention to Rena's screams and people's gazes.

Lukman's steps stopped.  "Stop screaming and look up ahead!"  Rena's breath became a little out of breath.  Rena turned in the direction Lukman pointed with her chin.  Rena's anger and anger seemed to melt away.  Again, Rena was made to stare in amazement at something in front of her.

 "Beautiful isn't it?"  Lukman asked making Rena's daydream wake up.

 Rena looked back at the man holding her body.  "Quickly put me down!"  Rena ordered.  Lukman nodded and immediately put Rena down.  After that, Rena looked back at the sight in front of her that was so pleasing to the eye.

 Lukman grabbed Rena's hand and held her.  Rena felt her hand gripped and turned to Lukman.  "Wipe—" Before Rena continued her sentence, Lukman first pulled Rena's hand to get closer to the ocean.  This time Rena obeyed and let Lukman hold her hand.

 "Isn't it good?"  Lukman asked.

 When both have stopped.  Rena immediately withdrew her hand.  "It's good, but it's not good if you are around," Rena replied casually.  Rena can't hide her dislike for her husband.

 Lukman smiled at Rena's answer.  "Yes ... one day nothing will be beautiful without me," said Lukman, looking straight at the ocean.

 Rena turned and looked at Lukman with a frown.  "It means?"  Rena asked.

 Lukman also looked at Rena.  "You'll understand later.  Don't stand here for long.  You haven't eaten.  Hurry up to our dining table."  After saying that Lukman walked away leaving Rena.  Rena didn't bother.  She chose to stay where she was and gazed at the open sea, which she had seen this afternoon from her balcony.

 Rena closed her eyes.  She inhaled the air deeply.  Rena's heart ached again.  She misses her mother figure.  Slowly tears came out of Rena's eyes which were closed.  "God, I hate this life," Rena muttered very quietly.

 Slowly Rena opened her eyes.  Rena quickly wiped the tears away.  At a glance, Rena looked back, looking for Lukman.  The man was busy playing on his cellphone far away, Rena looked at him.  Even though that man—Rena's husband is the son of a deputy director at Lukman's father's company, and Lukman is the only heir in the family, it doesn't make Rena's heart melt.

 Rena is not a girl who easily falls in love with men, nor is she a girl who is easily tempted by wealth.  Rena still hates Lukman, she has not been able to accept the marriage.

 "You are the destroyer of my future."