Lesson Plan

Rena's tears fell again.  No matter how hard Rena held it, the pain in her heart was still there.  Inside Rena, the girl wanted to scream to release the tightness in her chest.  Still faithfully gazing at the open sea, Rena said, "I hate this life!  I hate it!"  shouted Rena in a muffled voice.

 "Rena dear, let's sit down!"  Lukman's voice sounded again in Rena's ears.  Lukman also called Rena from behind repeatedly, but Rena was reluctant to turn around and answer Lukman's words.  The girl was still busy releasing her tears so that her chest felt more relieved.

 Lukman didn't stay, he looked at Rena who didn't turn around and didn't move at all.  Finally, Lukman chose to approach Rena again and touched Rena's shoulder.  "Rena," Lukman called.  Lukman's eyes narrowed when he saw Rena was closing her eyes and crying.

 "What are you doing, Honey?"  After the question was asked by Lukman, Rena pushed Lukman's hand away and moved away a little.  Rena didn't want to stop crying.  She still wanted to release the tightness in her chest.

 Lukman, who knew Rena was suddenly crying, became confused.  Because Rena was fine.  "What happened?"  Lukman asked carefully.  Rena chose to remain silent and did not answer.  "Rena, don't be silent!"  Lukman opened his voice again.

 Finally, Rena turned around.  Rena's eyes looked fierce when she looked into Lukman's eyes.  "You're still asking what happened?  Ha?  Why don't you think of my heart!  My heart is broken.  It's ruined, because of this marriage!  I hate this life!"  shouted Rena with a sob.

 Lukman was silent in his place.  He felt sad to see Rena like that all the time.  However, after all, Lukman can not let go of Rena again.  "Rena, let's eat quickly so we can go home quickly!" said Lukman, persuading Rena.  Rena didn't want to keep hearing Lukman's voice.  Finally, Rena left Lukman at the table that had been ordered earlier.  Lukman who passed by was silent.  He will let Rena go first.  After that Lukman followed Rena's steps from behind.

 When Rena sat down, she tried to stop her crying.  Rena wipes the remaining tears on her cheeks with her hand.  What Rena did not escape Lukman's view.  The man quickly took out the handkerchief inside his jacket.

 "Use this!" said Lukman, handing Rena his handkerchief.  Rena glanced at him, the girl was not at all interested in Lukman's help.  As a result, Rena just ignores Lukman.  Shortly after that, Lukman pulled his hand that held out his handkerchief again and put it in the jazz again.

 "If there's anything you want, you just say it.  I will give everything unless you ask us to separate, which I will not do," Said Lukman firmly.


 Since last night Rena and Lukman have both been silent.  Even without Rena asking, Lukman chose to sleep in another room.  Rena was a little surprised, but she didn't mind.  After all, she also wants to stay away from Lukman.  Now they are enjoying breakfast on the balcony of their room.  When Rena went to take a bath earlier, apparently Lukman arranged for the servants to prepare everything.  So after Rena finished, she just went to eat.  Rena went to eat not because Lukman told her to, but because the waiter prepared their breakfast.

The only sound at the dining table was the clinking of spoons against plates.  Now and then Lukman glanced at Rena.  But not with Rena, the girl just stared at her food and the open sea not far from there.

 "Rena."  Finally, Lukman opened his voice first to break the silence.  While Rena seemed not to have heard the call, she was still engrossed in eating and then stared at the open sea.  "I want us to do it."

 After hearing Lukman's words, Rena choked on her food.  She coughed.  Lukman immediately acted, he gave water to Rena.  "Drink first!" said Lukman.  The water immediately Rena took over and drank.  After that Rena tried to catch her breath.  Rena's eyes stared fiercely at Lukman.

 Lukman scratched his head that didn't itch.  He knew for sure that Rena had misunderstood his words.  "No, that's not it.  I want us to do it, I mean I run this marriage.  Make this marriage happy," explained Lukman.

 Rena got a little embarrassed.  She cursed inwardly.  I don't know what's on his mind, so it always makes her think in the wrong direction.  "That will never happen!"  Rena replied firmly and then Rena continued eating.

 "It's bound to happen," Lukman argued.  "I will give you what you ask for, Rena.  Okay, I allow you to go to college so that you don't lose your future and you can achieve your goals."  Lukman opened his voice again.  According to Lukman, maybe that's the way he can do so that Rena doesn't get sad and immediately accepts their marriage.

 Rena stopped her eating activities.  Rena's eyes looked at Lukman seriously.  "Are you not lying?"  asked Rena full of difference.

 Luke took a deep breath.  "Why should I lie?  If only to pay for your college, I still have a lot of money.  And I can do what you want," said Lukman, who was a little arrogant.

 Rena nodded in understanding.  "It's okay.  I want to go to college, but in a luxurious, majestic, and nice place," said Rena.

 "Okay, I'll find it for you."